[ARM Testing Update] 2020-11-16 - Bitwarden, Mesa-Git, Pacman and kernels

Hello ARM community.

Update time!

Some highlights:

  • Most of our kernels got updated
  • Bitwarden updated to 1.23.0
  • And a major new milestone for Mesa-Git as it switched to 21.0.0 version
  • Changed makepkg.conf in Pacman to now use .zst by default instead of .xz, to be more consistant with Manjaro x64
  • KDE Frameworks updated to 5.76.
  • Some python packages got updated

Upstream Notifications:

Older notifications

The ghostpcl and ghostxps requires manual intervention (if you have these installed):
Arch Linux - News: ghostpcl>=9.53.2-2 and ghostxps>=9.53.2-2 updates require manual intervention

The nss package requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: nss>=3.51.1-1 and lib32-nss>=3.51.1-1 updates require manual intervention

The packages hplip and firewalld requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: hplip 3.20.3-2 update requires manual intervention
Arch Linux - News: firewalld>=0.8.1-2 update requires manual intervention

Package Changes

(Mon Nov 16 22:48:11 CET 2020)

  • arm-testing community aarch64: 179 new and 178 removed package(s)
  • arm-testing core aarch64: 15 new and 13 removed package(s)
  • arm-testing extra aarch64: 137 new and 132 removed package(s)
:: Different overlay package(s) in repository community aarch64

                             PACKAGE          2020-11-12         2020-11-16
                           bitwarden             1.22.2-1             1.23.0-2
                  brcm-patchram-plus         r2.b146b53-1         r3.bee0942-2
                       calindori-git   1.2.r37.g55a1b7d-1   1.2.r39.ge4aa288-1
                              chatty             0.1.17-1 0.1.17+34+gd68df2c-1
                           feedbackd  0.0.0+git20200726-1  0.0.0+git20201114-1
                firmware-raspberrypi                6-1.3                6-1.4
                           index-git  1.2.0.r1.g8274113-1  1.2.0.r2.g3e8912e-1
                            kalk-git   0.1.r28.g6b075cb-1   0.1.r33.gea7e3b0-1
                        keysmith-git  0.1.r169.g144b2ee-1  0.1.r175.gf25ae7f-1
                        libkgapi-git      r1217.b160a72-1      r1218.f8d6213-1
                          megapixels             0.11.1-1  0.12.0+8+g506b0cf-1
                                phoc   0.4.4+4+ga5bdd63-3              0.5.0-1
                               phosh  0.5.1+12+g9b64efb-1              0.6.0-1
                        pi-bluetooth                  1-2                  1-3
                plasma-angelfish-git  1.6.0.r1.g7e11afa-1  1.6.0.r5.g274ea95-1
                   plasma-dialer-git   0.1.r58.g45daa12-1   0.1.r59.g868a204-1
                plasma-phonebook-git       r175.d2d1325-1       r177.3c7c319-1
                 plasma-settings-git       r807.27d9ad0-1       r812.df47100-1
                      qmlkonsole-git        r59.d34cab3-1        r60.cc5c137-1
                   rpi4-post-install           20200708-1           20201115-1
                         squeekboard  1.10.0+5+g91acfa0-1  1.11.0+3+g96461cf-1
                bootsplash-theme-kde                    -                1.0-1
              brcm-patchram-plus-pi3                    -         r3.bee0942-1
            brcm-patchram-plus-pi400                    -         r3.bee0942-1

