[ARM Stable Update] 2023-01-03 - Handbrake 1.6, Breath 22.0, XFCE 4.18, Mesa 22.3 and Kernels

Hello ARM community.

As our first major update of 2023, this brings in lots of updated stuff including the new XFCE 4.18.

The Breath theme got a new wallpaper!

Some highlights:

  • Most of our kernels got updated
  • Handbrake updated to 1.6.0
  • Phosh updated to 0.23
  • Breath updated to 22.0.0
  • Mesa updated to 22.3.2
  • KDE Gear applications updated to 22.12.0
  • Firefox updated to 108.0.1
  • KDE Frameworks updated to 5.101
  • Libcamera updated to 0.0.3
  • Thunderbird updated to 102.6.1
  • XFCE updated to 4.18.0
  • Lots of updated packages for our Mobile offerings
  • The regular Python updates
  • And regular updates from upstream

Gnome 43 theme changes

Gnome 43 changes how themes are applied to the system, so when upgrading you might notice something is off with the theming.
We have tried to make it easy to get a pretty good theme going when updating, but it does require a few steps.

  1. Install adw-gtk3 and gradience. But you will need to set your own colors in Gradience after it’s installed.
  2. Open Gradience and import this preset (link will follow) and Apply it.
How to get Waydroid working

If you follow these steps, you should have Waydroid working fine.

Remember, Waydroid only works on wayland!

  • Install waydroid-image and all it’s dependencies.
  • Run pkexec setup-waydroid.
  • You should now be able to launch Waydroid. The first launch takes a while.
How to use Kodi RPI on Manjaro ARM

If anyone wants to test kodi on the rpi, install these packages:

sudo pacman -S kodi-rpi kodi-rpi-dev kodi-rpi-eventclients kodi-rpi-tools-texturepacker libcec-rpi linux-rpi4 xf86-video-fbdev

Have it set up is to boot straight in to kodi

This means the kodi.service file need to replace whatever login manager you have installed. In my case I would:

sudo systemctl disable lightdm.service
sudo systemctl enable kodi.service

They recommend removing custom configs in config.txt. We ran into an issue if a value was set with gpu_mem=.

My config.txt with a bit of overclocking:

#gpu_mem=64     #disable this
initramfs initramfs-linux.img followkernel

#enable sound

#enable vc4
#max_framebuffers=2    #disable cause kodi uses more

Some notes:

The default user will be kodi
kodi home directory will be /var/lib/kodi
So put test video in /var/lib/kodi/Videos so you can get to it
after setting up the video directory in kodi.

Upstream Notifications:

Removing python2 from the repositories

Older notifications

If you used the Manjaro ARM Installer or is using PinePhone or PineTab, you need to redo your passwords, because of an update to libxcrypt:
Arch Linux - News: Sorting out old password hashes

Chromium will loose sync support in early March:
Arch Linux - News: Chromium losing Sync support in early March

ghostpcl>=9.53.2-2 and ghostxps>=9.53.2-2 updates require manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: ghostpcl>=9.53.2-2 and ghostxps>=9.53.2-2 updates require manual intervention

The nss and zn_poly packages requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: nss>=3.51.1-1 and lib32-nss>=3.51.1-1 updates require manual intervention
Arch Linux - News: zn_poly 0.9.2-2 update requires manual intervention

The packages hplip and firewalld requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: hplip 3.20.3-2 update requires manual intervention
Arch Linux - News: firewalld>=0.8.1-2 update requires manual intervention

Package changes:

(Tue Jan 3 20:18:24 CET 2023)

  • arm-stable community aarch64: 767 new and 768 removed package(s)
  • arm-stable core aarch64: 91 new and 90 removed package(s)
  • arm-stable extra aarch64: 865 new and 867 removed package(s)
  • arm-stable kde-unstable aarch64: 404 new and 405 removed package(s)

See the full package list here

Testers needed on arm-testing branch

We are in need of testers for our arm-testing and arm-unstable branches.
So if you are adventurous and want newer software quicker, we would love for you to help us test out the new packages in arm-testing branch.

All you have to do to switch to this branch is:

  • Run this command to switch branch: sudo pacman-mirrors -aS testing && sudo pacman -Syyu. This will generate a new mirrorlist for you, sync your databases with the new mirror and update your system using the arm-testing branch.

We would then love for you to give feedback in our update posts in #manjaro-arm:arm-testing-updates. That way we can better find and fix bugs, before they hit arm-stable branch. Thank you!


Please consider supporting Manjaro ARM directly via Patreon, Ko-Fi or Open Collective.
You can also donate to our upstream, which is Arch Linux ARM.


  • No issue, everything went smoothly
  • Yes there was an issue. I was able to resolve it myself. (Please post your solution)
  • Yes i am currently experiencing an issue due to the update. (Please post about it)

0 voters

Check if your mirror has already synced:


Known Issues and Solutions

This is a wiki post, please edit it when you find a solution to an issue you encountered

Ethernet and Wifi not working right on kernel 6.1.2 on some devices

Some devices have been reported to not have properly working ethernet and wifi after the update to kernel 6.1.2.
Fix: Currently no working fix found.

