[ARM Unstable Update] 2021-11-28 - Kernels, ICU 70.1, LibreOffice 7.2.3, Python

Hello ARM community.
This is more about ICU rebuilds. Let us know if we missed some?

Some highlights:

  • Some of our kernels got updated
  • Most packages have a rebuild against ICU 70.1. Let us know if you see any issues with that.
  • LibreOffice 7.2.3 is now available
  • Many python packages got updated

How to get Waydroid working

If you follow these steps, you should have Waydroid working fine.

Remember, Waydroid only works on wayland!

  • Install waydroid-image and all it’s dependencies.
  • Run pkexec setup-waydroid.
  • You should now be able to launch Waydroid. The first launch takes a while.
How to use Kodi RPI on Manjaro ARM

If anyone wants to test kodi on the rpi, install these packages:

sudo pacman -S kodi-rpi kodi-rpi-dev kodi-rpi-eventclients kodi-rpi-tools-texturepacker linux-rpi4 xf86-video-fbdev

Have it set up is to boot straight in to kodi

This means the kodi.service file need to replace whatever login manager you have installled. In my case I would:

sudo systemctl disable lightdm.service
sudo systemctl enable kodi.service

They recommend removing custom configs in config.txt. We ran into an issue if a value was set with gpu_mem=.

My config.txt with a bit of overclocking:

#gpu_mem=64     #disable this
initramfs initramfs-linux.img followkernel

#enable sound

#enable vc4
#max_framebuffers=2    #disable cause kodi uses more

Some notes:

The default user will be kodi
kodi home directory will be /var/lib/kodi
So put test video in /var/lib/kodi/Videos so you can get to it
after setting up the video directory in kodi.

Upstream Notifications:

Older notifications

If you used the Manjaro ARM Installer or is using PinePhone or PineTab, you need to redo your passwords, because of an update to libxcrypt:
Arch Linux - News: Sorting out old password hashes

The ghostpcl and ghostxps requires manual intervention (if you have these installed):
Arch Linux - News: ghostpcl>=9.53.2-2 and ghostxps>=9.53.2-2 updates require manual intervention

The nss package requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: nss>=3.51.1-1 and lib32-nss>=3.51.1-1 updates require manual intervention

The packages hplip and firewalld requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: hplip 3.20.3-2 update requires manual intervention
Arch Linux - News: firewalld>=0.8.1-2 update requires manual intervention

Package Changes

(Sun Nov 28 13:05:02 CET 2021)

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository community aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2021-11-26           2021-11-28
                        chatty 0.5.0beta+42+gd11f868-1 0.5.0beta+47+ge5775de-1
                        eg25-manager              0.4.1-4              0.4.1-5
                       libmm-pp-glib             1.18.2-1             1.18.4-1
                     modemmanager-pp             1.18.2-1             1.18.4-1
                                phoc 0.9.0+156+g026ae2c-1 0.9.0+160+gb5b41db-1
                               phosh 0.14.0+66+gf0a5e49-1 0.14.0+80+gffc9253-1
                         squeekboard 1.14.0+60+gdd70845-1 1.14.0+61+gf3eeedc-1
                                vvmd              0.6.1-1              0.6.1-2

