[ARM Stable Update] 2021-08-05 - DesQ, Kodi, PulseAudio and Kernels

I did the downgrade Vivaldi to version 4.0.2312.41 as per

I had to use the manual downgrade as discribed in the Mahjaro Wiki

Downgrading packages - Manjaro

I have been talking with someone on the Vivaldi Forum in the post I entered there.

4.1.2369.11-1 Crashes on Manjaro-ARM | Vivaldi Forum

That person is on the Manjaro-ARM testing branch and says that version 4.1.2369.16 is available there. I’m now wondering when that version of Vivaldi will be available in the stable branch.

With the next stable update. :wink:

Ok, sounds like it will be a while before that update is ready.

You could move to testing , install vivaldi,then move back to stable.

Hi, getting no eyes with the new xeyes in this update. Testing with plasma on X11 on an RPI4. Any clue?