[ARM Stable Update] 2020-08-25 - LibreOffice, GCC, Pamac, KDE Applications and Kernels

Hello ARM community.

Another Stable update is upon us! This is a huge one!

Get LibreOffice 7 now

Some highlights:

  • Most of our kernels got updated
  • The Raspberry Pi default kernel now updated to 5.4. Users that have installed the “next” kernel needs to switch to linux-rpi4 as linux-rpi4-next has been removed from the repository.
  • LibreOffice updated to 7.0.0
  • Also GCC got a big update to 10.2.0
  • KDE Applications is now updated to 20.08
  • 9.5.8 of Pamac is also included in this one
  • The usual updates to Python packages

Upstream Notifications:

Older notifications

The nss and zn_poly packages requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: nss>=3.51.1-1 and lib32-nss>=3.51.1-1 updates require manual intervention
Arch Linux - News: zn_poly 0.9.2-2 update requires manual intervention

The packages hplip and firewalld requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: hplip 3.20.3-2 update requires manual intervention
Arch Linux - News: firewalld>=0.8.1-2 update requires manual intervention

Package changes:

(Tue Aug 25 18:37:17 CEST 2020)

  • arm-stable community aarch64: 577 new and 536 removed package(s)
  • arm-stable core aarch64: 64 new and 63 removed package(s)
  • arm-stable extra aarch64: 621 new and 612 removed package(s)
:: Different overlay package(s) in repository community aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2020-08-13          2020-08-25
              arm-none-eabi-binutils               2.34-1               2.34-2
                   arm-none-eabi-gcc              9.3.0-1             10.2.0-1
                arm-none-eabi-newlib              3.3.0-1              3.3.0-2
      ayatana-indicator-messages-git              0.6.1-1             git_r7-1
                            buho-git      0_git20200417-1       r278.03e78cb-1
                       calindori-git       r375.cd30527-1       r391.07b2eb6-1
                              chatty             0.1.14-1             0.1.15-1
                     element-desktop              1.7.3-1              1.7.4-1
                         element-web              1.7.3-1              1.7.4-1
               indicator-network-git     r2042.2539978c-1     r2042.2539978c-2
                        khadas-utils                  2-2                  3-2
                        kongress-git        r60.2c11c9c-1        r87.bd9c149-1
                    kpeoplevcard-git        r38.32d50a9-1        r39.778d034-1
                maliit-framework-git     r1873.223331b3-1     r1884.70bef706-1
                 maliit-keyboard-git     r2034.99cd3f43-2     r2046.15613dd0-1
                         mauikit-git      r1546.ec58f0b-1      r1546.ec58f0b-2
                              mntray              1.1.1-3              1.1.2-1
                            nota-git         r1.df27910-1       r208.f50c2fe-1
                    oc2-post-install           20200304-1           20200820-1
                    oc4-post-install           20200510-1           20200820-1
                    on2-post-install           20200501-1           20200819-1
            pinephone-manjaro-tweaks           20200811-1           20200814-1
                plasma-angelfish-git       r689.ef3402c-1       r711.cddc52b-1
                   plasma-camera-git       r150.af2638f-1       r166.d484fb4-1
                   plasma-dialer-git       r221.2bfb2ef-1       r230.0974c6f-1
                     plasma-nano-git       r107.4b954a4-1       r117.d2cee7b-1
         plasma-phone-components-git      r1138.d4e4431-1      r1196.bb3225d-1
                plasma-phonebook-git       r164.0e47f7b-1       r166.a9cea25-1
                      plasma-pix-git   0.1+r467.ccc1134-1   0.1+r474.5626e88-1
                 plasma-settings-git       r770.5ad0a01-1       r780.14134a6-1
                         presage-git                957-2                957-3
                      qmlkonsole-git        r36.937e071-1        r46.681221d-1
                           qtmir-git     r2407.be21a0e2-1     r2407.be21a0e2-2
    raspberrypi-userland-aarch64-git       r775.291f9cb-1       r806.f73fca0-1
                          rpi-eeprom         2020.07.16-1         2020.07.31-1
                        spacebar-git       r261.dd72b7e-1       r264.950a4e9-1
  telepathy-kde-common-internals-git           20.07.70-1      r1984.760e67a-1
         unity-system-compositor-git      r1170.5a93741-2      r1172.783ddfb-1
                          unity8-git   r18199.11c06cfd1-1   r18225.c6c6bf35b-2
                           vvave-git       r730.1fe868c-1       r732.123c530-3
                                 yay             10.0.3-1             10.0.4-1
                               anbox                    -      0_git20200609-1
                 anbox-image-aarch64                    -         0_20200520-0
           kaccounts-integration-git                    -    .r1143.gdd04ecf-1
                   kcalendarcore-git                    -5.74.0.r1140.gb29894815-1
                       kcontacts-git                    -5.74.0.r3184.g7f82a8b3-1
                      kio-extras-git                    -    r6825.g39ef052c-1
                    kquickcharts-git                    -      r370.g0e94355-1
                   kuserfeedback-git                    -       r695.b0cdb30-1
                        libkgapi-git                    -      r1191.0dcf426-1
                  libva-v4l2-request                    -            2019.03-2
               lomiri-mobile-session                    -              0.1.2-1
                        repowerd-git                    -       r322.4fa3396-3
        signon-kwallet-extension-git                    -       r62.geba3ac4-1