:: Different sync package(s) in repository community aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2021-11-26           2021-11-28
                                 age              1.0.0-3              1.0.0-4
                             ansible              4.8.0-1              4.9.0-1
                              awxkit             19.4.0-1             19.5.0-1
                             bpython               0.21-1             0.22.1-1
                                btop              1.1.1-1              1.1.2-1
                             calibre             5.32.0-1             5.32.0-2
                          cargo-sort              1.0.5-2              1.0.6-1
                   containers-common             0.46.0-5             0.46.0-6
                   cutefish-settings                0.4-2                0.4-3
                          diesel-cli              1.4.7-1              1.4.8-1
                          diffoscope                192-1                193-1
                                dino              0.2.2-1              0.2.2-2
                      docker-compose              2.1.1-1              2.2.0-1
                             dovecot             2.3.16-2             2.3.16-3
                  dovecot-fts-xapian              1.5.1-1              1.5.2-1
                              dwdiff              2.1.4-2              2.1.4-3
               elementary-icon-theme              6.0.0-1              6.1.0-1
                          emscripten             2.0.27-1              3.0.0-1
                           flameshot             0.10.1-1             0.10.2-1
                             freerdp            2:2.4.1-1            2:2.4.1-2
                           fwbuilder              5.3.7-9             5.3.7-10
                                gala 6.2.1.r86.78a5f881-1              6.3.0-1
                               geary             1:40.0-4             1:40.0-5
                               gerbv              2.7.0-2              2.8.1-1
                                gftp             2.7.1b-1             2.8.0b-1
                           git-delta              0.9.2-2             0.10.2-1
                            glewlwyd              2.5.4-5              2.6.0-1
                        gnustep-base           1.28.0-2.1             1.28.0-3
                         go-ethereum            1.10.12-1            1.10.13-1
                               go-yq             4.14.2-1             4.15.1-1
                             granite              6.1.2-1              6.2.0-1
                gtk-theme-elementary              6.1.0-1              6.1.1-1
                             haproxy              2.4.8-1              2.5.0-1
                            htmlhint             0.16.1-1              1.0.0-1
                               icewm              2.8.0-1              2.9.0-1
                              iddawc              1.1.0-1              1.1.1-1
                                 imv              4.3.0-1              4.3.0-2
                  interception-tools              0.6.7-2              0.6.8-1
                             ipython             7.29.0-1             7.30.0-1
                             jenkins              2.321-1              2.322-1
                                jmol           14.31.61-1           14.31.63-1
                               jsmol           14.31.61-1           14.31.63-1
                      jupyter-server             1.12.0-1             1.12.1-1
                                just              0.9.1-1             0.10.4-1
                                 k9s             0.25.5-1             0.25.7-1
                             kbibtex            1:0.9.2-5            1:0.9.2-6
                           kiwix-lib              9.4.1-5              9.4.1-6
                             klayout             0.27.4-1             0.27.5-1
                               lcalc              2.0.3-1              2.0.4-1
                            lesspipe               1.91-2               1.91-3
                              lhapdf              6.4.0-1              6.4.0-2
                          libdatovka              0.2.0-1              0.2.0-2
                      libmodsecurity            1:3.0.6-1            1:3.0.6-2
              libperconaserverclient          8.0.26_16-2          8.0.26_16-3
            libretro-beetle-pce-fast               1150-1               1152-1
                 libretro-beetle-psx               2576-1               2582-1
              libretro-beetle-psx-hw               2576-1               2582-1
          libretro-beetle-supergrafx                929-1                932-1
                    libretro-dolphin              33001-1              33003-1
                   libretro-gambatte                942-1                947-1
            libretro-genesis-plus-gx               1867-1               1868-1
                       libretro-play               6833-1               6863-1
              libretro-shaders-slang                847-1                854-1
                             libspf2             1.2.10-7             1.2.11-1
                             libtpms              0.9.0-1              0.9.1-1
                              libzim              7.0.0-1              7.0.0-2
                             libzim6              6.3.2-2              6.3.2-3
                            lollypop             1.4.23-1             1.4.24-1
                                maim              5.7.4-1              5.7.4-2
                              mapnik              3.1.0-5              3.1.0-6
                              mdbook             0.4.13-1             0.4.14-1
                           mediawiki             1.36.2-1             1.37.0-1
                      mediawiki-math             1.36.2-1             1.37.0-1
                      mongo-c-driver             1.19.0-1             1.19.0-2
                             ncmpcpp              0.9.2-3              0.9.2-4
                              nodejs             17.1.0-1             17.1.0-2
                   nodejs-lts-erbium            12.22.7-1            12.22.7-2
                  nodejs-lts-fermium            14.18.1-1            14.18.1-2
                  nodejs-lts-gallium            16.13.0-1            16.13.0-3
                               nomad              1.2.1-1              1.2.2-1
                 nomad-driver-nspawn              0.7.0-2              0.8.0-1
                        openethereum              3.2.6-1              3.3.0-1
                            openrct2              0.3.5-1  
                             openttd               12.1-1               12.1-2
                             openvdb              9.0.0-2              9.0.0-4
          pantheon-applications-menu              2.9.1-1             2.10.0-1
                       pantheon-code              6.0.1-1              6.1.0-1
                 pantheon-onboarding              6.0.0-1              6.1.0-1
                      percona-server          8.0.26_16-2          8.0.26_16-3
              percona-server-clients          8.0.26_16-2          8.0.26_16-3
            perl-graphics-colornames               2.11-9              3.5.0-1
        perl-graphics-colornames-www               1.13-9               1.14-1
              perl-proc-processtable               0.60-1               0.61-1
                    perl-test2-suite           0.000141-1           0.000142-1
                         php-mongodb             1.11.1-1             1.11.1-2
                        php7-mongodb             1.11.1-1             1.11.1-2
                              poedit              1:3.0-3              1:3.0-4
              pop-icon-theme 2.1.0.r2415.a5a10f9725-1 2.1.0.r2419.9998b20b78-1
                             pyright            1.1.189-1            1.1.190-1