:: Different sync package(s) in repository community aarch64

                             PACKAGE          2020-11-12         2020-11-16
                              acpica           20200925-1           20201113-1
                     archlinux-repro           20200921-1           20201114-1
                          argocd-cli              1.7.6-1              1.7.8-1
                            asciidoc              9.0.3-1              9.0.4-1
                                 bcc             0.17.0-1             0.17.0-3
                           bcc-tools             0.17.0-1             0.17.0-3
                           bctoolbox              4.4.7-1              4.4.8-1
                               botan             2.17.1-1             2.17.2-1
                               bzrtp              4.4.7-1              4.4.8-1
                             calibre              5.4.2-1              5.5.0-1
                            cdrtools            3.02a09-3            3.02a09-4
                            clipgrab             3.8.15-1              3.9.2-1
                             cockpit                231-1                232-1
                   cockpit-dashboard                231-1                232-1
                    cockpit-machines                231-1                232-1
                         cockpit-pcp                231-1                232-1
                           cpp-hocon              0.3.0-1              0.3.0-2
                                dart             2.10.3-1             2.10.4-1
          deepin-qt5platform-plugins             5.0.17-1             5.0.18-1
                                deno              1.4.4-1              1.5.2-1
                                 din                 48-1               49.1-1
                                dino              0.1.0-4              0.2.0-1
                              facter            3.14.14-2            3.14.14-3
                          fanficfare             3.22.1-1             3.25.0-1
                           gammastep              2.0.2-1              2.0.5-1
                              glider             0.12.2-1             0.12.3-1
                            gnucobol             3.1rc1-1                3.1-1
                                  go           2:1.15.4-1           2:1.15.5-2
                         go-ethereum             1.9.23-1             1.9.24-2
                               gopls              0.5.2-1              0.5.3-1
                                gqrx             2.12.1-3             2.13.5-1
                           highlight               3.58-1               3.59-1
                       highlight-gui               3.58-1               3.59-1
                             i3-gaps             4.18.3-1               4.19-1
                              i3lock               2.12-2               2.13-1
                                jmol           14.31.16-1           14.31.17-1
                               jsmol           14.31.16-1           14.31.17-1
                                knot              3.0.1-1              3.0.2-1
                             kompose             1.21.0-1             1.22.0-2
                             kpmcore              4.2.0-1                    -
                             kubeone              1.0.5-1              1.1.0-1
                           kustomize              3.8.6-2              3.8.7-1
               kvantum-theme-materia           20200907-1           20201113-1
                             labplot              2.8.1-1              2.8.1-2
                          leatherman             1.12.0-1             1.12.2-1
                         libwhereami              0.5.0-1              0.5.0-2
                      linuxdoc-tools             0.9.78-1             0.9.82-1
                                 lxd                4.7-1                4.8-1
                         lxqt-config             0.16.0-1             0.16.1-1
                              marked              1.2.3-1              1.2.4-1
                         materia-kde           20200907-1           20201113-1
                               maude                3.0-3                3.1-1
                       mediastreamer              4.4.7-1              4.4.8-1
                              mkcert              1.4.1-4              1.4.2-1
                     multipath-tools              0.8.4-1              0.8.5-1
             nextcloud-app-bookmarks            1:4.0.2-1            1:4.0.5-1
                  nextcloud-app-mail              1.5.0-1              1.7.0-1
                 nextcloud-app-tasks             0.13.5-1             0.13.6-1
                              nuitka              0.6.8-1  
                        oath-toolkit              2.6.3-1              2.6.4-1
                            openblas             0.3.10-1             0.3.12-1
                         opencascade                7.5.0-1
                                ortp              4.4.7-1              4.4.8-1
                              packer              1.6.3-1              1.6.4-1
                            pageedit              1.3.0-1              1.4.0-1
                    partitionmanager              4.2.0-1                    -
                               pdfpc              4.4.0-2              4.4.1-1
                  perl-finance-quote               1.49-2               1.49-3
                    perl-params-util              1.07-12              1.102-1
                      perl-pkgconfig            0.24026-1            0.25026-1
                      perl-xml-smart               1.79-6               1.79-7
                     python-arpeggio              1.9.2-3             1.10.1-1
                      python-awkward             0.13.0-1             0.14.0-1
                          python-bcc             0.17.0-1             0.17.0-3
                    python-cairocffi              1.1.0-4              1.2.0-1
                     python-cairosvg            2.4.2-3.1              2.5.0-1
                  python-distributed             2.30.0-1             2.30.1-1
                        python-eyed3              1:0.8-5            1:0.9.5-1
                       python-genshi              0.7.3-1              0.7.4-1
                     python-html5lib                1.1-1                1.1-4
              python-internetarchive              1.9.5-1              1.9.6-1
                     python-markdown                3.3-1              3.3.3-1
                   python-matplotlib              3.3.2-1              3.3.3-1
                     python-pathlib2              2.3.3-4                    -
                      python-pikepdf              2.0.0-1              2.1.0-1
                       python-pproxy              2.3.7-1              2.4.6-1
                        python-pyicu                2.5-1                2.6-1
                        python-regex         2020.10.28-1         2020.11.13-1
                      python-sequoia             0.20.0-1             0.20.0-3
               python-spyder-kernels              1.9.4-1             1.10.0-1
                 python-telegram-bot             12.2.0-1               12.8-1
                      python-tornado              6.0.4-2              6.1.0-1
                      python2-genshi              0.7.3-1                    -
                    python2-html5lib                1.1-1                1.1-4
                           qterminal             0.16.0-2             0.16.1-1
                         qtermwidget             0.16.0-1             0.16.1-1
                            restinio             0.6.11-1             0.6.12-1
                           rofi-calc                1.9-1              2.0.0-1
                             scribus             1.5.5-14  
                           seamonkey             2.53.3-2             2.53.5-1
                             sequoia             0.20.0-1             0.20.0-3
                            shotwell          2:0.30.10-2          2:0.30.11-1
                               sigil              1.3.0-1              1.4.0-1
                                simh               3.10-1             3.11.1-2
                          strawberry              0.8.3-1              0.8.4-1
                strip-nondeterminism              1.6.3-2              1.9.0-1
                   ttf-sarasa-gothic             0.14.5-1             0.15.0-1
                           uglify-js             3.11.5-1             3.11.6-1
                          uncrustify             0.71.0-1             0.72.0-1
         v2ray-domain-list-community     20201110093704-1     20201115055442-1
                         v2ray-geoip       202011050012-1       202011150541-1
                           watchexec             1.14.0-1             1.14.1-1
                              waybar              0.9.4-2              0.9.4-3
                             weechat                2.9-2                3.0-1
                              wimlib             1.13.2-1             1.13.3-1
                      wishbone-utils              0.7.5-1              0.7.8-1
                                wofi              1.2.2-1              1.2.3-1
                               yaegi             0.8.10-1              0.9.6-1
                                aerc                    -              0.5.2-1
                        operator-sdk                    -              1.2.0-2

