Ark 7zip and zip compression not working properly and crashing Dolphin

Can you confirm if you have any non-ascii characters anywhere in the directory? Because I can’t reproduce this

Single file directly in home folder named avatar.jpg

Right-click → Compress → Compress to → choose 7z format

Even if the archive is successfully created, the progress indicator will hang and “error out” if you try to stop or close it.

UPDATE: It’s a random surprise each time! How fun! Sometimes it will behave as @attishno1’s original post. Sometimes it will immediately abort in failure. Sometimes it will freeze the corresponding Dolphin window in which I need to forcefully terminate Dolphin to get it working again.

I understand. @winnie is actually experiencing the same issue that I am. The archives are being created successfully. It is just that the dialog box never closes. It just stays there.

I have no ASCII characters

It’s hard to tell if this is a KDE Frameworks or lower-level bug, or if it is Ark (or Dolphin) itself that is at fault. :man_shrugging:

The command line is working 100% though.

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Apologies, I reproduced this on my second attempt. Sadly command line output is useless

[daniel@daniel-systemproductname ~]$ dolphin
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Thread 1 "dolphin" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff5eaa521 in ?? () from /usr/lib/

If I leave it alone without trying to stop or close it.

UPDATE: It works fine if Dolphin is bypassed.

If you manually add folders and files into a new archive (using Ark itself, not the Dolphin context menu), it behaves normally, regardless of size or number of files. The progress indicator in the bottom-right corner will behave normally as well.

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Latest Stable delivered latest KDE Gear (released by KDE on 7 Oct) and latest KDE Frameworks (released by KDE on 9 Oct). I’m never sure the two are compatible. Latest KDE Plasma is on a different release cycle and will be delivered soon on Manjaro.

On a non-rolling distro these three components of KDE would be better coordinated. This could be achieved on Manjaro too, since it is not truly “rolling”.

Alright. You mean I should open Ark and then add in folders. I will try it, but even if it works, I would not consider it a solution. It is more of a workaround, yes?


Exactly, yes.

Until it is fixed in Dolphin upstream.

There is currently a bug report about this issue filed against Dolphin version 21.11.70.

We the Manjaro Stable users are currently on Dolphin version 21.08.2.

EDIT: Just saw @flux’s reply above. That’s the bug report I was referring to. :slight_smile:

Notice too that KDE Neon Unstable appears to have Frameworks 5.86.0 (we have 5.87.0), and Qt 5.15.3 (we have 5.15.2).

I just feel that it these incompatibilities with what KDE is doing, that results in the regular breakages you have observed recently.

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Who would be responsible for “coordinating” the KDE desktop updates to flow in tandem? The distro or upstream KDE? Why not only make available the packages that are developed / meant for each other?

Is it even feasible?

Your workaround did work. However, I found that previously I could extract .rar files with right click and Extract Here option. That is not working either as it reads “Make Sure you Have enough Space”. So it is definitely an issue with Ark, Dolphin and KDE’s update or something.

Oh, the distro (definitely). But there are conflicting interests. Manjaro (via Arch) caters for developers, who will want the latest Frameworks. However I suspect most Manjaro Stable users just want a stable desktop with all the latest features, which for KDE means the latest Plasma and the latest Gear.

So maybe Frameworks (and Qt) could be held back on say Manjaro Unstable.

EDIT: The Gear packages are built by Arch against the latest Frameworks, so Manjaro would have to maintain the packages themselves - which is very unlikely!

Dang, that’s a bummer. :confused:

I just stumbled upon another new Dolphin bug (unrelated to this issue, so I won’t go off topic.)

I can reproduce it (mostly) consistently on my end, but I’m thinking of writing out a new thread to ask if others face the same bug. It requires a CIFS network share, however. (The bug only exists when using Dolphin to browse files in a network share.)

Interestingly I can’t reproduce this on Fedora, only Manjaro.

Versions on Fedora:

Dolphin: 21.08.0
KDE Plasma Version: 5.22.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.87.0
Qt Version: 5.15.2

It might be another KDE software that Dolphin relies on, since I tried with Dolphin 21.08.0 and even 21.07.90, which results in the same bug. (Using the downgrade tool.)

So it might be another KDE package in the latest Manjaro stable updates that is triggering this bug.

Could it be a problem with Ark and Dolphin? I am saying this because .rar extraction is also not working.