Application for HD recovery

It seems like my External HD was disconnected while sending files, and now I can’t get it to mount. I’m looking for an application that can help me with it.

That external drive is more likely than not formatted with the NTFS file system.

What you should do in that case is:
take it to a machine that is running Windows - and have it checked there.
(just plug it in - or manually initiate a file system check if it isn’t checked automatically - my Windows experience is very limited)
NTFS file systems cannot really be checked and maintained from Linux - they can be used, but in case of error, Windows can fix them best.

Run a file system check in any case - NTFS or not.


And if it’s not, assuming that it’s ext4, connect the drive but do not mount it. Then open up a terminal window and run fsck on it. See the man page… :arrow_down:

man fsck

Can it be done in a VM?

I’ve been trying to mount it. Are these tryings damaging the HDD?

Yes, if you have a Windows VM, you can use that.
you’ll have to pass through the USB port where the drive is connected to the VM - else the host (Manjaro) will handle it, getting in the way of what you want to do.

You must use fsck when it’s not mounted. If you run fsck on a mounted filesystem, you will damage it.

Please, just one more question: which VM software should I use? I actually don’t have a Windows VM, but will create one.

virtualbox is a good emulator.

I’m sorry, I’m not using fsck I guess. I’m just asking you if when trying to mount it (on normal case, it just appears on right-bottom side of my screen that) when it’s recognized by computer, I also damage it.

No, an attempt to mount it will not damage the filesystem. It will simply fail.

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There are easier ways to deploy a Windows environment where you can check your drive.
Like for Linux, there are Windows live systems, bootable from USB od CD.
Not sure about the names - Hirens boot CD is what I seem to remember - and the Windows recovery contained in every Windows install.
Visit the Windows website and you shall probably find …

So using ntfsfix /dev/sdc1 wouldn’t be useful here?

ntfsfix is like Russian roulette — or like Schrödinger’s cat, if you will. It may work, or it may not. :man_shrugging:

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It could be - but it could not be enough as well.
It is not a Windows native tool.
You can try.

I’d rather get some kind of minimal Windows Live system and use that.

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When I’m inside of windows, how can I make that check? Any good suggestion?

Windows should have something called CHKDSK.EXE. It’s a command-line tool.

It both works and does not until you look. :wink:
(a state of super-partition, if you will)


The opposite, actually :wink:

Mixrosuck - aalways keepin’ us guessin’',

Legal and free, perfect for such cases. (I have not checked if chkdisk is there but probably).

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