[ARM Unstable Update] 2024-10-27 - Pacman 7.0, Pamac

This is more the small update to get pacman 7.0 going for ARM. Let me know if some is broken.

Noticable changes:

  • Pacman 7.0.0
    • :information_source: Note that there are three pacnews: pacman.conf, makepkg.conf and rust.conf.
    • :information_source: Manual intervention is only required for users with local repos
  • Wireplumber 0.5.6
:: Different overlay package(s) in repository core aarch64

                             PACKAGE          arm-testing         arm-unstable
                              pacman              6.1.0-2  7.0.0.r3.g7736133-0

:: Different sync package(s) in repository core aarch64

                             PACKAGE          arm-testing         arm-unstable
             ca-certificates-mozilla              3.105-1              3.106-1
                                 nss              3.105-1              3.106-1

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository extra aarch64

                             PACKAGE          arm-testing         arm-unstable
                  libpackagekit-glib              1.2.8-7                    -
                            libpamac             11.6.4-1             11.7.0-1
                      libpamac-debug             11.6.4-1             11.7.0-1
             libpamac-flatpak-plugin             11.6.4-1             11.7.0-1
                libpamac-snap-plugin             11.6.4-1             11.7.0-1
                      libwireplumber           0.4.14-0.1                    -
                          packagekit              1.2.8-7                    -
                            pacutils             0.11.1-3                    -
                         pamac-debug             11.7.1-3             11.7.2-1
             pamac-gnome-integration             11.7.1-3             11.7.2-1
                           pamac-gtk             11.7.1-3             11.7.2-1
                          pamac-gtk3             10.6.0-4             10.7.0-1
                    pamac-gtk3-debug             10.6.0-4             10.7.0-1
                         wireplumber           0.4.14-0.1                    -

:: Different sync package(s) in repository extra aarch64

                             PACKAGE          arm-testing         arm-unstable
                             amberol             2024.1-1             2024.2-1
                                apko             0.19.2-1             0.19.4-1
                    autoconf-archive       1:2023.02.20-2       1:2024.10.16-1
                             aws-cli            1.34.23-1             1.35.2-1
                               botan              3.6.0-1              3.6.1-1
                      cargo-binstall             1.10.8-1             1.10.9-1
                          cargo-hack             0.6.31-1             0.6.32-1
                          cherrytree              1.1.4-2              1.2.0-1
                             chezmoi             2.52.4-1             2.53.0-1
                             clipcat             0.18.3-1             0.19.0-1
                            decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                  desktop-file-utils               0.27-1               0.28-1
                               doctl            1.116.1-1            1.117.0-1
                            electrum              4.5.5-1              4.5.8-1
      gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu                 61-1                 62-1
                             ipython             8.28.0-1             8.29.0-1
                           itinerary            24.08.2-1            24.08.2-2
                                jp2a              1.3.0-3              1.3.1-1
                         libquotient              0.8.2-1              0.9.0-1
      libreoffice-extension-texmaths             0.52.2-1             0.52.3-1
                   libreoffice-fresh             24.8.2-1             24.8.2-2
               libreoffice-fresh-sdk             24.8.2-1             24.8.2-2
                   libreoffice-still             24.2.6-5             24.2.6-6
               libreoffice-still-sdk             24.2.6-5             24.2.6-6
                        lua-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                      lua51-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                      lua52-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                      lua53-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                             melange             0.14.7-1            0.14.10-1
                     mkdocs-material             9.5.40-1             9.5.42-1
                                 mpd            0.23.15-6            0.23.15-8
                             neochat            24.08.2-2            24.08.2-3
                     neovim-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                            opentofu              1.8.3-1              1.8.4-1
                  python-aiobotocore             2.15.1-1             2.15.2-1
                      python-asyncpg             0.29.0-5             0.30.0-1
                       python-awscrt             0.21.5-1             0.22.0-2
                     python-bitarray              2.9.3-1              3.0.0-1
                        python-boto3            1.35.23-1            1.35.36-1
                     python-botocore            1.35.23-1            1.35.36-1
                      python-cramjam              2.8.4-1              2.9.0-1
                     python-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
               python-django-allauth             64.2.1-2             65.0.2-1
              python-django-mailman3             1.3.15-2             1.3.15-3
                       python-fsspec           2024.9.0-2          2024.10.0-1
                         python-fuse              1.0.7-2              1.0.8-1
                         python-mako              1.3.5-1              1.3.6-1
                        python-minio              7.2.9-1             7.2.10-1
                       python-openai             1.51.2-1             1.52.2-1
            python-pydantic-settings              2.5.2-1              2.6.0-1
                    python-pyftpdlib              2.0.0-2              2.0.1-1
                   python-s3transfer             0.10.2-1             0.10.3-1
               python-sphinx-autoapi              3.3.2-1              3.3.3-1
                      python-textual             0.85.0-1             0.85.1-1
               python-zope-interface              7.1.0-1              7.1.1-1
              python-zope-testrunner                6.5-1                6.6-1
                            qt5-base   5.15.15+kde+r132-1   5.15.15+kde+r136-1
             qt5-xcb-private-headers   5.15.15+kde+r132-1   5.15.15+kde+r136-1
                     qt6-declarative              6.8.0-2              6.8.0-3
                       rattler-build             0.20.0-1             0.28.1-1
                         release-plz            0.3.103-1            0.3.104-1
                     ruby-css_parser             1.19.0-3             1.19.1-1
                       ruby-maxitest              5.7.0-1              5.7.1-1
                               shfmt              3.9.0-1             3.10.0-1
                           shortwave              4.0.0-1              4.0.1-1
                       sile-decasify              0.7.6-2              0.8.0-1
                              spyder              6.0.0-2              6.0.1-1
                            sqlfluff              3.2.3-1              3.2.5-1
                                 xca              2.7.0-1              2.8.0-1
                  libpackagekit-glib                    -              1.3.0-1
                      libwireplumber                    -              0.5.6-1
                          packagekit                    -              1.3.0-1
                      pacman-contrib                    -             1.10.6-2
                            pacutils                    -             0.14.0-3
                                wike                    -              3.1.0-2
                         wireplumber                    -              0.5.6-1
                    wireplumber-docs                    -              0.5.6-1

