Audacity and light-locker are complaining about libgtk3 and libgdk3

Checking the updates of today I also see that gtk3-classic has been updated to 3.24.21-1, like the “main” gtk3.

However a pair of applications are complaining a conflict, about and

Audacity and light-locker; however, on my system, I also have a lot of applications (from the official repo) which needs and libgdk-3, like - eg - blueman, catfish, pamac-gtk, libreoffice, qt5-base, firefox and so on, which didn’t complain about these libraries; so I ask: maybe Audacity and light-locker needs to be rebuilt? These comes from the official community repo.


But that package is an AUR package. The rest of the packages are from official repository. My recommendation is to stick to our gtk3 package.

Moved from Support to AUR in case someone wants to give some advice about the gtk3-classic package.

I also got the error message Warning: installing gtk3-classic (3.24.22-1) breaks dependency '' … when updating with Pamac.

Everything is OK from the commandline. Just use the following commands:

$ git clone
$ cd gtk3-classic
$ makepkg -i

So this seems to be a Pamac related issue. Perhaps one problem could be that Pamac does not recognize the =0-64 part in the dependency but after gtk3-classic is installed with makepkg the installed gtk3-classic package does provide , however the AUR source package does only provide without the =0-64 . (I don’t know what =0-64 means but it seems that Pamac does also not understand this mechanism :wink:


As I’ll come in front of my laptop I will try your solution. I just have a doubt: should I also do the same with lib32-gtk3-classic?
On the official repo I see that gtk3 seems no longer related to lib32.

However, this solution/workaround which @osch reported, comes from here: AUR (en) - gtk3-classic

Yeah: I followed your instructions (also from Jonathon here: AUR (en) - gtk3-classic )

And now I have gtk3-classic updated without warnings and without issues :grinning:

Thank You guys: Gtk3-classic is much better (IMHO) and I am very glad and grateful for assistance which I have received from these users @osch and @jonathon :+1: :vulcan_salute:

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