Application windows always open maximized

Hello everyone
I set the program windows to always open maximized

Hello @Maciek :wink:

  • Open it
  • Maximize it
  • Close it
  • Reopen it and it should be maximized.
  • Gnome saves the previous geometry, as I know

That is the default.

The method described by you works, but it works on windows of system programs. I have Opera installed and I need to maximize it every time

No, that works on all applications that use the GTK Framework. Opera don’t use GTK and have Chromium inside. Therefore you need set a parameter for that application since it doesn’t respect GTK.

Not sure, but maybe:

opera --help

gives you the parameters.

Firefox for example uses GTK and it works :wink:

1 Like

I use --start-maximized with Chromium, so it’s likely to work for Opera. :+1:

I edited the file by adding the phrase you provided. Unfortunately, it did not work.

GNU nano 6.4         /usr/share/applications/opera.desktop                    
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Web browser
Comment=Fast and secure web browser
Exec=opera %U --start-maximized

[Desktop Action new-window]
Name=New Window
Exec=opera --new-window

[Desktop Action new-private-window]
                             [ Wczytano 23 linie ]

Don’t edit anything in /usr/share/applications/ directly. Make a copy of it under ~/.local/share/applications/

You can also try just invoking the command in the terminal to make sure it works:

opera --start-maximized

Or see if it spits out any interesting messages or errors or warnings.

I think the order should be different:

Exec=opera --start-maximized %U

possibly even in quotes:
Exec="opera --start-maximized %U"

not sure at all - test the command in a terminal first

1 Like

Good catch, and that’s true.

Hopefully, when they try to manually run it from a terminal, it’ll be more clear if it will even work in the first place.

    ~  opera --start-maximized                                          ✔ 
[350203:350203:1015/] Invalid url pattern: chrome://startpage/
[350203:350203:1015/] Invalid url pattern: chrome://startpage/
[350203:350203:1015/] Invalid url pattern: chrome://startpage/
[350203:350203:1015/] Message 0 rejected by interface blink.mojom.WidgetHost
[350203:350203:1015/] connect /home/maciek/.config/opera/oauc_pipe_r: Połączenie odrzucone (111)
[350203:350203:1015/200535.367508:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.", source: chrome://startpage/ (0)
[350203:350203:1015/200535.368768:ERROR:CONSOLE(557)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'height')", source: chrome://op-resources/modules/startpage/main.js (557)

neither of the recordings worked

… but apparently, Opera does not feature the same command line parameters as Chromium does
It was a guess.

What about:

this is another guess to see the available command line options
a guess, because I do not have it installed (yet)

these are all the available command line options:

opera --help
Opera 91.0.4516.77 Stable
Features available through command-line switches:
	--with-feature:address-bar-dropdown-categories [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:address-bar-dropdown-cities [Enabled by default: false]
	--with-feature:address-bar-dropdown-unfiltered-full [Enabled by default: false]
	--with-feature:autoupdater-allow-ipv6 [Enabled by default: false]
	--with-feature:enhanced-address-bar [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:cashback [Enabled by default: false]
	--with-feature:cashback-extension-download [Enabled by default: false]
	--with-feature:easy-files-multiupload [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:enable-force-dark-from-settings [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:game-maker-studio-integration [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:history-onboarding [Enabled by default: false]
	--with-feature:native-crypto-wallet [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:opera-account-popup [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:pinboard [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:safe-browsing [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:scrollable-tab-strip [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:side-profiles [Enabled by default: false]
	--with-feature:sidebar-autohide [Enabled by default: false]
	--with-feature:sidebar-site-panel [Enabled by default: false]
	--with-feature:snap-from-panel [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:startpage-sync-banner [Enabled by default: false]
	--with-feature:strict-security-mode [Enabled by default: false]
	--with-feature:vpn-pro [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:workspaces-dnd [Enabled by default: false]
	--with-feature:yat-emoji-addresses [Enabled by default: true]
	--with-feature:yandex-zen-news [Enabled by default: false]

Don’t you DARE correct me in front of everyone in public!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:




I’m really sensitive about my pride and ego. :sob:

Momma… Momma… I’m still the smartest person the in world, right? :baby:

Sure it does. :wink:

aha - good to know
I didn’t find that piece of information in my short excuse for a “research”
I said

… but apparently, Opera does not … :wink:

I see you’re using GNOME, but in KDE you can specify “Rules” for certain windows, such as “start maximized”. Maybe there’s a setting in GNOME, or GNOME tweaks?

But first, see if you can get this to work from the terminal.