Arduino "Device not found on ttyACM0"

Alright, so I’ve been at this for a while now and have had mixed issues. Firstly, I did not have permissions for ttyACM0 on the IDE, so I found a fix for that with permissions but ls -l /dev/ACM* still returned it as being owned by root.

I fixed all of this eventually by downloading an Arduino_Nightly build and running the ./arduino in root. However, lately, that has stopped working and has led to me reinstalling everything but to no avail.

When I do ls -l /dev/ttyACM0 when the board is first plugged in, nothing happens as (I believe) the Nano 33 BLE Sense’s bootloader does not start until you double click the button on the board, however, it was not like this originally. Once I tap the button twice I get this output:
crw-rw---- 1 root uucp 166, 0 Nov 5 22:41 /dev/ttyACM0

The most ideal way would be able to start arduino, either via a command prompt or what not, (I am using snap right now, but that didn’t fix it) and then plug the board in and it will be able to upload the sketch to it. I have read that ttyACM is different than ttyUSB, so I am wondering if that could be the entire issue as the board may be set for ttyUSB or COM. I am not sure if there is a workaround on Manjaro for that.

Sidenote: I’m assuming I would still have no luck if I booted a VM as the USB port is still controlled by Manjaro but any thoughts on that would be great. I am also considering setting up dual boot with ubuntu to try the ttyUSB instead of ttyACM, but I would really like to not do that if I don’t have to as using an OS for a single program seems like a waste. Also, I feel as my permissions for ttyACM0 are messed up as I used a few different commands during the time I was trying to correct it, so that may be where to start…

Error: (This is with using arduino_nightly as I gave up on snap)

    Uploading using selected port: /dev/ttyACM0
    /root/.arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/bossac/1.9.1-arduino2/bossac -d --port=ttyACM0 -U -i -e -w /tmp/arduino_build_498894/sketch_nov05a.ino.bin -R 
    Set binary mode
    No device found on ttyACM0
    An error occurred while uploading the sketch
    Send auto-baud
    Set binary mode

Thank you

I think I may have fixed this issue. When it goes:

Forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on port /dev/ttyACM0
PORTS {/dev/ttyACM0, } / {/dev/ttyACM0, } => {}
PORTS {/dev/ttyACM0, } / {/dev/ttyACM0, } => {}
PORTS {/dev/ttyACM0, } / {/dev/ttyACM0, } => {}
PORTS {/dev/ttyACM0, } / {/dev/ttyACM0, } => {}
PORTS {/dev/ttyACM0, } / {/dev/ttyACM0, } => {}
PORTS {/dev/ttyACM0, } / {/dev/ttyACM0, } => {}
PORTS {/dev/ttyACM0, } / {/dev/ttyACM0, } => {}
PORTS {/dev/ttyACM0, } / {/dev/ttyACM0, } => {}

Double click the reset button on the board and it seems to upload it just fine… interesting, noted that this is after my permissions were changed through a bunch of commands. This was not the case originally though, as I did not have to click the reset button, but I figured to do it when it said “Forcing reset” as I know the bootloader has to be activated. Maybe my board just got bugged. Marking this as solved for now.

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