[ARM Stable Update] 2021-01-21 - Plasma 5.20.5, Mesa 20.3.3, Mobile and Kernels

:open_mouth: wasn’t aware of that. I thought the panfrost improvements over the last months were mostly driven by the Mesa drivers…

Mostly yes, but there have also been some big improvements on the kernel side. Especially 5.9 and 5.11 had big changes for panfrost.

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Any idea on the issue with dd’ing the image to the microSD with kernel 5.10? Haven’t seen something like this before and was initially thinking the microSD is broken, but after it happens on a second and third one I realized it might be also related to upgrading the kernel recently…

Nope. I haven’t had any issues DD’ing or flashing images to SD cards, I’m on 5.10 and 5.11.

Yay, khal and khard are working again.