                      python-aiohttp      3.7.4.post0-1.1              3.8.1-2
                python-aiohttp-socks              0.4.2-3              0.7.1-1
                python-async-timeout              3.0.1-5              4.0.1-2
                         python-cmd2              1.5.0-1              2.1.2-1
                    python-cysignals             1.10.3-1             1.11.0-1
                        python-gnupg              0.4.7-1              0.4.8-1
                        python-isort             5.10.1-1             5.10.1-2
                      python-lexicon              1.0.0-1              2.0.0-1
                    python-pdftotext              2.2.0-1              2.2.2-1
                      python-plumbum              1.7.0-4              1.7.1-1
                  python-prettytable             0.7.2-14              1.0.0-1
                    python-proxmoxer              1.1.1-3              1.2.0-1
                        python-pyicu              2.7.4-1                2.8-1
                 python-python-socks              1.2.4-1              2.0.0-1
                        python-quart             0.15.1-1             0.16.1-1
                        python-scipy              1.7.2-1              1.7.3-1
                       python-sphinx              4.3.0-1              4.3.1-1
                        python-sword              1.9.0-2              1.9.0-3
                     python-toposort                1.6-1                1.7-1
                        python-xattr              0.9.7-5              0.9.8-1
              python-zope-testrunner              5.3.0-2              5.4.0-1
                           radeontop                1.3-2                1.4-1
                               rgbds              0.5.1-1              0.5.2-1
                                rhit              1.5.3-1              1.5.4-1
                            rhonabwy              1.1.1-1              1.1.2-1
                                rofi              1.7.0-1              1.7.1-1
                              rspamd                3.1-1                3.1-2
                             scribus              1.5.7-7              1.5.7-8
                                sile             0.12.0-4             0.12.0-5
                              skopeo              1.5.1-1              1.5.2-1
                                slop                7.5-5                7.5-6
                              solaar              1.0.7-1              1.1.0-1
                            stardict              3.0.6-8  
            switchboard-plug-desktop              6.0.0-1              6.1.0-1
           switchboard-plug-keyboard              2.5.1-1              2.6.0-1
             switchboard-plug-locale              2.5.5-1              2.5.6-1
   switchboard-plug-security-privacy              2.2.5-1              2.3.0-1
              switchboard-plug-sound              2.2.7-1              2.3.0-1
      switchboard-plug-user-accounts              2.4.1-1              2.4.2-1
                               sword              1.9.0-2              1.9.0-3
                           tesseract              4.1.1-7              4.1.1-8
                   ttf-sarasa-gothic             0.35.0-1             0.35.1-1
                          unarchiver             1.10.7-4             1.10.7-5
         v2ray-domain-list-community     20211119143108-1     20211126110355-1
                         v2ray-geoip       202111180029-1       202111250029-1
                            viewnior                1.7-3                1.8-1
                   vim-nerdcommenter              2.5.2-2              2.6.0-2
                        vim-spell-af           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-am           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-bg           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-br           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-ca           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-cs           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-cy           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-da           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-de           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-el           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-en           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-eo           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-es           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-fo           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-fr           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-ga           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-gd           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-gl           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-he           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-hr           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-hu           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-id           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-it           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-ku           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-la           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-lt           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-lv           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-mg           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-mi           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-ms           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-nb           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-nl           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-nn           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-ny           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-pl           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-pt           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-ro           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-ru           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-rw           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-sk           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-sl           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-sr           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-sv           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-sw           20190731-2           20200604-2
                       vim-spell-tet           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-th           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-tl           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-tn           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-uk           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-yi           20190731-2           20200604-2
                        vim-spell-zu           20190731-2           20200604-2
         wingpanel-indicator-network              2.3.1-1              2.3.2-1
           wingpanel-indicator-sound              6.0.0-1              6.0.1-1
                             xalan-c             1:1.12-3             1:1.12-4
                                  xh             0.14.0-1             0.14.1-1
                yaml-language-server              1.2.0-1              1.2.1-1
                                 yaz             5.31.0-1             5.31.0-2
                                 znc              1.8.2-4              1.8.2-5
                             doctest                    -              2.4.6-1
                          sentry-cli                    -             1.71.0-1
                                sqlc                    -             1.11.0-1
                        vim-spell-tr                    -           20200604-2