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository core aarch64

                             PACKAGE          2020-11-12         2020-11-16
                               linux              5.9.7-1              5.9.8-1
                       linux-headers              5.9.7-1              5.9.8-1
                            linux-rc           5.10.rc3-2           5.10.rc4-1
                    linux-rc-headers           5.10.rc3-2           5.10.rc4-1
                          linux-rpi4             5.4.74-1             5.4.75-1
                  linux-rpi4-headers             5.4.74-1             5.4.75-1
                           linux-vim              5.9.0-2              5.9.8-1
                   linux-vim-headers              5.9.0-2              5.9.8-1
                              pacman              5.2.2-2              5.2.2-3
                        pacman-debug              5.2.2-2              5.2.2-3
                      uboot-gsking-x                    -            2021.01-1
                    uboot-gtking-pro                    -            2021.01-1

:: Different sync package(s) in repository core aarch64

                             PACKAGE          2020-11-12         2020-11-16
             ca-certificates-mozilla               3.58-2               3.59-1
                           man-pages               5.09-1               5.09-2
                                 nss               3.58-2               3.59-1

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository extra aarch64

                             PACKAGE          2020-11-12         2020-11-16

:: Different sync package(s) in repository extra aarch64

                             PACKAGE          2020-11-12         2020-11-16
                                 ant             1.10.8-1             1.10.9-1
                             ant-doc             1.10.8-1             1.10.9-1
                              attica             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               baloo             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            bluez-qt             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                        breeze-icons             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            chromium      86.0.4240.193-1      86.0.4240.198-1
                            composer              2.0.6-1              2.0.7-1
                                 efl             1.24.3-4             1.25.1-1
                            efl-docs             1.24.3-4             1.25.1-1
                               elisa            20.08.3-1            20.08.3-2
                 extra-cmake-modules             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                frameworkintegration             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             freetds             1.2.10-1             1.2.11-1
                     gdk-pixbuf-xlib               0+23-1             2.40.2-1
                             gnuplot              5.4.0-4              5.4.0-5
                                gvim           8.2.1704-1           8.2.1989-2
                                ibus 1.5.22+8+gf591381e-1 1.5.23+1+gdd4cc5b0-1
                         kactivities             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                   kactivities-stats             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kapidox             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            karchive             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               kauth             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                          kbookmarks             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                       kcalendarcore             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            kcmutils             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kcodecs             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         kcompletion             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kconfig             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                      kconfigwidgets             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           kcontacts           1:5.75.0-1           1:5.76.0-1
                         kcoreaddons             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                              kcrash             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                                kdav           1:5.75.0-1           1:5.76.0-1
                         kdbusaddons             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                        kdeclarative             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                                kded             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                     kdelibs4support             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                     kdesignerplugin             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               kdesu             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           kdewebkit             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                              kdnssd             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           kdoctools             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                          kemoticons             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                       kfilemetadata             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                        kglobalaccel             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                          kguiaddons             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           kholidays           1:5.75.0-1           1:5.76.0-1
                               khtml             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               ki18n             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         kiconthemes             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           kidletime             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                       kimageformats             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               kinit             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                                 kio             5.75.0-2             5.76.0-1
                           kirigami2             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         kitemmodels             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                          kitemviews             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         kjobwidgets             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                                 kjs             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            kjsembed             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                        kmediaplayer             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           knewstuff             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                      knotifications             5.75.0-2             5.76.0-1