:: Different sync package(s) in repository community aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2020-08-13          2020-08-25
                               acorn            1:7.4.0-1            1:8.0.1-1
                             alembic             1.7.13-1             1.7.14-1
                       android-tools             29.0.6-1             30.0.3-1
                             ansible             2.9.11-1             2.9.12-1
                        ansible-lint              4.2.0-3              4.3.1-2
                           aqbanking              6.2.1-1              6.2.2-1
                   archlinux-contrib           20190911-2           20200816-1
                             arduino           1:1.8.13-1           1:1.8.13-2
                           aspell-pl           20200704-1           20200822-1
                                avfs              1.1.2-1              1.1.3-1
                             aws-cli           1.18.104-1           1.18.124-1
                             bashtop             0.9.24-1             0.9.25-1
                           bibletime             2.11.2-2                3.0-1
                            binaryen               1:95-1               1:96-1
                             blender        17:2.83.4-1.1          17:2.83.5-2
                               box2d              2.3.1-5              2.4.0-1
                               broot             0.19.4-1             0.20.1-1
              caja-extensions-common             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                caja-image-converter             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                  caja-open-terminal             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                         caja-sendto             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                          caja-share             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                      caja-wallpaper             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                     caja-xattr-tags             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                             calibre             4.22.0-1             4.23.0-1
                      calibre-common             4.22.0-1             4.23.0-1
                     calibre-python3             4.22.0-1             4.23.0-1
                             chezmoi              1.8.3-2              1.8.4-1
                            cinnamon              4.6.6-1              4.6.7-1
             cinnamon-control-center              4.6.1-1              4.6.2-1
                    cinnamon-desktop              4.6.3-1              4.6.4-1
                    cinnamon-session              4.6.0-1              4.6.2-1
                               clash              1.0.0-1              1.1.0-1
                             cockpit                225-1                226-2
                   cockpit-dashboard                225-1                226-2
                      cockpit-docker                225-1                226-2
                    cockpit-machines                225-1                226-2
                         cockpit-pcp                225-1                226-2
                      cockpit-podman                 21-1                 22-1
                           colordiff             1.0.18-3             1.0.19-1
                          containerd              1.3.4-2              1.4.0-2
                             cordova              9.0.0-1             10.0.0-1
                          cozy-stack           1:1.4.14-2           1:1.4.15-1
                           cpp-hocon              0.2.2-1              0.3.0-1
                                dart              2.9.0-1              2.9.1-1
                                 dcd           1:0.13.0-1           1:0.13.1-1
          deepin-qt5platform-plugins             5.0.13-1             5.0.15-1
                            deheader                1.6-4                1.7-1
                         dns-lexicon             3.3.28-2              3.4.0-1
                      dns-over-https              2.2.1-3              2.2.2-1
                            dropbear            2020.79-1            2020.80-1
                        dropbear-scp            2020.79-1            2020.80-1
                             dua-cli              2.9.1-1             2.10.2-1
                                dune              2.6.2-1              2.7.0-1
                              dwdiff              2.1.2-4              2.1.3-1
                           emacs-nox               26.3-2               27.1-1
                          emscripten             1.40.1-1              2.0.1-1
                            engrampa             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                                 eom             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                              eslint              7.6.0-1              7.7.0-1
                            ettercap              0.8.3-2  
                        ettercap-gtk              0.8.3-2  
                              facter            3.14.11-1            3.14.12-2
                          fanficfare             3.21.0-1             3.22.1-1
                              fdupes            1:2.1.1-1            1:2.1.2-1
                                 fio               3.21-1               3.22-1
  firefox-extension-https-everywhere          2020.5.20-1          2020.8.13-1
                    firefox-noscript            11.0.34-1            11.0.37-1
              firefox-tree-style-tab             3.5.21-1             3.5.22-1
                   firefox-tridactyl             1.20.0-1             1.20.1-1
               firefox-ublock-origin             1.29.0-1             1.29.2-1
                            firejail             0.9.62-1 
                              fossil             2.11.1-1             2.12.1-1
               freepats-general-midi           20200725-1           20200814-1
                          freeradius             3.0.21-4             3.0.21-5
                               fwupd              1.4.5-1              1.4.5-2
                       gdb-dashboard             0.11.3-1             0.11.4-1
                              gifski             0.10.2-1              1.2.0-1
                              glider             0.10.0-2             0.10.2-1
                      gnome-firmware             3.36.0-1             3.36.0-2
                      gnome-software             3.36.1-1             3.36.1-2
    gnome-software-packagekit-plugin             3.36.1-1             3.36.1-2
                                  go           2:1.14.7-1             2:1.15-1
                         go-ethereum             1.9.18-1             1.9.19-1
                              gopass              1.9.2-3             1.10.0-2
                         grammalecte             1.11.0-1             1.12.0-1
                              groovy              2.5.8-1             2.5.13-1
                     gtk-layer-shell              0.2.0-1              0.3.0-1
                             haproxy              2.2.2-1              2.2.2-2
                             hashcat            1:6.0.0-1            1:6.1.1-1
                         hcxdumptool              6.0.7-1              6.1.1-1
                            hcxtools              6.0.3-1              6.1.1-1
                                helm              3.2.4-1              3.3.0-1
                         hunspell-pl           20200704-1           20200822-1
                           hypercorn             0.10.2-1             0.10.2-2
                           i2c-tools                4.1-4                4.1-5
                               i3-wm             4.18.2-1             4.18.2-2
                          ibus-table             1.10.1-1             1.11.0-1
                             img2pdf              0.3.6-1              0.4.0-1
                            influxdb              1.8.1-1              1.8.2-1
                             jenkins              2.250-1              2.253-1
                           keepassxc              2.6.0-2              2.6.1-1
                               khard             0.16.1-2             0.17.0-1
                               kitty             0.18.2-2             0.18.3-1
                      kitty-terminfo             0.18.2-2             0.18.3-1
                             klayout               0.26-3             0.26.6-1
                       kodi-platform  20190726.809c5e9-12  20190726.809c5e9-14
                              kotlin             1.3.72-1              1.4.0-1
                         kphotoalbum              5.6.1-4              5.7.0-1
                             kubeone        1.0.0beta.3-1              1.0.0-1
               kvantum-theme-materia           20200713-1           20200812-1
                             labplot              2.7.0-5              2.7.0-6
                             libaacs              0.9.0-4             0.11.0-1
                      libcurl-compat             7.71.1-1             7.72.0-3
                      libcurl-gnutls             7.71.1-1             7.72.0-2
                           libfreexl              1.0.5-2              1.0.6-1
                             libharu              2.3.0-3              2.3.0-4
                          libmatekbd             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                        libmatemixer             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                             libmgba              0.8.2-1              0.8.3-1
              libperconaserverclient          8.0.20_11-1          8.0.20_11-2
                 libretro-beetle-psx               2360-1               2362-1
              libretro-beetle-psx-hw               2360-1               2362-1
                   libretro-gambatte                838-1                840-1
                       libretro-mgba               6814-1               6816-1
                       libretro-play               5769-1               5780-1
              libretro-shaders-slang                765-1                770-1
                             libvips              8.9.2-3             8.10.0-1
                             libxmlb             0.1.15-2              0.2.0-1
                            lollypop              1.3.3-1              1.3.5-1
                               ltris             1.0.20-1              1.2.1-1
                    lua51-alt-getopt              0.7.0-9              0.8.0-1
