[ARM Unstable Update] 2024-10-27 - Pacman 7.0, Pamac

This is more the small update to get pacman 7.0 going for ARM. Let me know if some is broken.

Noticable changes:

  • Pacman 7.0.0
    • :information_source: Note that there are three pacnews: pacman.conf, makepkg.conf and rust.conf.
    • :information_source: Manual intervention is only required for users with local repos
  • Wireplumber 0.5.6
:: Different overlay package(s) in repository core aarch64

                             PACKAGE          arm-testing         arm-unstable
                              pacman              6.1.0-2  7.0.0.r3.g7736133-0

:: Different sync package(s) in repository core aarch64

                             PACKAGE          arm-testing         arm-unstable
             ca-certificates-mozilla              3.105-1              3.106-1
                                 nss              3.105-1              3.106-1

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository extra aarch64

                             PACKAGE          arm-testing         arm-unstable
                  libpackagekit-glib              1.2.8-7                    -
                            libpamac             11.6.4-1             11.7.0-1
                      libpamac-debug             11.6.4-1             11.7.0-1
             libpamac-flatpak-plugin             11.6.4-1             11.7.0-1
                libpamac-snap-plugin             11.6.4-1             11.7.0-1
                      libwireplumber           0.4.14-0.1                    -
                          packagekit              1.2.8-7                    -
                            pacutils             0.11.1-3                    -
                         pamac-debug             11.7.1-3             11.7.2-1
             pamac-gnome-integration             11.7.1-3             11.7.2-1
                           pamac-gtk             11.7.1-3             11.7.2-1
                          pamac-gtk3             10.6.0-4             10.7.0-1
                    pamac-gtk3-debug             10.6.0-4             10.7.0-1
                         wireplumber           0.4.14-0.1                    -

:: Different sync package(s) in repository extra aarch64

                             PACKAGE          arm-testing         arm-unstable
                             amberol             2024.1-1             2024.2-1
                                apko             0.19.2-1             0.19.4-1
                    autoconf-archive       1:2023.02.20-2       1:2024.10.16-1
                             aws-cli            1.34.23-1             1.35.2-1
                               botan              3.6.0-1              3.6.1-1
                      cargo-binstall             1.10.8-1             1.10.9-1
                          cargo-hack             0.6.31-1             0.6.32-1
                          cherrytree              1.1.4-2              1.2.0-1
                             chezmoi             2.52.4-1             2.53.0-1
                             clipcat             0.18.3-1             0.19.0-1
                            decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                  desktop-file-utils               0.27-1               0.28-1
                               doctl            1.116.1-1            1.117.0-1
                            electrum              4.5.5-1              4.5.8-1
      gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu                 61-1                 62-1
                             ipython             8.28.0-1             8.29.0-1
                           itinerary            24.08.2-1            24.08.2-2
                                jp2a              1.3.0-3              1.3.1-1
                         libquotient              0.8.2-1              0.9.0-1
      libreoffice-extension-texmaths             0.52.2-1             0.52.3-1
                   libreoffice-fresh             24.8.2-1             24.8.2-2
               libreoffice-fresh-sdk             24.8.2-1             24.8.2-2
                   libreoffice-still             24.2.6-5             24.2.6-6
               libreoffice-still-sdk             24.2.6-5             24.2.6-6
                        lua-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                      lua51-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                      lua52-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                      lua53-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                             melange             0.14.7-1            0.14.10-1
                     mkdocs-material             9.5.40-1             9.5.42-1
                                 mpd            0.23.15-6            0.23.15-8
                             neochat            24.08.2-2            24.08.2-3
                     neovim-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                            opentofu              1.8.3-1              1.8.4-1
                  python-aiobotocore             2.15.1-1             2.15.2-1
                      python-asyncpg             0.29.0-5             0.30.0-1
                       python-awscrt             0.21.5-1             0.22.0-2
                     python-bitarray              2.9.3-1              3.0.0-1
                        python-boto3            1.35.23-1            1.35.36-1
                     python-botocore            1.35.23-1            1.35.36-1
                      python-cramjam              2.8.4-1              2.9.0-1
                     python-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
               python-django-allauth             64.2.1-2             65.0.2-1
              python-django-mailman3             1.3.15-2             1.3.15-3
                       python-fsspec           2024.9.0-2          2024.10.0-1
                         python-fuse              1.0.7-2              1.0.8-1
                         python-mako              1.3.5-1              1.3.6-1
                        python-minio              7.2.9-1             7.2.10-1
                       python-openai             1.51.2-1             1.52.2-1
            python-pydantic-settings              2.5.2-1              2.6.0-1
                    python-pyftpdlib              2.0.0-2              2.0.1-1
                   python-s3transfer             0.10.2-1             0.10.3-1
               python-sphinx-autoapi              3.3.2-1              3.3.3-1
                      python-textual             0.85.0-1             0.85.1-1
               python-zope-interface              7.1.0-1              7.1.1-1
              python-zope-testrunner                6.5-1                6.6-1
                            qt5-base   5.15.15+kde+r132-1   5.15.15+kde+r136-1
             qt5-xcb-private-headers   5.15.15+kde+r132-1   5.15.15+kde+r136-1
                     qt6-declarative              6.8.0-2              6.8.0-3
                       rattler-build             0.20.0-1             0.28.1-1
                         release-plz            0.3.103-1            0.3.104-1
                     ruby-css_parser             1.19.0-3             1.19.1-1
                       ruby-maxitest              5.7.0-1              5.7.1-1
                               shfmt              3.9.0-1             3.10.0-1
                           shortwave              4.0.0-1              4.0.1-1
                       sile-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                              spyder              6.0.0-2              6.0.1-1
                            sqlfluff              3.2.3-1              3.2.5-1
                                 xca              2.7.0-1              2.8.0-1
                  libpackagekit-glib                    -              1.3.0-1
                      libwireplumber                    -              0.5.6-1
                          packagekit                    -              1.3.0-1
                      pacman-contrib                    -             1.10.6-2
                            pacutils                    -             0.14.0-3
                                wike                    -              3.1.0-2
                         wireplumber                    -              0.5.6-1
                    wireplumber-docs                    -              0.5.6-1

Additional Info

Python 3.12 info

:information_source: You will need to rebuild any AUR Python packages that install files to site-packages or link to libpython3.11.so. :information_source:

Print a list of of packages that have files in /usr/lib/python3.11/ :

pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.11/

Rebuild them all at once:*

pamac build $(pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.11)

* Note that if any fail to build, you’ll have to rebuild what’s remaining one or a few at a time.

Use rebuild-detector to see if anything else needs to be rebuilt:

Info about AUR packages

:warning: AUR (Arch User Repository) packages are neither supported by Arch nor Manjaro. Posts about them in Announcements topics are off-topic and will be flagged, moved or removed without warning.

For help with AUR packages, please create a new topic in AUR and a helpful volunteer may be able to assist you.

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