                       knotifyconfig             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            kpackage             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                              kparts             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kpeople             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                           kplotting             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                                kpty             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                        kquickcharts             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                               kross             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             krunner             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            kservice             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         ktexteditor             5.75.0-2             5.76.0-1
                        ktextwidgets             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                     kunitconversion             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kwallet             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                            kwayland             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                      kwidgetsaddons             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                       kwindowsystem             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             kxmlgui             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                       kxmlrpcclient             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             libcerf                2.0-1             1:1.14-1
                            libhandy              1.0.1-1              1.0.2-1
                             libibus 1.5.22+8+gf591381e-1 1.5.23+1+gdd4cc5b0-1
                            libunrar            1:6.0.1-1            1:6.0.2-1
                     modemmanager-qt             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                                mutt              2.0.0-1              2.0.1-1
                   networkmanager-qt             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                        oxygen-icons           1:5.75.0-1           1:5.76.0-1
                    oxygen-icons-svg           1:5.75.0-1           1:5.76.0-1
                   perl-file-listing               6.04-8               6.11-1
                 perl-list-moreutils              0.428-5              0.430-1
              perl-list-moreutils-xs              0.428-6              0.430-1
                            perl-uri               1.76-4               5.05-1
                    plasma-framework             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                          postgresql               12.4-2               12.5-3
                     postgresql-docs               12.4-2               12.5-3
                     postgresql-libs               12.4-2               12.5-3
                              prison             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             purpose             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                       python-pep517              0.8.2-1              0.9.1-1
                          python-pip             20.1.1-1               20.2-1
                   python-resolvelib              0.4.0-1              0.5.1-1
               python-zope-interface              5.1.2-1              5.2.0-1
                      python2-pep517              0.8.2-1              0.9.1-1
                         python2-pip             20.1.1-1               20.2-1
                  python2-resolvelib              0.4.0-1              0.5.1-1
              python2-zope-interface              5.1.2-1              5.2.0-1
                  qqc2-desktop-style             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                              raptor            2.0.15-13            2.0.15-14
                              rasqal           1:0.9.33-3           1:0.9.33-4
                              recode              3.7.7-1              3.7.8-1
                               solid             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                              sonnet             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                         syndication             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                 syntax-highlighting             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             texmacs            1.99.13-1            1.99.15-1
                        threadweaver             5.75.0-1             5.76.0-1
                             tomcat8             8.5.59-2             8.5.60-1
                             tomcat9             9.0.39-2             9.0.40-1
                               unrar            1:6.0.1-1            1:6.0.2-1
                                 vim           8.2.1704-1           8.2.1989-2
                         vim-runtime           8.2.1704-1           8.2.1989-2
                        vulkan-tools            1.2.158-1            1.2.159-1
                      wireguard-dkms       1.0.20200908-2       1.0.20201112-1
                               xterm                361-1                362-1
                        kcolorpicker                    -              0.1.4-3
                     kimageannotator                    -              0.3.2-2
                             kpmcore                    -              4.2.0-1
                          libetebase                    -              0.4.1-1
                    partitionmanager                    -              4.2.0-1

Testers needed on arm-testing branch

We are in need of testers for our arm-testing and arm-unstable branches.
So if you are adventurous and want newer software quicker, we would love for you to help us test out the new packages in arm-testing branch.

All you have to do to switch to this branch is:

  • Run this command to switch branch: sudo pacman-mirrors -aS testing && sudo pacman -Syyu. This will generate a new mirrorlist for you, sync your databases with the new mirror and update your system using the arm-testing branch.

We would then love for you to give feedback in our update posts in #arm:testing-updates. That way we can better find and fix bugs, before they hit arm-stable branch. Thank you!

  • No issue, everything went smoothly
  • Yes there was an issue. I was able to resolve it myself.(Please post your solution)
  • Yes i am currently experiencing an issue due to the update. (Please post about it)

0 voters

1 Like

Known Issues and Solutions

This is a wiki post, please edit it when you find a solution to an issue you encountered

brcm-patchram-plus and pi-blueooth are in conflict
See this post for workaround:

DP Alt Mode no longer works on Pinebook Pro
This is a known issue, the hacky patch we had to enable this has broken in recent kernels.
@tsys and Ayufan are looking into it.
As a workaround you can install linux-pinebookpro again.

Old Issues

Plasma Mobile Keyboard
The plasma mobile onscreen keyboard does not work with QT 5.15.0.
This is fixed by updating to kwin 5.19.3-1.1.