                    lua52-alt-getopt              0.7.0-9              0.8.0-1
                    lua53-alt-getopt              0.7.0-9              0.8.0-1
                           mailutils                3.9-1               3.10-1
                               marco             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                        mate-applets             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                    mate-backgrounds             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                           mate-calc             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                         mate-common             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                 mate-control-center             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                        mate-desktop             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                          mate-media             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                          mate-menus             1.24.0-2             1.24.1-1
            mate-notification-daemon             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                          mate-panel             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                  mate-power-manager             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                    mate-screensaver             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                 mate-sensors-applet             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                mate-session-manager             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                mate-settings-daemon             1.24.0-1             1.24.1-1
                       mate-terminal             1.24.0-2             1.24.1-1
                         materia-kde           20200713-1           20200812-1
               matrix-appservice-irc             0.19.0-1             0.20.1-1
                      matrix-synapse             1.15.2-1             1.19.0-1
                             maturin              0.8.1-1              0.8.2-1
                       mediathekview             13.5.1-3             13.6.0-2
                             mgba-qt              0.8.2-1              0.8.3-1
                            mgba-sdl              0.8.2-1              0.8.3-1
                        minio-client         2020.05.16-1         2020.08.20-1
                            minitube              3.4.2-1              3.5.1-1
                            molecule              3.0.6-1              3.0.7-1
                              muffin              4.6.1-1              4.6.3-1
                                nemo              4.6.4-1              4.6.5-1
                             neomutt           20200626-2           20200821-1
                             netdata             1.24.0-1             1.24.0-2
           networkmanager-strongswan              1.4.5-2              1.5.2-1
             nextcloud-app-bookmarks            1:3.3.3-1            1:3.3.4-1
                 nextcloud-app-notes              3.6.1-1              3.6.2-1
                      nginx-mainline             1.19.1-1             1.19.2-2
                       nginx-mod-njs              0.4.2-1              0.4.3-1
                                 nim              1.2.4-1              1.2.6-1
                               ninja             1.10.0-1             1.10.1-1
                                 nnn                3.3-1                3.4-1
                              nodejs             14.7.0-1             14.8.0-1
                              nomacs        1:3.17.2045-1        1:3.17.2206-1
                              notion            1:4.0.1-2            1:4.0.1-3
                                 npm             6.14.7-1             6.14.8-1
                   npm-check-updates              7.0.4-1              7.1.1-1
                                nrpe              4.0.2-1              4.0.3-1
                      openbsd-netcat            1.206_1-1            1.217_2-1
                           opensmtpd            6.7.1p1-5            6.7.1p1-6
                             openvdb              7.0.0-5              7.1.0-1
                      pantheon-files              4.4.3-1              4.5.0-1
                           partclone             0.3.12-1             0.3.15-1
                            patchelf                0.9-3               0.11-1
                                  pd             0.51.0-1             0.51.1-1
                             pelican              4.2.0-2              4.5.0-2
                               peony              3.0.1-1              3.0.2-1
                      percona-server          8.0.20_11-1          8.0.20_11-2
              percona-server-clients          8.0.20_11-1          8.0.20_11-2
                       perl-importer              0.025-4              0.026-1
                perl-module-scandeps               1.28-1               1.29-1
                    perl-test2-suite           0.000132-1           0.000135-1
                           perl-tidy           20200110-1           20200619-1
                              picard              2.3.2-1              2.4.1-2
                              pifpaf              2.6.0-1              3.0.0-1
                          pigeonhole             0.5.10-2             0.5.11-1
                                 pm2              4.4.0-1              4.4.1-1
                                po4a             0.59.1-2               0.61-1
                              poedit            1:2.3.1-1            1:2.4.1-1
                        prusa-slicer              2.2.0-6              2.2.0-7
                              puppet             6.16.0-1             6.17.0-1
                              pwndbg         2019.12.09-1         2020.07.23-1
                         python-adal              1.2.2-1              1.2.4-1
                  python-aiobotocore              1.0.7-2              1.1.0-1
           python-aws-sam-translator             1.25.0-1             1.26.0-1
                      python-basemap              1.2.1-3              1.2.2-1
               python-basemap-common              1.2.1-3              1.2.2-1
                       python-bcrypt              3.1.7-3              3.2.0-1
             python-binary-memcached             0.29.0-1             0.30.0-1
                        python-boto3            1.14.27-1            1.14.47-1
                     python-botocore            1.17.27-1            1.17.47-1
                python-canonicaljson              1.1.4-5              1.3.0-1
                     python-cfn-lint             0.34.1-1             0.35.0-1
                      python-cheroot              8.3.1-1              8.4.5-1
                   python-cloudflare              2.8.9-1             2.8.13-1
                         python-cmd2              1.3.2-1              1.3.4-1
                     python-colander              1.7.0-4              1.8.2-1
                     python-coverage                5.2-1              5.2.1-1
                python-cssbeautifier             1.11.0-2             1.13.0-1
                     python-cssutils              1.0.2-5                    -
                         python-dask             2.21.0-2             2.24.0-1
             python-dephell-argparse              0.1.2-1              0.1.3-1
             python-diff-match-patch           20181111-4           20200713-1
                  python-distributed             2.22.0-1             2.24.0-1
            python-django-extensions              3.0.4-1              3.0.5-1
                     python-django-q              1.2.4-1              1.3.3-1
                       python-docker              4.3.0-1              4.3.1-1
                     python-dominate              2.5.1-1              2.5.2-1
                  python-elementpath              1.4.6-1              2.0.1-1
                     python-engineio             3.13.1-1             3.13.2-1
                      python-etesync             0.12.0-1             0.12.1-1
                        python-faker              4.1.1-1              4.1.2-1
                      python-fastapi             0.60.1-1             0.61.0-2
                    python-fonttools             4.13.0-1             4.14.0-1
                        python-gdspy              1.5.2-1                1.6-1
                 python-glanceclient              3.2.0-1              3.2.1-1
                          python-h11              0.9.0-1             0.10.0-1
                       python-hunter              3.1.3-1              3.2.1-1
                   python-hypothesis             5.24.0-1             5.28.0-1
                     python-identify             1.4.25-1             1.4.29-1
                   python-inflection              0.5.0-1              0.5.1-1
                    python-iniconfig              1.0.0-4              1.0.1-1
                    python-ipykernel              5.3.0-1              5.3.4-1
                       python-jaraco         2019.10.22-3         2020.08.23-1
                       python-josepy              1.3.0-1              1.4.0-1
                 python-jsbeautifier             1.11.0-2             1.13.0-1
          python-keras-preprocessing              1.1.0-3              1.1.2-1
                      python-keyring             21.2.1-4             21.3.1-1
                      python-libtmux              0.8.2-3              0.8.3-1
                         python-lmdb               0.98-1               0.99-1
                   python-matplotlib              3.3.0-3              3.3.1-1
                   python-matrix-nio             0.14.1-1             0.15.0-1
                       python-mocket              3.8.7-1              3.8.8-1
                       python-nbxmpp              1.0.1-1              1.0.2-1
                      python-netaddr             0.7.19-5             0.7.20-1
                      python-nodeenv              1.4.0-1              1.5.0-1
                          python-nox          2020.5.24-1          2020.8.22-1
                     python-openpyxl              3.0.4-1              3.0.5-1
                       python-pandas              1.1.0-1              1.1.1-1
                        python-pecan              1.3.3-3              1.4.0-1
                 python-phonenumbers             8.12.7-1             8.12.8-1
                         python-pint               0.14-1               0.15-1
                       python-pipenv           2020.6.2-2          2020.8.13-1