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository core aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2021-11-26           2021-11-28
                     linux-pinephone             5.15.5-2             5.15.5-4
             linux-pinephone-headers             5.15.5-2             5.15.5-4
                  linux-pinephonepro            5.16rc2-3            5.16rc2-4
          linux-pinephonepro-headers            5.16rc2-3            5.16rc2-4
                 linux-rpi4-mainline             5.15.4-1             5.15.5-1
         linux-rpi4-mainline-headers             5.15.4-1             5.15.5-1

:: Different sync package(s) in repository core aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2021-11-26           2021-11-28
                                bash            5.1.008-1            5.1.012-1
                         btrfs-progs               5.15-1             5.15.1-1
             ca-certificates-mozilla               3.72-1               3.72-2
                                 icu               69.1-1               70.1-1
                                 nss               3.72-1               3.72-2
                              python            3.9.7-2.1              3.9.9-1
                        python-tests            3.9.7-2.1              3.9.9-1
                            xfsprogs             5.13.0-1             5.14.0-1

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository extra aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2021-11-26           2021-11-28
                           boxit-arm              2.1.3-7              2.1.3-8
                    boxit-arm-server              2.1.3-6                    -
                           calamares             3.2.45-1             3.2.45-2
            manjaro-settings-manager              0.5.6-9             0.5.6-10
        manjaro-settings-manager-kcm              0.5.6-9             0.5.6-10
                    python-es2-pyqt5             5.15.6-1             5.15.6-2
                        qt5-es2-base    5.15.2+kde+r256-1    5.15.2+kde+r260-1
         qt5-es2-xcb-private-headers    5.15.2+kde+r256-1    5.15.2+kde+r260-1