PinePhone uboot
This update to the PinePhone Uboot package (2020.04-2), changed how the DTS is loaded from the kernel, since the Kernel DTS for the Pinephone also changed. When doing this update on the PinePhone images from Alpha5 and back, please make this change to the /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf before rebooting:

  • sun50i-a64-pinephone.dtb to sun50i-a64-pinephone-1.2.dtb

Manual interventions:
The nss and zn_poly packages prior to version 3.51.1-1 and version 0.9.2-2 respectively, were missing a soname link each. This has been fixed in 3.51.1-1 and 0.9.2-2 of these packages, so the upgrade will need to overwrite the untracked files created by ldconfig. If you get any of these errors

nss: /usr/lib/p11-kit-trust.so exists in filesystem
zn_poly: /usr/lib/libzn_poly-0.9.so  exists in filesystem

when updating, use

pacman -Syu --overwrite /usr/lib/p11-kit-trust.so --overwrite /usr/lib/libzn_poly-0.9.so

to perform the upgrade.

Device stopped booting after Uboot update
The uboot update included a change to the extlinux.conf file. This change will be incompatible with the old 1 partition layout of some devices.
So if you are updating installs made with images 20.02.1 or older, you need to apply this fix before rebooting!
To fix this please edit your /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file and add 2 periods in front of each first slash, like so:

KERNEL ../Image
FDT ../dtbs/ #etc.
APPEND initrd=../initramfs-linux.img #etc.

Save the file and reboot.

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This morning I added Firefox 83, to this update.

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error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: brcm-patchram-plus and pi-bluetooth are in conflict
i have this error on rpi4 4gb
which one should i remove?

You should remove pi-bluetooth.

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Hi, I can’t remove pi-bluetooth because rpi4-post-install depends on it, should we remove that too?

I have the same problem.

Synchronizing package databases…
Failed to prepare transaction:
conflicting dependencies:

  • brcm-patchram-plus and pi-bluetooth are in conflict

No issues on the Pinebook Pro.

spyder threw a weird error after the update:

brcm-patchram-plus appears to be installed in the images for some reason but not enabled. The dependency in rpi4-post-install will be removed in it’s future package release. brcm-patchram-plus willl be the default service for bluetooth in the future. This expanation is in a nut shell. Full explanation was posted here:


For now for the 3b+ & 4b devices only:

sudo systemctl disable brcm43438.service
sudo pacman -S -dd  brcm-patchram-plus firmware-raspberrypi
sudo systemctl enable attach-bluetooth.service

For now for the RPi’s pi 400 device only:

sudo systemctl disable brcm43438.service
sudo pacman -S -dd  brcm-patchram-plus-pi400 firmware-raspberrypi
sudo systemctl enable attach-bluetooth-pi400.service

For now for the pi3b device only:

sudo systemctl disable brcm43438.service
sudo pacman -S -dd  brcm-patchram-plus-pi3 firmware-raspberrypi
sudo systemctl enable attach-bluetooth-pi3.service

Reboot for the new bluetooth service to be picked up.


No issues on the Amlogic S905X

the service pi-bluetooth doesn’t exists on my rpi4, other than that the update is now ok!

That is right. I put the package name instead of it’s service. I will update up above.


Remove the stale link:

sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/brcm43438.service

Has anyone else found that Firefox has been crashing their Pinebook Pro after the latest update. It’s happened to me three or four times now. Each time the whole system just freezes and I have to hit the power button to reset. Nothing suspect in journalctl -xe.


Odroid c4 up to date, it works.


no, I can’t confirm this.
Firefox 83.0-1 runs stable on my pinebook pro.

OS: Manjaro-ARM 20.10
Kernel: aarch64 Linux 5.7.19-1-MANJARO-ARM
Uptime: 3m
Packages: Unknown
Shell: bash 5.0.18
Resolution: 1920x1080
DE: KDE 5.76.0 / Plasma 5.20.3
WM: KWin
GTK Theme: Breeze [GTK2], Breath-Dark [GTK3]
Icon Theme: breath2-dark
Disk: 1,3T / 3,7T (37%)
CPU: Unknown @ 6x 1.416GHz
RAM: 1272MiB / 3796MiB

Thanks for the instructions. For pi3b there is a typo, the packet name (in the 2nd line) is
not brcm-patchram-plus-pi3b.
Once I found this out it worked like a charm.

Thanks. Corrected…

Darksky’s instructions below explain how to easily fix the bluetooth package clash (confirmed for raspi3b).