                  python-precis_i18n              1.0.1-3              1.0.2-1
                       python-ptrace              0.9.5-1              0.9.7-1
                   python-pydocstyle              5.0.2-1              5.1.0-1
                     python-pygithub               1.52-1               1.53-1
                     python-pynamodb              4.3.2-1              4.3.3-1
                         python-pyro               4.77-2               4.80-1
                     python-pyroute2             0.5.12-1             0.5.13-1
                   python-pytest-cov             2.10.0-1             2.10.1-1
             python-pytest-freezegun              0.4.1-1              0.4.2-1
                 python-pytest-xdist             1.34.0-1              2.0.0-1
                      python-pytools           2020.3.1-1             2020.4-1
                         python-pytz             2020.1-1             2020.1-2
                        python-qiniu              7.2.9-1             7.2.10-1
                        python-quart             0.13.0-1             0.13.0-2
                    python-reportlab             3.5.47-1             3.5.48-1
             python-requests-credssp              1.1.1-1              1.2.0-1
              python-requirementslib             1.5.12-1             1.5.13-1
                    python-responses            0.10.15-1             0.11.0-1
             python-securesystemslib             0.15.0-1             0.16.0-1
                      python-serpent               1.27-5             1.30.2-1
                      python-shapely              1.7.0-1              1.7.1-1
                    python-softlayer              5.8.9-1              5.9.0-1
                       python-sphinx              3.2.0-1              3.2.1-1
                   python-sqlalchemy             1.3.18-1             1.3.19-1
                    python-starlette             0.13.7-1             0.13.8-1
                      python-tempora              3.0.0-1              4.0.0-1
                      python-trimesh             3.7.13-1              3.8.1-1
                    python-typeguard              2.8.0-1              2.9.0-1
       python-unittest-xml-reporting              3.0.2-1              3.0.4-1
                   python-validators             0.16.0-1             0.18.0-1
                        python-wheel             0.34.2-3             0.35.1-2
                   python-xlsxwriter              1.3.2-1              1.3.3-1
                    python-xmlschema              1.2.2-1              1.2.3-1
                      python2-bcrypt              3.1.7-3              3.1.7-4
                     python2-cheroot              8.3.1-1              8.4.5-1
                    python2-coverage                5.2-1              5.2.1-1
                   python2-iniconfig              1.0.0-4              1.0.1-1
                      python2-jaraco         2019.10.22-3         2019.10.22-4
                  python2-pytest-cov             2.10.0-1             2.10.1-1
                python2-pytest-xdist             1.34.0-1             1.34.0-2
                        python2-pytz             2020.1-1             2020.1-2
                  python2-sqlalchemy             1.3.18-1             1.3.19-1
                       python2-wheel             0.34.2-3             0.35.1-2
                               qtile             0.15.1-1             0.16.1-1
                            rabbitmq              3.8.4-1              3.8.7-1
                       rabbitmqadmin              3.8.4-1              3.8.7-1
                            radicale              3.0.3-1              3.0.4-1
                             redkite              1.0.1-1              1.0.3-1
                             remmina            1:1.4.7-1            1:1.4.8-1
                            restinio                0.6.9-1
              retroarch-assets-ozone              1:327-1              1:331-2
                retroarch-assets-xmb              1:327-1              1:331-2
                           rofi-calc                1.7-1                1.8-1
                       roundcubemail              1.4.7-1              1.4.8-1
                          ruby-stomp              1.4.8-4             1.4.10-1
                       ruby-zeitwerk              2.3.1-1              2.4.0-1
                       rust-analyzer           20200810-1           20200824-1
                                 sbt           1:1.3.12-1           1:1.3.13-1
                                sdcv              0.5.2-3              0.5.3-1
                                skim              0.8.2-1              0.8.2-2
                                solr              8.6.0-1              8.6.1-1
                              sqlmap              1.4.4-1              1.4.8-1
                               squid               4.12-1               4.13-1
                            sshguard              2.4.0-3              2.4.1-1
                            sshuttle              1.0.3-1              1.0.4-1
                                sslh              1.21b-1              1.21c-1
                                sssd              2.3.0-2              2.3.1-1
                             sthttpd             2.27.1-2             2.27.1-3
                          strongswan              5.8.2-1              5.9.0-1
                         sweethome3d                6.4-1              6.4.2-1
                               swtpm              0.3.3-1              0.3.4-1
                           syncthing              1.7.0-1              1.8.0-1
                  syncthing-relaysrv              1.7.0-1              1.8.0-1
                             sysstat             12.3.3-1             12.4.0-1
                    systembus-notify                1.0-1                1.1-1
                        systemd-swap              4.3.3-1              4.4.0-2
                    telegram-desktop              2.2.0-2              2.3.0-1
                             tellico              3.3.1-1              3.3.2-1
                           terraform            0.12.29-1             0.13.0-1
                               tokei             12.0.3-1             12.0.4-1
                             ts-node             8.10.2-1              9.0.0-1
                         ttf-baekmuk               2.2-12               2.2-13
                   ttf-cascadia-code            1910.04-2            2007.01-1
                        ttf-ibm-plex              5.0.0-2              5.1.0-1
                  ttf-jetbrains-mono              1.0.6-2              2.001-1
                                twin              0.8.1-1              0.8.1-2
                               twine              2.0.0-1              3.2.0-1
                          typescript              3.9.7-1              4.0.2-1
                         udisks2-qt5              5.0.3-1              5.0.5-1
                           uglify-js             3.10.1-1             3.10.2-1
                ukui-session-manager              3.0.0-1              3.0.1-1
                            umockdev             0.14.1-1             0.14.3-1
                            urlwatch               2.21-1               2.21-2
         v2ray-domain-list-community     20200810224036-1     20200823090010-1
                         v2ray-geoip       202008050004-1       202008190004-1
                             variety              0.8.3-1              0.8.4-1
                       wireshark-cli              3.2.5-1              3.2.6-1
                        wireshark-qt              3.2.5-1              3.2.6-1
                                 wit              3.02a-1              3.03a-1
                           wordpress              5.4.2-1                5.5-1
                                  wt              4.3.1-1              4.4.0-1
                           wxsqlite3              4.5.1-1              4.6.0-1
                           yggdrasil             0.3.14-2             0.3.14-3
                             yoshimi              1.7.1-2              1.7.2-1
                  yubikey-manager-qt              1.1.4-1              1.1.5-1
              yubikey-touch-detector              1.8.1-1              1.9.0-1
                             zathura              0.4.5-1              0.4.6-1
                           zeroc-ice              3.7.4-1              3.7.4-2
                                deno                    -              1.3.0-2
                         dhcp-helper                    -                1.2-2
                            fuse-zip                    -              0.7.1-1
                           gammastep                    -              2.0.1-1
                              libzim                    -              6.1.8-2
                      lua-alt-getopt                    -              0.8.0-1
                               mkosi                    -                  5-2
                            mustache                    -                4.1-3
                   otf-cascadia-code                    -            2007.01-1
                     python-aiomysql                    -             0.0.20-2
                        python-aiopg                    -              1.0.0-2
                    python-aiosqlite                    -             0.15.0-1
                      python-asyncpg                    -             0.21.0-1
                   python-auditwheel                    -              3.1.1-1
                        python-cymem                    -              2.0.3-1
                    python-databases                    -              0.3.2-1
                 python-hypothesmith                    -              0.1.4-1
                    python-libcharon                    -              4.6.2-1
                    python-multipart                    -              0.2.1-1
                   python-pypatchelf                    -                0.9-1
                  python-pytesseract                    -              0.3.5-1
             python-python-multipart                    -              0.0.4-1
                         python-rich                    -              5.2.1-1
                     python-sysv_ipc                    -              1.0.1-1
                      python2-pillow                    -              6.2.1-2
               retroarch-assets-glui                    -              1:331-2
                             sccache                    -             0.2.13-1
                           vncdotool                    -              1.0.0-1
                 woff2-cascadia-code                    -            2007.01-1