:: Different sync package(s) in repository extra aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2021-11-26           2021-11-28
                         389-ds-base             2.0.10-2             2.0.10-3
                         archinstall              2.2.0-1              2.3.0-1
            archlinux-appstream-data           20211122-1           20211122-2
                               boost             1.76.0-1             1.76.0-2
                          boost-libs             1.76.0-1             1.76.0-2
                              brltty                6.4-1                6.4-2
                            chromium       96.0.4664.45-1       96.0.4664.45-2
                             devhelp               41.2-2               41.2-3
                        devhelp-docs               41.2-2               41.2-3
                         egl-wayland 1:1.1.9+2+gdaab854-12:1.1.9+r3+g582b2d3-1
                             enchant              2.3.1-1              2.3.1-2
               evolution-data-server             3.42.1-2             3.42.1-3
                      geoip-database           20211026-1           20211123-1
                geoip-database-extra           20211026-1           20211123-1
                                 git             2.34.0-1             2.34.1-1
                              gpaste             3.42.1-1             3.42.2-1
                            harfbuzz              3.1.1-1              3.1.2-1
                        harfbuzz-icu              3.1.1-1              3.1.2-1
                                 kdb              3.2.0-7              3.2.0-8
                              libcdr              0.1.7-2              0.1.7-3
                           libe-book              0.1.3-9             0.1.3-10
                             libexif             0.6.23-1             0.6.24-1
                             libical             3.0.11-1             3.0.11-2
                          libmm-glib             1.18.2-1             1.18.4-1
                        libmpdclient               2.19-3               2.20-1
                            libmspub             0.1.4-10             0.1.4-11
                      libphonenumber            8.12.36-1            8.12.37-1
                        libqalculate             3.21.0-1             3.21.0-2
                              libqxp              0.0.2-6              0.0.2-7
                   libreoffice-fresh              7.2.2-3              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-af              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-am              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ar              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-as              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-ast              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-be              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-bg              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-bn              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
             libreoffice-fresh-bn-in              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-bo              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-br              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-brx              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-bs              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ca              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
       libreoffice-fresh-ca-valencia              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-ckb              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-cs              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-cy              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-da              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-de              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-dgo              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-dsb              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-dz              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-el              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
             libreoffice-fresh-en-gb              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
             libreoffice-fresh-en-za              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-eo              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-es              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-et              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-eu              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-fa              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-fi              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-fr              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-fur              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-fy              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ga              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-gd              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-gl              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-gu              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-gug              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-he              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-hi              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-hr              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-hsb              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-hu              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-id              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-is              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-it              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ja              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ka              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-kab              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-kk              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-km              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
          libreoffice-fresh-kmr-latn              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-kn              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ko              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-kok              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ks              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-lb              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-lo              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-lt              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-lv              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-mai              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-mk              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ml              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-mn              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-mni              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-mr              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-my              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-nb              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ne              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-nl              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-nn              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-nr              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-nso              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-oc              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-om              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-or              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
             libreoffice-fresh-pa-in              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-pl              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-pt              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
             libreoffice-fresh-pt-br              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ro              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ru              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-rw              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
             libreoffice-fresh-sa-in              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-sat              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-sd              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-sdk              7.2.2-3              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-si              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-sid              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-sk              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-sl              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-sq              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-sr              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
           libreoffice-fresh-sr-latn              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ss              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-st              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-sv              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
             libreoffice-fresh-sw-tz              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-szl              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ta              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-te              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-tg              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-th              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-tn              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-tr              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ts              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-tt              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ug              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-uk              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-uz              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ve              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
               libreoffice-fresh-vec              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-vi              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-xh              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
             libreoffice-fresh-zh-cn              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
             libreoffice-fresh-zh-tw              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                libreoffice-fresh-zu              7.2.2-1              7.2.3-1
                   libreoffice-still              7.1.7-2              7.1.7-3
               libreoffice-still-sdk              7.1.7-2              7.1.7-3
                             libsoup             2.74.1-1             2.74.2-1
                            libsoup3              3.0.2-1              3.0.3-1
                          libsynctex         2021.58686-3         2021.58686-4
                            libvisio              0.1.7-5              0.1.7-6
                             libxml2             2.9.12-2             2.9.12-3
                              libzmf             0.0.2-10             0.0.2-11
                            m17n-lib             1.8.0-10             1.8.0-11
                               meson             0.60.1-1             0.60.2-1
                        modemmanager             1.18.2-1             1.18.4-1
                            mousepad              0.5.7-1              0.5.8-1
                                 mpd             0.23.4-1             0.23.4-2
                             nuspell              5.0.1-1              5.0.1-2
                               nyacc             1.04.1-1             1.05.1-1
                             openmpi              4.1.1-3              4.1.2-1
                              ostree             2021.5-1             2021.6-1
                     perl-date-manip               6.85-2               6.86-1
                       perl-try-tiny               0.30-6               0.31-1
                                 php             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                          php-apache             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                             php-cgi             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                           php-dblib             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                           php-embed             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                         php-enchant             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                             php-fpm             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                              php-gd             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                            php-imap             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                            php-intl             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                            php-odbc             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                           php-pgsql             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                          php-phpdbg             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                          php-pspell             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                            php-snmp             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                          php-sodium             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                          php-sqlite             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                            php-tidy             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                             php-xsl             8.0.13-1             8.0.13-2
                                php7             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                         php7-apache             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                            php7-cgi             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                          php7-dblib             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                          php7-embed             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                        php7-enchant             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                            php7-fpm             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                             php7-gd             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                           php7-imap             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                           php7-intl             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                           php7-odbc             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                          php7-pgsql             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                         php7-phpdbg             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                         php7-pspell             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                           php7-snmp             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                         php7-sodium             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                         php7-sqlite             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                           php7-tidy             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                            php7-xsl             7.4.26-1             7.4.26-2
                             postfix              3.6.3-2              3.6.3-3
                         postfix-cdb              3.6.3-2              3.6.3-3
                        postfix-ldap              3.6.3-2              3.6.3-3
                        postfix-lmdb              3.6.3-2              3.6.3-3
                       postfix-mysql              3.6.3-2              3.6.3-3
                        postfix-pcre              3.6.3-2              3.6.3-3
                       postfix-pgsql              3.6.3-2              3.6.3-3
                      postfix-sqlite              3.6.3-2              3.6.3-3
                          postgresql               13.4-3               13.4-4
                     postgresql-docs               13.4-3               13.4-4
                     postgresql-libs               13.4-3               13.4-4
              postgresql-old-upgrade               12.8-3               12.8-4
                        python-numpy             1.21.2-1             1.21.3-1
                    python-pyopenssl             20.0.1-1             21.0.0-1
                        python-tomli              1.2.1-1              1.2.2-2
                   python2-pyopenssl             20.0.1-1             21.0.0-1
                              qt5-3d     5.15.2+kde+r33-2     5.15.2+kde+r37-1
                            qt5-base    5.15.2+kde+r257-1    5.15.2+kde+r260-1
                        qt5-location             5.15.2-3             5.15.2-4
                       qt5-webengine             5.15.7-1             5.15.7-2
                          qt5-webkit     5.212.0alpha4-10     5.212.0alpha4-11
             qt5-xcb-private-headers    5.15.2+kde+r257-1    5.15.2+kde+r260-1
                         qt6-5compat              6.2.1-1              6.2.1-2
                            qt6-base              6.2.1-2              6.2.1-3
                       qt6-webengine              6.2.1-1              6.2.1-2
                                   r              4.1.2-1              4.1.2-2
                              raptor            2.0.15-16            2.0.15-17
                           ristretto             0.12.0-1             0.12.1-1
                               samba             4.15.2-2             4.15.2-3
                           smbclient             4.15.2-2             4.15.2-3
                        sof-firmware                1.9-1              1.9.2-1
                           sof-tools                1.9-1              1.9.2-1
                                tepl             6.00.0-2             6.00.0-3
                         texlive-bin         2021.58686-3         2021.58686-4
                         thunderbird             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-af             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-ar             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                thunderbird-i18n-ast             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-be             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-bg             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-br             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-ca             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                thunderbird-i18n-cak             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-cs             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-cy             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-da             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-de             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                thunderbird-i18n-dsb             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-el             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-en-gb             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-en-us             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-es-ar             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-es-es             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-et             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-eu             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-fi             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-fr             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-fy-nl             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-ga-ie             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-gd             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-gl             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-he             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-hr             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                thunderbird-i18n-hsb             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-hu             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-hy-am             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-id             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-is             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-it             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-ja             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-ka             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                thunderbird-i18n-kab             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-kk             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-ko             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-lt             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-ms             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-nb-no             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-nl             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-nn-no             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-pa-in             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-pl             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-pt-br             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-pt-pt             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-rm             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-ro             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-ru             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-sk             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-sl             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-sq             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-sr             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-sv-se             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-th             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-tr             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-uk             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-uz             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                 thunderbird-i18n-vi             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-zh-cn             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
              thunderbird-i18n-zh-tw             91.3.2-1             91.3.2-2
                             tracker 2.3.6+7+gb27396252-2 2.3.6+7+gb27396252-3
                      tracker-miners 2.3.5+2+gec09554af-3 2.3.5+2+gec09554af-4
                            tracker3              3.2.1-1              3.2.1-2
                       tracker3-docs              3.2.1-1              3.2.1-2
                     tracker3-miners              3.2.1-1              3.2.1-2
                          vte-common             0.66.1-1             0.66.1-2
                                vte3             0.66.1-1             0.66.1-2
                      vulkan-headers          1:1.2.194-1          1:1.2.200-1
                   vulkan-icd-loader            1.2.194-1            1.2.199-2
                        vulkan-tools            1.2.194-1            1.2.199-1
            vulkan-validation-layers            1.2.194-1            1.2.199-1
                          webkit2gtk             2.34.1-2             2.34.2-1
                      webkit2gtk-4.1             2.34.1-2             2.34.2-1
                      webkit2gtk-5.0             2.34.1-2             2.34.2-1
                           wpewebkit             2.34.1-2             2.34.2-1
                            xerces-c              3.2.3-4              3.2.3-5

