Apple Isight Camera Driver

I went to medium .com to get the for my laptops iSight camera to install the driver since I dont have macos on it but when I went to download it, the download is no longer there with a 404 error, does anyone possibley have the AUVideos file already download ? and maybe share the file?

There is a pre-extracted copy at

Also see Mac - ArchWiki.

I downloaded the file, but I would like to know how to Install it, as I had comeback to linux after awhile and could use a little help :slight_smile:

I somehow managed to find the zipped Auvideos file by accident when trying to look on how to install isight firmware tools, so I have extracted it, however I do need help on install the isight firmware tools as it cant be found by the package manager in the terminal, It used to be found but idk why I cant find it, is there maybe a different command or a gitclone instruction with instructions on installing it? so that I can run the ift extract command? to install the driver, thx :).

It’s available in the AUR → AUR (en) - isight-firmware-tools.