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository core aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2020-08-13          2020-08-25
                          filesystem            2020.05-1            2020.08-1
                            linux-rc            5.8.rc7-3            5.9.rc2-1
                    linux-rc-headers            5.8.rc7-3            5.9.rc2-1
                          linux-rpi4             5.4.51-2             5.4.59-1
                  linux-rpi4-headers             5.4.51-2             5.4.59-1
                 linux-rpi4-mainline              5.7.9-1              5.8.2-1
         linux-rpi4-mainline-headers              5.7.9-1              5.8.2-1
                           linux-vim              5.7.8-1             5.7.14-1
                   linux-vim-headers              5.7.8-1             5.7.14-1
              raspberrypi-bootloader           20200713-1           20200819-1
            raspberrypi-bootloader-x           20200713-1           20200819-1
                   uboot-pinebookpro            2020.07-1            2020.07-2
                      uboot-rockpi4b            2020.07-2            2020.07-3
                      uboot-rockpi4c            2020.07-2            2020.07-3
                     uboot-rockpro64            2020.04-1            2020.07-1

:: Different sync package(s) in repository core aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2020-08-13          2020-08-25
                           amd-ucode   20200721.2b823fc-1   20200817.7a30af1-1
                   archlinux-keyring           20200622-1           20200820-1
                                bash            5.0.017-1            5.0.018-1
                            binutils               2.34-2               2.35-1
             ca-certificates-mozilla               3.55-2               3.56-1
                                curl             7.71.1-1             7.72.0-2
                                dash             0.5.11-1 
                                 gcc              9.3.0-1             10.2.0-1
                               gcc-d              9.3.0-1             10.2.0-1
                         gcc-fortran              9.3.0-1             10.2.0-1
                              gcc-go              9.3.0-1             10.2.0-1
                            gcc-libs              9.3.0-1             10.2.0-1
                            gcc-objc              9.3.0-1             10.2.0-1
                               glib2             2.64.4-1             2.64.5-1
                          glib2-docs             2.64.4-1             2.64.5-1
                               glibc               2.31-2               2.32-2
                               hwids           20200306-1         20200813.1-1
                            iana-etc           20200720-1           20200812-1
                             iputils           20190709-2           20190709-3
                                 kbd              2.2.0-5              2.3.0-2
                              libcap               2.38-1               2.42-1
                              libnsl              1.2.0-2              1.3.0-1
                          libp11-kit            0.23.20-5            0.23.21-1
                         libpipeline              1.5.2-1              1.5.3-1
                       libutil-linux               2.36-1               2.36-2
                   linux-api-headers             5.6.11-1                5.7-1
                      linux-firmware   20200721.2b823fc-1   20200817.7a30af1-1
                           man-pages               5.07-1               5.08-1
                                mpfr              4.0.2-2              4.1.0-1
                                nano                5.0-1                5.1-1
                                nspr               4.27-1               4.28-1
                                 nss               3.55-2               3.56-1
                          openresolv             3.10.0-1             3.11.0-1
                             p11-kit            0.23.20-5            0.23.21-1
                                 pam              1.3.1-2              1.4.0-3
                             pambase         20190105.1-2         20200721.1-2
                              sqlite             3.32.3-1             3.33.0-1
                     sqlite-analyzer             3.32.3-1             3.33.0-1
                          sqlite-doc             3.32.3-1             3.33.0-1
                          sqlite-tcl             3.32.3-1             3.33.0-1
                             systemd              246.1-1              246.2-2
                        systemd-libs              246.1-1              246.2-2
                  systemd-resolvconf              246.1-1              246.2-2
                  systemd-sysvcompat              246.1-1              246.2-2
             thin-provisioning-tools              0.8.5-3              0.9.0-1
                          util-linux               2.36-1               2.36-2
                            xfsprogs              5.6.0-2              5.7.0-3
                           libxcrypt                    -             4.4.16-3