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository kde-unstable aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2021-11-26           2021-11-28
                                buho  2.1.0.r0.g5d6b3b4-1  2.1.0.r0.g5d6b3b4-2
                          disman-git0.521.80.r1788.g388e893-1                    -
                            index-fm 2.1.0.r13.g00cd246-1 2.1.0.r13.g00cd246-2
                        kdisplay-git5.21.80.r1435.g24a3e32-1                    -
                  khealthcertificate       r115.c5bf2c8-1       r117.3e24d21-1
                           krecorder 21.08.r10.g3d9f492-1 21.08.r11.gc57451c-1
                            kweather 21.08.r27.gc6362e8-1 21.08.r30.g667f03b-1
                          kwinft-git5.21.80.r18627.g5409a4b98-1                    -
                         libquotient    r2187.g91c1d93d-1    r2200.g0425fd28-1
                           maui-clip  2.1.0.r1.g840cc6f-1  2.1.0.r2.ga09503d-2
                           maui-nota  2.1.0.r1.g36c626a-1  2.1.0.r0.g36c626a-2
                            maui-pix  2.1.0.r2.g3fe0a8e-1  2.1.0.r3.g4c77aba-2
                    mauikit-accounts  2.1.0.r1.g709da19-1  2.1.0.r1.g709da19-2
                mauikit-filebrowsing  2.1.0.r7.gccfc510-1  2.1.0.r8.g46a68ab-2
                  mauikit-imagetools  2.1.0.r2.gc401dbb-1  2.1.0.r7.geb592bd-2
                  mauikit-texteditor  2.1.0.r0.g119b288-1  2.1.0.r1.ge150080-2
                            spacebar 21.08.r45.g87db1bb-1 21.08.r47.g5d4a994-1
                             tokodon 21.08.r26.g3038bcb-1 21.08.r28.g2b89ca6-1
                               vvave  2.1.0.r5.gbdb8743-1  2.1.0.r6.g4abef5d-2
                        wrapland-git0.521.80.r1426.g917663b-1                    -

