after a long period of time ALARM managed to sync to a more current toolchain with Arch x86 again. Additionally this sync includes also Python 3.12 updates, Gnome 46.1, LxQT 2.0, Systemd 255.6 to name a few.
A full list of updates can be found here. Based on this nature of this update we expect BROKEN INSTALLs and partly NON-BOOTING. If you need a working system and you are on arm-unstable, switch to arm-testing instead or help us to report issues and missing parts on our end, if you’re brave enough.
Additional Info
Python 3.12 info
You will need to rebuild any AUR Python packages that install files to site-packages or link to
Print a list of of packages that have files in /usr/lib/python3.11/ :
pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.11/
Rebuild them all at once:*
pamac build $(pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.11)
* Note that if any fail to build, you’ll have to rebuild what’s remaining one or a few at a time.
Use rebuild-detector to see if anything else needs to be rebuilt:
Info about AUR packages
AUR (Arch User Repository) packages are neither supported by Arch nor Manjaro. Posts about them in Announcements topics are off-topic and will be flagged, moved or removed without warning.
For help with AUR packages, please create a new topic in AUR and a helpful volunteer may be able to assist you.
Looks like just a warning looking for some thing that does not exist. To tell you the truth I have not heard of any arm device that has a privacy_screen. I removed the kms hook a while back from mkinitcpio.conf because of warnings associated with it being there so I am not seeing it here. I am thinking the privacy_screen addition added a while back has more to do with x86.
This should now be compatible with the new toolchain. If it is truly just a warning ignore it but if your compile errors out then you will have to adjust your PKGBUILD.
Things I found here with the upgrade with Manjaro packages that needs a rebuild:
packagekit (manjaro)
pacman-mirrors (manjaro)
python-npyscreen (manjaro)
The kodi packages needs a rebuild
libphonenumber-nemo needs a rebuild because of abseil-cpp=20240116.1 upgrade.
Update to unstable went well on the Pinephone Pro, with the following 3 caveats:
portfolio-file-manager needs to be rebuilt (affects testing and unstable) @Yochanan
gtk apps don’t render properly using vulkan; black screen and/or partial rendering (affects testing and unstable)
workaround: force renderer to use opengl (GSK_RENDERER=gl)
current uboot-pinephonepro package still built using older source code (affects stable, testing, and unstable)
see issue report for details and solution
You’re right - I forgot i recompiled it before downgrading back to testing, so of course the recompiled package didn’t work there.
Good to know. Looks like nautilus works well. Only issue was that it was initially inaccessible (all except the bottom right corner was off-screen). Had to run the following to bring it back into the display:
gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.window-state maximized true
At this time, portfolio-file-manager is still installed on the Phosh beta and dev images. If that’s going to be dropped at some point, might be worth considering changing it there.
I have been noticing the same for a couple of weeks now on my pi4. I can not test with my pi5 as it quit working a couple of weeks ago. Chromium seems to be ok.
ARCH-ARM updated firefox today and it seems to do better. I still can not get it to play .mp4 videos though.
There was also an update today with mesa involving a patch so I have built and pushed new mesa 24.1.4-2 packages to unstable. I do not believe the patch has anything to do with the ARM side but mesa is up to date now.
Is it possible to play videos by unchecking hardware acceleration in firefox settings or by forcing the vp9 format? firefox used to try to use acceleration for h264 videos, but was unable to do so, except by using rpi-ffmpeg or by disabling hardware decoding.
I had tried that on my pi4 but it did not seem to make any difference with .mp4 and firefox. I stream iptv here and it uses .mp4. Sometimes with youtube it will play vp9 streams every once in a while but when it does after a while my system locks up and have to reboot.
Some good news is I was able to flash a recovery image to my pi5’s eeprom and I now have it working again. Some how it got corrupted. I am at a loss why. It worked fine the night before and the next day when I tried to use it my system was locked up and I rebooted it and got nothing but a flashing red light on the board.
On my pi5 with all of the latest programs I have no issue playing videos with firefox.
What if rpi-ffmpeg is used?
Personally, I think this package should be integrated into the distribution. As an argument: it’s already in arch, it integrates directly with firefox (I don’t know about chromium) and mpv, which also allows tonemapping (which vlc or even kodi doesn’t do, at least when I tested it) and out-of-browser playback with yt-dlp and ff2mpv. This would make Manjaro a bit more user-friendly, with the video acceleration promised when you buy a pi. And less of a bearded geek cave. I prefer a system with a kernel updated monthly, barring bugs or future requests, and rpi-ffmpeg, which isn’t updated that often in github.
If this package is to be integrated, it would be useful to include a post-installation text explaining how to use it in conjunction with mpv and hwdec=auto-safe and profile=fast.
I see a change in a plymouthd.conf.pacnew file on my ARM install accessible at /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf.pacnew path.
In this file, theme change from Theme=materia-manjaro to Theme=spinner in comparison with the file accessible at /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf.
Is that normal too?
I see a change in a upsmon.conf.pacnew file on my ARM install accessible at /etc/nut/upsmon.conf.pacnew path.
In this file, POWERDOWNFLAG change from POWERDOWNFLAG /etc/killpower to POWERDOWNFLAG "/etc/killpower" in comparison with the file accessible at /etc/nut/upsmon.conf.pacnew.