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository extra aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2020-08-13          2020-08-25
            archlinux-appstream-data         20200612-1.1         20200720-1.1
                           pamac-cli              9.5.7-1              9.5.8-1
                        pamac-common              9.5.7-1              9.5.8-1
                pamac-flatpak-plugin              9.5.7-1              9.5.8-1
                           pamac-gtk              9.5.7-1              9.5.8-1
                   pamac-snap-plugin              9.5.7-1              9.5.8-1
             pamac-tray-appindicator              9.5.7-1              9.5.8-1
                            pipewire            0.3.9-0.1           0.3.10-0.1
                       pipewire-alsa            0.3.9-0.1           0.3.10-0.1
                       pipewire-docs            0.3.9-0.1           0.3.10-0.1
                       pipewire-jack            0.3.9-0.1           0.3.10-0.1
                      pipewire-pulse            0.3.9-0.1           0.3.10-0.1
                 qt5-es2-declarative             5.15.0-1             5.15.0-2
                  qt5-es2-multimedia             5.15.0-1             5.15.0-2
                     qt5-es2-wayland             5.15.0-1             5.15.0-2
             pamac-gnome-integration                    -              9.5.8-1

:: Different sync package(s) in repository extra aarch64

                             PACKAGE           2020-08-13          2020-08-25
                             akonadi            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                    akonadi-calendar            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
              akonadi-calendar-tools            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                    akonadi-contacts            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
               akonadi-import-wizard            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                        akonadi-mime            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                       akonadi-notes            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                      akonadi-search            20.04.3-2            20.08.0-1
                      akonadiconsole            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           akregator            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            analitza            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              apache             2.4.43-2             2.4.46-2
                            apr-util              1.6.1-7              1.6.1-8
                                 ark            20.04.3-2            20.08.0-1
                          artikulate            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                         audiocd-kio            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                       baloo-widgets            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                bind             9.16.5-2             9.16.6-1
                             blinken            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              bomber            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                bovo            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                     calendarsupport            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              cantor            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            cbindgen             0.14.3-1             0.14.4-1
                            cervisia            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               check             0.15.0-2             0.15.2-1
                          check-docs             0.15.0-2             0.15.2-1
                            chromium      84.0.4147.105-1      84.0.4147.135-1
                               cmake             3.18.1-1             3.18.2-1
                                cups              2.3.3-2              2.3.3-3
                             dnsmasq               2.82-1               2.82-2
                             dolphin            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                     dolphin-plugins            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             doxygen             1.8.18-2             1.8.20-1
                        doxygen-docs             1.8.18-2             1.8.20-1
                              dragon            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                 efl             1.24.3-2             1.24.3-3
                            efl-docs             1.24.3-2             1.24.3-3
                               elisa            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               emacs               26.3-2               27.1-2
                          eventviews            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                        ffmpegthumbs            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           filelight            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               finch             2.14.1-2             2.14.1-3
                         foomatic-db         3:20200529-1         3:20200823-1
                 foomatic-db-nonfree         3:20200529-1         3:20200823-1
            foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds         3:20200529-1         3:20200823-1
                    foomatic-db-ppds         3:20200529-1         3:20200823-1
                         fuse-common              3.9.2-1              3.9.3-1
                               fuse3              3.9.2-1              3.9.3-1
                              galera             26.4.5-1             26.4.5-2
                                 gdm             3.36.3-3             3.36.3-6
                         gnome-notes             3.36.2-1             3.36.3-1
                         gnome-shell           1:3.36.4-1           1:3.36.5-1
              gnome-shell-extensions             3.36.2-1             3.36.5-1
                           granatier            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                     grantlee-editor            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                       grantleetheme            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                gvim           8.2.0814-3           8.2.1522-1
                            gwenview            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            harfbuzz              2.7.0-1              2.7.1-1
                        harfbuzz-icu              2.7.0-1              2.7.1-1
                               hplip           1:3.20.6-2           1:3.20.6-3
                     incidenceeditor            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             ipp-usb             0.9.10-1             0.9.12-1
                              jasper             2.0.17-1             2.0.19-1
                          jasper-doc             2.0.17-1             2.0.19-1
                                 juk            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                 k3b          1:20.04.3-1          1:20.08.0-1
               kaccounts-integration            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                 kaccounts-providers            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                        kaddressbook            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             kajongg            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              kalarm            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           kalarmcal            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            kalgebra            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             kalzium            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              kamera            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              kamoso            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            kanagram            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              kapman            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                        kapptemplate            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                kate            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             katomic            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             kbackup            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           kblackbox            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             kblocks            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               kblog            20.04.3-1                    -
                             kbounce            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           kbreakout            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              kbruch            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                         kcachegrind            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                  kcachegrind-common            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               kcalc            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           kcalutils            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                         kcharselect            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                       kcolorchooser            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               kcron            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                     kde-dev-scripts            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                       kde-dev-utils            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                      kdebugsettings            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          kdeconnect            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                         kdeedu-data            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
              kdegraphics-mobipocket            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
            kdegraphics-thumbnailers            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
              kdenetwork-filesharing            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            kdenlive            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                       kdepim-addons            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                    kdepim-apps-libs            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                      kdepim-runtime            20.04.3-2            20.08.0-1
                    kdesdk-kioslaves            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                 kdesdk-thumbnailers            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                 kdf            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             kdialog            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            kdiamond            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                      keditbookmarks            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               kfind            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             kfloppy            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                         kfourinline            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          kgeography            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                kget            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                         kgoldrunner            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                kgpg            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            khangman            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                         khelpcenter            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                 kidentitymanagement            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                 kig            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                kigo            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            killbots            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                     kimagemapeditor            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               kimap            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          kio-extras            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          kio-gdrive              1.3.0-2            20.08.0-1
                        kipi-plugins            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                    kirigami-gallery            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              kiriki            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               kiten            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          kitinerary            20.04.3-2            20.08.0-1
                        kjumpingcube            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               kldap            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           kleopatra            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            klettres            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            klickety            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              klines            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                kmag            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           kmahjongg            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               kmail            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                kmail-account-wizard            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                      kmailtransport            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               kmbox            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               kmime            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              kmines            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                kmix            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          kmousetool            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              kmouth            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              kmplot            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                        knavalbattle            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            knetwalk            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             knights            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              knotes            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                kolf            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           kollision            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                         kolourpaint            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             kompare            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           konqueror            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            konquest            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             konsole            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             kontact            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                    kontactinterface            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              kopete            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          korganizer            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           kpatience            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                        kpimtextedit            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             kpkpass            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                      kqtquickcharts            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                krdc            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            kreversi            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                krfb            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                  kross-interpreters            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              kruler            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             kshisen            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               ksirk            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               ksmtp            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          ksnakeduel            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          kspaceduel            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            ksquares            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             ksudoku            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          ksystemlog            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            kteatime            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              ktimer            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               ktnef            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              ktouch            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          ktuberling            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             kturtle            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             kubrick            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                      kwalletmanager            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               kwave            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           kwordquiz            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              kwrite            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                 ldb            1:2.1.3-1            1:2.1.4-1
                                lftp              4.9.1-1              4.9.2-1
                          libakonadi            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             libcups              2.3.3-2              2.3.3-3