Testers needed on arm-unstable branch

We are in need of testers for our arm-testing and arm-unstable branches.
So if you are adventurous and want newer software quicker, we would love for you to help us test out the new packages in arm-unstable branch.

All you have to do to switch to this branch is:

  • Run this command to switch branch: sudo pacman-mirrors -aS unstable && sudo pacman -Syyu. This will generate a new mirrorlist for you, sync your databases with the new mirror and update your system using the arm-unstable branch.

We would then love for you to give feedback in our update posts in #arm:unstable-updates. That way we can better find and fix bugs, before they hit arm-stable branch. Thank you!

  • No issue, everything went smoothly
  • Yes there was an issue. I was able to resolve it myself.(Please post your solution)
  • Yes i am currently experiencing an issue due to the update. (Please post about it)

0 voters

Check if your mirror has already synced:

qt5-webengine 5.15.7-2 has not the libQt5WebEngineCore.so.5 inside (the package is 1,4mo vs 41 for 5.15.7-1). The package seems correct for x86_64 but not in the arm’s version aarch64

Failed to import PyQt module: PyQt5.QtWebEngineCore with error: libQt5WebEngineCore.so.5: Ne peut ouvrir le fichier d'objet partagé: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ebook-edit", line 21, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/gui_launch.py", line 104, in ebook_edit
    from calibre.gui2.tweak_book.main import main
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/gui2/tweak_book/main.py", line 11, in <module>
    from qt.webengine import QWebEngineUrlScheme
ImportError: cannot import name 'QWebEngineUrlScheme' from 'qt.webengine' (/usr/lib/calibre/qt/webengine.py)

and calibre is looking after icu 69 vs 70 (ebook-edit) after downgrading qt5-webengine

Failed to import PyQt module: PyQt5.QtWebEngineCore with error: libicui18n.so.69: Ne peut ouvrir le fichier d'objet partagé: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ebook-edit", line 21, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/gui_launch.py", line 104, in ebook_edit
    from calibre.gui2.tweak_book.main import main
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/gui2/tweak_book/main.py", line 11, in <module>
    from qt.webengine import QWebEngineUrlScheme
ImportError: cannot import name 'QWebEngineUrlScheme' from 'qt.webengine' (/usr/lib/calibre/qt/webengine.py)

We are currently rebuilding qt5-webengine against the new icu, to see if that fixes it.

Arch managed to build some more packages against icu