Applications menu issue

In Manjaro Mate intel stable/recent applications menu vanishes, that one on taskbar - Brisk Menu Launcher, first it looked like getting away because you don’t do anything but it also does that if I move in menus. It’s rather not a long period after which it happens. Closes just instantly.
I have it on my ASUS TUF Gaming F15 FX506LH laptop with Xorg/nVidia 545.29.06.
What should I do to fix that?

create new user account
does it work there or does the same thing occur?
if it does not - it’s something you did to your settings in your main account

I do not use Mate - and I have no way (nor intention) to install it, to check for this issue.

In particular: I have no idea what “Brisk Menu Launcher” is.

To me, Mate is for people who wanted to avoid the direction “Gnome” was going to 10+ years ago

Today, Xfce4 seems like the much better option to achieve that.

Mate, to me, is way too “old school”. (my opinion)

I can’t remember doing something with menu that would result in that. I haven’t made another user, I chose to check on second user I made some time ago before I make another & for now menu works fine there. I’ve applied a different wm theme for my user but it’s not the reason because I switched to that theme for second user just to try & it doesn’t vanish there. I use Mate because it looks & operates good & I wanted quickly what I had handy, not 'cause of avoid matter but I will be installing something else too (not replacing).

If somebody reads that thread, I discovered what was the cause of the problem - it’s AppImageLauncher that’s messing menus, having .config folder from before meddling is necessary in sorting that out, but it brings also another problem - I can’t use AppImage apps because as soon as I run AppImage app it meddles menu configuration…