Reduced video playback performance in mpv

There has been reports of video playback performance in mpv has regressed since an update to mpv.
Fix: Currently no fix found.

Touch input on Firefox with Phosh not working in Firefox 108

Since the update to Firefox 108, the touch input does not work. Seems to be an issue with a couple of the changes the mobile-config brings in. PostMarketOS likely won’t fix this in their source, so we might need to carry a patch for this.


OpenSSL 1.1 library not found

Some applications might still be looking for openssl 1.1.
Solution: Install openssl-1.1 package with sudo pacman -S openssl-1.1.


Firefox shows wrong colors when playing video on Raspberry Pi 4

Since Mesa 22.2, Firefox has been showing weird colors when playing video on the Raspberry Pi 4. This is caused by an issue in upstream mesa, which was recently fixed.
Fix: Update to mesa 22.2.3-0.1 in the repository, which includes this fix.

Chromium in Wayland crashes with --in-process-gpu

Since Mesa 22.2.0, Chromium running in wayland sessions seems to crash when running with the --in-process-gpu option. Running in X11 seems fine, although it’s slow.
Fix: Update to Mesa 22.3.2 was reported to work here.


Plasma Mobile Dialer seems to be unreliable

Plasma Dialer 22.09 seems to have issues switching audio profiles and as such might require manual switching. Sometimes audio is completely missing.

Reduced video performance on youtube

Some may encounter reduced video playback performance on YouTube in Firefox with the new Mesa 22.2 drivers.
No workaround at this time.

Old Issues

Phosh crashes when closing apps
An upstream issue results in the Phosh shell to crash when you close the app in the app switcher, with animations turned off.
Fix: Enable animations in Tweaks application

Mouse cursor is slow on Raspberry Pi
Due to a change in the Raspberry Pi kernels upstream, they no longer support FKMS. This can result in slow performance when using the FKMS drivers with the newer Raspberry Pi kernels.
Solution: Open /boot/config.txt, change fkms to kms in the dtoverlay line. Save the file and reboot.

[Waydroid container cannot access internet
Cause: new default waydroid configuration issue, tracked here.

Short-term Solution:

  1. create /etc/nftables.d/waydroid.nft with the following contents:
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
table inet filter {
    chain input {
        iifname "waydroid0" accept comment "Allow incoming network traffic from WayDroid"
    chain forward {
        iifname "waydroid0" accept comment "Allow outgoing network traffic from WayDroid"
        ct state {established, related} counter accept comment "accept established connections"
  1. any time you launch waydroid, run the following after it has started:
echo "ip route add default via" |sudo waydroid shell

Pinebook Pro: issue after update of Manjaro on the NVMe + dd-ing uboot onto the eMMC:

  • during boot keyboard doesn’t work (neither the built-in, nor one plugged into USB port). (So I can’t “press any key” to interrupt the process and debug).
  • while the linux kernel boots, after the initial “garbage on screen” half-second flash, screen stays black and nothing happens (not even a flashing cursor).

I’ll try to make a bootable ”SD to see what went wrong (error while updating uboot, I presume ?)

There appears to be an issue in one of the install scripts:

(159/188) installing feedbackd                                           [########################################] 100%
id: ‘1000’: no such user
Usage: usermod [options] LOGIN

  -a, --append                  append the user to the supplemental GROUPS
                                mentioned by the -G option without removing
                                the user from other groups
  -b, --badname                 allow bad names
  -c, --comment COMMENT         new value of the GECOS field
  -d, --home HOME_DIR           new home directory for the user account
  -e, --expiredate EXPIRE_DATE  set account expiration date to EXPIRE_DATE
  -f, --inactive INACTIVE       set password inactive after expiration
                                to INACTIVE
  -g, --gid GROUP               force use GROUP as new primary group
  -G, --groups GROUPS           new list of supplementary GROUPS
  -h, --help                    display this help message and exit
  -l, --login NEW_LOGIN         new value of the login name
  -L, --lock                    lock the user account
  -m, --move-home               move contents of the home directory to the
                                new location (use only with -d)
  -o, --non-unique              allow using duplicate (non-unique) UID
  -p, --password PASSWORD       use encrypted password for the new password
  -P, --prefix PREFIX_DIR       prefix directory where are located the /etc/* files
  -r, --remove                  remove the user from only the supplemental GROUPS
                                mentioned by the -G option without removing
                                the user from other groups
  -R, --root CHROOT_DIR         directory to chroot into
  -s, --shell SHELL             new login shell for the user account
  -u, --uid UID                 new UID for the user account
  -U, --unlock                  unlock the user account
  -v, --add-subuids FIRST-LAST  add range of subordinate uids
  -V, --del-subuids FIRST-LAST  remove range of subordinate uids
  -w, --add-subgids FIRST-LAST  add range of subordinate gids
  -W, --del-subgids FIRST-LAST  remove range of subordinate gids

error: command failed to execute correctly
(160/188) upgrading megapixels                                           [########################################] 100%

What UID does your user have? The script assumes it’s 1000.