Additional Info

Python 3.12 info

:information_source: You will need to rebuild any AUR Python packages that install files to site-packages or link to libpython3.11.so. :information_source:

Print a list of of packages that have files in /usr/lib/python3.11/ :

pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.11/

Rebuild them all at once:*

pamac build $(pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.11)

* Note that if any fail to build, you’ll have to rebuild what’s remaining one or a few at a time.

Use rebuild-detector to see if anything else needs to be rebuilt:

Info about AUR packages

:warning: AUR (Arch User Repository) packages are neither supported by Arch nor Manjaro. Posts about them in Announcements topics are off-topic and will be flagged, moved or removed without warning.

For help with AUR packages, please create a new topic in AUR and a helpful volunteer may be able to assist you.

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Thanks @philm. The breath and sddm theme updates resolved the login screen issue on GT King Pro Manjaro-Arm-KDE Edition. All seems well except on GT King Pro KDE Edition 6.2.2 glmark2-es2-wayland score (around 1100+) is much than Gnome Edition 47.1 (1600+)

And KDE Edition Chromium or Firefox performance based on webglsamples.org Aquarium or Lots-O-Images are also lower than Gnome Edition.

Wonder other users had the same or similar experience on KDE Edition.

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I do not what all it solves but there is another pacman update making it’s way to the mirrors.

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Thanks for your reply && feedback, kde is working well, graphic bug with pamac, can’t launch pamac with the gui but the cli

Is pamac working on your device ?

Do you build your own ARM image ?

sudo buildarmimg -d on2 -e kde-plasma -v 2024.10.26 -b unstable n

Are the build images able to be flashed ? Some time the built images can’t be flash on emmc, error during the flash process or the boot folder is empty on the disc after the flash.

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Have found the workaround with “pamac gui” issue where you will notice vusal artifacts on pamac gui. It is most likely due to the new gtk4 version were it default to “ngl”. This causes issue with amlogic G52 GPU apparently.

Insert GSK_RENDERER=gl into /etc/environment and reboot.

with GSK_RENDERER=gl in /etc/environment

Will resolve the pamac gui visual artifact issue.

To improve low glmark2-es2-wayland score on GT King Pro Manjaro-Arm-KDE Edition need to insert KWIN_DRM_NO_AMS=1 into /etc/environment. Improve glmark2-es2-wayland score 1100+ to 1350-1450 range.

But inserting KWIN_DRM_NO_AMS=1 there is a drawback where Chromium or Firefox webglsamples.org performance dropped a fair bit. Hope someone else can confirm this issue and have a solution or workaround for it.

Do you build your own ARM image ?

sudo buildarmimg -d on2 -e kde-plasma -v 2024.10.26 -b unstable n

No I don’t build my own images. Use images build by @spikerguy. This particular Manjaro-Arm-KDE Edition start from one of his earlier build for GT King Pro and upgraded on regular basis to current state.

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There is also pamac-gtk3 with the older UI …

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I need to remove rebuild-detector before.:

:: Installation von pacman (7.0.0.r10.ga2d0293-1) verletzt Abhängigkeit »pacman-contrib«, benötigt von rebuild-detector

Might be slight different Mali GPUs. It is recommended to use the GTK3 UI for KDE.

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pamac install pamac-gtk3

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Not if you update like this:

sudo pacman -Syu pacman-contrib

Updated Orange Pi 5 Plus Manjaro-KDE Edition from KDE Plasma 6.1.5 to latest KDE Plasma 6.2.2 but encountered a Green Tint screen. The whole screen has a green tint / incorrect color. Night Color NOT enabled. Did not change any display settings or color theme. After update the screen gained a green tint.

The color still correct up to the SDDM Login Screen. After successfully boot to KDE Plasma Desktop the color has the green screen tint.

Any suggestion how to resolve to this issue?

Edit: Just stumble on how to resolve the green screen tint.
Resolved the green screen tint by changing the “Brightness” from 80% to 100% using the bottom right “Brightness” applet.

Just check, on GT King Pro the brightness is default to 80% and the screen color is correct. So this is weird.

So the problem might be related to the KDE Plasma Power Management. Not consistent between GT King Pro and Orange Pi 5 Plus.


Is this package still useful (I’m running gnome). Is it still in the latest img release ? Nobody complains.

manjaro-settings-manager: error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.74: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

On GT King Pro Gnome it has libicuuc.so.75.1. May be chromium and libreoffice-fresh might need it?

@nl.smart MDD is currently a “Work In Progress”. It still is being fine tuned for x86 and arm.

@philm pushed an updated package to unstable. Thanks for finding this.

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It seems that

Optional Deps   : manjaro-settings-manager-notifier: qt-based
                  manjaro-settings-manager-knotifier: knotifications-based

are not in the repositories

yes, great tool, submitted my RPI4 :wink:

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Needs to be removed from the PKGBUILD.

A package with segmentation fault since months.
Compiled with clang it works

build() {
  # Build pour Qt5
  cmake -B build5 -S Kvantum/Kvantum \
    -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ \
  make -C build5

  # Build pour Qt6
  cmake -B build6 -S Kvantum/Kvantum \
    -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang \
  make -C build6

@tartanpion check who is the maintainer and packager of the package. If it is ALARM we could check with them. If it is us we have to see what we miss.