Answers to the yay prompts

It is probably obvious if you know, but I don’t and the man page for yay doesn’t help…

Given the following:

yay -S blabla-git

Results in the following prompt.

==> Packages to cleanBuild?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)

Assuming blabla-git has been built and installed at some previous time (but, there are changes in the git repo), I not sure what all of these options mean in the prompt.

Abort is obvious.
What happens when I reply None?
Will All build all the files and dependencies?
What happens when I reply Installed or NotInstalled?
And what are the numbers.

I see that yay is a wrapper around pacman, but checking the pacman man pages didn’t help much either.
Is there somewhere else I can look?

none will be clean built

already installed packages will either be clean built again - or not

it’s a kind of very terse instruction manual - you can chose the first, the second, the fourth
or any combination of options
^4 means:
every option - but not 4

it’s a logic puzzle :sunglasses:

not quite correct - it is mainly an AUR helper
it is a wrapper to more easily use the foundation of that:

and it does it really well
more often than not better than pamac (not pacman … pamac)