                              libgdm             3.36.3-3             3.36.3-6
                         libgravatar            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            libinput             1.15.6-1             1.16.1-1
                            libkcddb            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                     libkcompactdisc            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           libkdcraw            20.04.3-2            20.08.0-1
                         libkdegames            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           libkdepim            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                  libkeduvocdocument            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           libkexiv2            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            libkgapi            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          libkgeomap            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             libkipi            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             libkleo            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                        libkmahjongg            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                     libkomparediff2            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            libksane            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           libksieve            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                      liblightdm-qt5           1:1.30.0-3           1:1.30.0-4
                          libmm-glib             1.14.0-1             1.14.2-1
                               libnm             1.26.0-1             1.26.2-1
                           libpurple             2.14.1-2             2.14.1-3
                              libqmi             1.26.2-1             1.26.4-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-af              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-am              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-ar              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-as              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
               libreoffice-fresh-ast              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-be              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-bg              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-bn              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
             libreoffice-fresh-bn-in              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-bo              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-br              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
               libreoffice-fresh-brx              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-bs              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-cy              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-de              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
               libreoffice-fresh-dgo              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-dz              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-el              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-es              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-eu              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-fi              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-gl              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-hi              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-hr              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-hu              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-id              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-km              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-ko              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-lt              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-lv              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-ml              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-mr              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-my              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-ne              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-fresh-zu              6.4.5-1              7.0.0-1
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                libreoffice-still-ar              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-bn              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
             libreoffice-still-bn-in              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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               libreoffice-still-brx              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-de              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-dz              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-fi              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-gd              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
                libreoffice-still-gl              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-hi              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-lo              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
                libreoffice-still-lt              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
                libreoffice-still-lv              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-ml              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-my              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-te              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
                libreoffice-still-tg              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
                libreoffice-still-th              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-tr              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-tt              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                libreoffice-still-ve              6.3.6-1              6.4.6-1
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                                lmdb             0.9.25-1             0.9.26-1
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                               lskat            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                          mailcommon            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                        mailimporter            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
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                       marble-common            20.04.3-2            20.08.0-1
                           marble-qt            20.04.3-2            20.08.0-1
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                        mariadb-libs            10.4.14-1             10.5.5-2
                       mbox-importer            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                mdds              1.5.0-1              1.6.0-1
                                mesa             20.1.5-1             20.1.6-1
                          mesa-vdpau             20.1.5-1             20.1.6-1
                               meson             0.54.3-1             0.55.1-1
                          messagelib            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              minuet            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                        modemmanager             1.14.0-1             1.14.2-1
                              mpg123             1.26.3-1             1.26.3-2
                              mutter             3.36.4-1             3.36.5-1
                               mytop            10.4.14-1             10.5.5-2
                                nasm            2.15.02-1            2.15.04-1
                      networkmanager             1.26.0-1             1.26.2-1
                               nginx             1.18.0-1             1.18.0-2
                           nginx-src             1.18.0-1             1.18.0-2
                        nitrokey-app                1.4-2              1.4.2-1
                      nm-cloud-setup             1.26.0-1             1.26.2-1
                              okular            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                         opencl-mesa             20.1.5-1             20.1.6-1
                             openexr              2.5.2-1              2.5.3-1
                                orca             3.36.4-1             3.36.5-1
                            palapeli            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                               pango1:1.44.7+11+g73b46b04-1           1:1.46.1-1
                               paper                2.0-1                2.1-1
                              parley            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                         perl-libwww               6.46-1               6.47-1
                                 php            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                          php-apache            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                             php-cgi            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                           php-dblib            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                           php-embed            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                         php-enchant            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                             php-fpm            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                              php-gd            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                            php-imap            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                            php-intl            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                            php-odbc            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                           php-pgsql            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                          php-phpdbg            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                          php-pspell            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                            php-snmp            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                          php-sodium            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                          php-sqlite            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                            php-tidy            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                             php-xsl            7.4.9-1.1              7.4.9-2
                               picmi            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              pidgin             2.14.1-2             2.14.1-3
                   pim-data-exporter            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                    pim-sieve-editor            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           pimcommon            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            pipewire              0.3.7-1             0.3.10-1
                       pipewire-alsa              0.3.7-1             0.3.10-1
                       pipewire-docs              0.3.7-1             0.3.10-1
                       pipewire-jack              0.3.7-1             0.3.10-1
                      pipewire-pulse              0.3.7-1             0.3.10-1
                          postgresql               12.3-2               12.4-1
                     postgresql-docs               12.3-2               12.4-1
                     postgresql-libs               12.3-2               12.4-1
              postgresql-old-upgrade               11.8-2               11.9-1
                               poxml            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                       print-manager            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                        python-attrs             19.3.0-4             20.1.0-1
                         python-cffi             1.14.1-1             1.14.2-1
                       python-django              3.0.9-1                3.1-1
                    python-hyperlink             19.0.0-6             20.0.1-1
                        python-isort               5.4.2-1
                       python-pylint              2.5.3-1              2.5.3-2
                   python-setuptools           1:49.2.1-1           1:49.6.0-1
                       python2-attrs             19.3.0-4             20.1.0-1
                        python2-cffi             1.14.1-1             1.14.2-1
                   python2-hyperlink             19.0.0-6             20.0.1-1
                         qcachegrind            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                qemu              5.0.0-8              5.1.0-1
                     qemu-arch-extra              5.0.0-8              5.1.0-1
                  qemu-block-gluster              5.0.0-8              5.1.0-1
                    qemu-block-iscsi              5.0.0-8              5.1.0-1
                    qemu-guest-agent              5.0.0-8              5.1.0-1
                       qemu-headless              5.0.0-8              5.1.0-1
            qemu-headless-arch-extra              5.0.0-8              5.1.0-1
                        quadrapassel            3.36.04-1            3.36.05-1
                                re2c              2.0.1-1              2.0.2-1
                               rhash              1.3.9-2              1.4.0-1
                                rocs            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                                ruby              2.7.1-2              2.7.1-3
                           ruby-docs              2.7.1-2              2.7.1-3
                               samba             4.12.3-1             4.12.6-1
                        sane-airscan            0.99.10-1            0.99.15-1
                               scour               0.37-5               0.38-1
                                sddm             0.18.1-2             0.18.1-3
            signon-kwallet-extension            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           smbclient             4.12.3-1             4.12.6-1
                           spectacle            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                   speech-dispatcher              0.9.1-4             0.10.1-1
                                step            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                              strace                5.7-1                5.8-1
                             svgpart            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                             sweeper            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                           syslog-ng             3.28.1-2             3.28.1-3
                              talloc              2.3.1-2              2.3.1-3
          telepathy-kde-accounts-kcm            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
              telepathy-kde-approver            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
          telepathy-kde-auth-handler            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
               telepathy-kde-call-ui            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
      telepathy-kde-common-internals            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
          telepathy-kde-contact-list            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
        telepathy-kde-contact-runner            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
       telepathy-kde-desktop-applets            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
  telepathy-kde-filetransfer-handler            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
    telepathy-kde-integration-module            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
             telepathy-kde-send-file            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
               telepathy-kde-text-ui            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                         terminology              1.8.0-1              1.8.1-1
                             tracker              2.3.4-2              2.3.5-1
                      tracker-miners              2.3.3-2              2.3.4-1
                             udisks2              2.9.0-1              2.9.1-1
                            umbrello            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                            valgrind             3.15.0-1             3.16.1-1
                           vcdimager              2.0.1-3              2.0.1-4
                                 vim           8.2.0814-3           8.2.1522-1
                         vim-runtime           8.2.0814-3           8.2.1522-1
                  vulkan-mesa-layers             20.1.5-1             20.1.6-1
                       vulkan-radeon             20.1.5-1             20.1.6-1
                     wireguard-tools       1.0.20200513-1       1.0.20200820-1
                xfce4-weather-plugin             0.10.1-1             0.10.1-2
                     xorg-fonts-misc              1.0.3-9             1.0.3-10
                            xorg-xdm             1.1.12-2             1.1.12-3
                               xterm                358-1                359-1
                             yakuake            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
                    zeroconf-ioslave            20.04.3-1            20.08.0-1
               libreoffice-fresh-ckb                    -              7.0.0-1
               libreoffice-fresh-dsb                    -              7.0.0-1
               libreoffice-fresh-fur                    -              7.0.0-1
                libreoffice-fresh-fy                    -              7.0.0-1
               libreoffice-fresh-gug                    -              7.0.0-1
               libreoffice-fresh-hsb                    -              7.0.0-1
               libreoffice-fresh-kab                    -              7.0.0-1
               libreoffice-fresh-szl                    -              7.0.0-1
               libreoffice-fresh-vec                    -              7.0.0-1