I forgot to mention I am on PinePhone (based on Beta Edition).

I am using the default/primary user account and my uid is 1002. I also checked /etc/passwd and there is no user with uid 1000. I have not see such an error during any previous update.

Hm, I see feedbackd is just getting installed, not even updated. So it seems a package has gained it as a dependency.

Can you give me the output of pacman -Qi feedbackd from your device? It will reveal what package gained it as a dependency.

Is it an old install? Like from early Beta releases?
Output of cat /etc/manjaro-arm-version can tell you what image you flashed from.

I ask because we have defined it to target UID 1000 almost a year ago, so if your install is older than that, that might explain it.

To “fix” it in your case, run this in the terminal:

usermod -aG feedbackd $USERNAME

Where $USERNAME is your system username.

Name            : feedbackd
Version         : 0.0.0+git20220520-1
Description     : A daemon to provide haptic (and later more) feedback on events
Architecture    : aarch64
URL             : https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/feedbackd
Licenses        : GPL
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : gobject-introspection  gsound  json-glib  libgudev  systemd
Optional Deps   : None
Required By     : megapixels
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 392.10 KiB
Packager        : Philip MĂŒller <philm@manjaro.org>
Build Date      : Thu 09 Jun 2022 12:26:37 PM CEST
Install Date    : Thu 05 Jan 2023 05:56:59 PM CET
Install Reason  : Installed as a dependency for another package
Install Script  : Yes
Validated By    : Signature

My install is definitely older.

pinephone - plasma-mobile - 20210306

I was not aware that I had to re-flash a system.

No, you don’t have too. But the way users are created on the images have changed since then, that’s why you ran into this issue with UIDs being different.

This explains why it gets installed now. Megapixels gained feedbackd as a dependency about a month ago. But you should have had that update in mid December.
Maybe you haven’t updated in a couple of months before this time?

I manually check for updates every few days.

Ah, I get it now. The Megapixel update didn’t make it into the previous stable update, so it was first in this one. That explains why you are seeing it for the first time with this update.

problem fixed:

Took the opportunity to flash TowBoot on the SPI flash of my Pinebook Pro (was putting this off for quite some time, I thinks it’s finally time to do it).
Everything now boots correctly (keyboard input works, kernel+initrd successfully loaded out of eMMC, system successfully booted out of NVMe).

So yes, this indeed seems to be a problem that only happens with uboot provided by Manjaro ARM

source of problem?

While looking at the u-boot screen output:
for the 3rd probed USB host (I think at 0xfe3c0000 if I remember correctly?):

  • the uboot 2022.10-1 provided by Manjaro reports only 1 devices (only the root hub ?)
  • the uboot 2021.10-005 release by Tow-boot reports 3 devices (the keyboard and mouse/touchpad hid devices?)
    the only other USB host that reports devices is the second one (I think, at 0xfe3a000?) this one finds a 2nd USB device (the camera, perhaps?)

So my hypothesis is:

  • something went wrong with the initialization of USB bus, this causes keyboard and touchpad to be not detected and thus go unresponsive under the precise u-boot version provided by Manjaro (Tow Boot isn’t affected).
  • something also went wrong with the initialization of PCIe bus, this causes the Linux+initrd to not successfully probe the NVMe that holds the root device and the boot process freezes (can happen also in TowBoot when trying to boot directly from NVMe, instead of first loading extlinux+kernel+initrd from eMMC and only using NVMe for root)

I’ve double checked the uboot currently on the eMMC, it perfectly matches the files inside /boot:

  • so a failed dd-ing of uboot to the eMMC doesn’t explain this breakage.

Maybe it’s my hardware?

  • I have the 128GB eMMC, special for the “already registered users”, from the initial run of Pinebook Pros.
  • I have added an Intel 660p rev03 512GB NVMe.
  • NVMe is switched to PS1 using nvme set-feature -f 2 -v 1 
 in boot scripts.

Maybe the presence of my NVMe SSD is somehow disturbing Manjaro’s provided uboot, in such a way that it fails both to access the keyboard and linux then fails to load the root?

This could be the case. USB is often not needed during u-boot stage.
However, if you have a fix for this, please post it in an issue on our gitlab. Thank you.

I can confirm the problem and the solution. I don’t have NVMe SSD but I do have 128GB eMMC.

I had the same problem as DrYak and can also confirm that flashing TowBoot on the SPI flash fixed the issue.
Additional hint, in order for the installer to work I needed to disable my eMMC ( I used the on board switch)
Bonus is that now finally suspend seems to work :slight_smile:

geeqie needs a rebuild against the new libraw:

$ geeqie
geeqie: error while loading shared libraries: libraw.so.20: cannot open shared o
bject file: No such file or directory

Name : geeqie
Version : 1.7.3-1
Description : Lightweight image viewer
Architecture : aarch64

Name : libraw
Version : 0.21.0-2

1 Like

i’d like to add “drastically reduced video playback performance using mpv on the pinebook pro after the update” to that list

how would you go about diagnosing what causes this? maybe if i downgrade some select programs we can narrow it down (i know it isn’t supported but i can’t think of a better way)