Testers needed on arm-testing branch

We are in need of testers for our arm-testing and arm-unstable branches.
So if you are adventurous and want newer software quicker, we would love for you to help us test out the new packages in arm-testing branch.

All you have to do to switch to this branch is:

  • Edit /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf and change Branch = arm-stable to Branch = arm-testing.
  • Run this command: sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 && sudo pacman -Syyu. This will generate a new mirrorlist for you, sync your databases with the new mirror and update your system using the arm-testing branch.

We would then love for you to give feedback in our update posts in #manjaro-arm:arm-testing-updates. That way we can better find and fix bugs, before they hit arm-stable branch. Thank you!


Please consider supporting Manjaro ARM directly via Patreon, Ko-Fi or Open Collective.
You can also donate to our upstream, which is Arch Linux ARM.


  • No issue, everything went smoothly
  • Yes there was an issue. I was able to resolve it myself.(Please post your solution)
  • Yes i am currently experiencing an issue due to the update. (Please post about it)

0 voters

1 Like

Known Issues and Solutions

This is a wiki post, please edit it when you find a solution to an issue you encountered

DP Alt Mode no longer works on Pinebook Pro
This is a known issue, the hacky patch we had to enable this has broken in recent kernels.
@tsys is looking into it.
As a workaround you can install linux-pinebookpro again.

Old Issues

Plasma Mobile Keyboard
The plasma mobile onscreen keyboard does not work with QT 5.15.0.
This is fixed by updating to kwin 5.19.3-1.1.

PinePhone uboot
This update to the PinePhone Uboot package (2020.04-2), changed how the DTS is loaded from the kernel, since the Kernel DTS for the Pinephone also changed. When doing this update on the PinePhone images from Alpha5 and back, please make this change to the /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf before rebooting:

  • sun50i-a64-pinephone.dtb to sun50i-a64-pinephone-1.2.dtb

Manual interventions:
The nss and zn_poly packages prior to version 3.51.1-1 and version 0.9.2-2 respectively, were missing a soname link each. This has been fixed in 3.51.1-1 and 0.9.2-2 of these packages, so the upgrade will need to overwrite the untracked files created by ldconfig. If you get any of these errors

nss: /usr/lib/p11-kit-trust.so exists in filesystem
zn_poly: /usr/lib/libzn_poly-0.9.so  exists in filesystem

when updating, use

pacman -Syu --overwrite /usr/lib/p11-kit-trust.so --overwrite /usr/lib/libzn_poly-0.9.so

to perform the upgrade.

Device stopped booting after Uboot update
The uboot update included a change to the extlinux.conf file. This change will be incompatible with the old 1 partition layout of some devices.
So if you are updating installs made with images 20.02.1 or older, you need to apply this fix before rebooting!
To fix this please edit your /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file and add 2 periods in front of each first slash, like so:

KERNEL ../Image
FDT ../dtbs/ #etc.
APPEND initrd=../initramfs-linux.img #etc.

Save the file and reboot.

Keyboard shortcuts not working
Example when i want to create new keyboard shortcut to open terminal by win+ T

This has been an issue for a while in KDE Plasma. :frowning:

1 Like

Thanks! Ill report if anything new is amiss.

Had to downgrade my syncthing install from 1.8.0-1 to 1.7.0-1; here was the error:

panic: qtls.ClientSessionState not compatible with tls.ClientSessionState

goroutine 1 [running]:
github.com/lucas-clemente/quic-go@v0.17.3/internal/handshake/unsafe.go:26 +0x1d0

According to syncthing.community/t/syncthing-broken-by-go-1-15-quic/15467 there is an incompatibility with go 1.15. Will see what happens with the next round of updates.

Ah, so it’s the Go update that did it.


Odroid c2 (20.04) and n2 (20.06) are up to date, it is working.

Unfortunately the up date don’t pass on the odroid n2 Manjaro ARM 19.08 ( I installed the updates since 2019) more details here.

Everything working fine here after update on a Raspberry Pi 4B (4GB). Thanks for all the hard work.

I saw updates to the EEPROM tools, but it looks like no new changes to the Critical branch since April. My understanding is that MSD Boot has not yet come to the Critical branch, but that it seems to be firming up well in Stable.

After updating earlier today, I can no longer log in to my account. My credentials are denied as invalid, even though I know that they are not. I’ve verified that the username and password are being input correctly. My credentials just being treated as invalid.

This is on a Pinebook Pro that has been kept fairly current, and it’s the stable branch.

I’m using fscrypt on my /home filesystem, and decrypting on login via pam, which complicates things, and may also be a factor here.

Normally I would just ssh in via my ssh key and have a look around, but in this case, since my /home is encrypted, so is my .ssh directory.

Worst case, I can just restore an image backup I took a few weeks ago, but I thought I’d post here just in case there’s a way to avoid that.

PBP+Gnome - everything works. Is someone working on getting VPU’s to work on Manjaro Arm for Pinebook Pro with mpv/vlc? If yes, I’d be glad to know how’s it going and if there’s something that can be done to help.

Support in kernel is there. What is needed is patched libva and patched ffmpeg, as far as I know.
But the patches have not been settled on I think.

Do you have links to the patches somewhere handy?
Is it the ffmpeg-v4l2-request-git and libva-v4l2-request-git from AUR, possibly? I don’t mind tinkering a bit if I don’t need to modify the kernel - I’ve thought it’s still required to patch the kernel.

I don’t know what patches are needed, sorry.
Kwiboo on the Armbian side seems to have been working on it.

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You should check the discussion here: pinebook pro tools. Maybe the scripts in this repo will help: GitHub - xmixahlx/pbp-tools: pinebook pro tools: tools for system management, hardware acceleration, and wayland environment for the pinebook pro.

1 Like

Thank you. I’ve tried aforementioned AUR packages and mpv is able to launch “drm-copy” hardware decoding, whatever that means. I’ve made some short tests with htop and The Lion King in 1080p with the ctrl-H shortcut to turn hwdec on and off. It seems like without hwdec the cores 5 and 6(the big ones?) stay at ~75%, while with hwdec on they’re on ~50%. Sooo…it seems it works? I’d have to take a look at battery consumption, but I won’t do it anytime soon.

1 Like

Ah…disregard. I just saw this in the known issues. The fix described there took care of it.

I basically just had to boot from an SD card, go into /etc/pam.d on my PBpro and merge “login-system.pacnew” into “login-system” there (I used vimdiff for this).

After making this change, all is well.

@Strit I updated Manjaro and after I get this error when I rebooted device LABEL=ROOT_MNJRO not found and after I released about your second post

So if you are updating installs made with images 20.02.1 or older, you need to apply this fix before rebooting!
To fix this please edit your /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file and add 2 periods in front of each first slash, like so:

KERNEL ../Image
FDT ../dtbs/ #etc.
APPEND initrd=../initramfs-linux.img #etc.

I cannot see that file and any content of boot folder (ROOT) and BOOT folder has a different content if I read the sd from my PC
Is there somehow to recover my system without reinstall the OS again?