An update of WINDSCRIBE problem

I use Windscribe. The current version installed is 2.4.11. It was retrieved from AUR repository. However, every time the system restarts, there is a message that “Due to incorrect platform configuration the automatic updates are not possible. Try updating manually” [or something like that].
Today I downloaded a newer version of AUR-Windscribe (2.6.14-1) directly from Windscribe website, but the update does not work properly. There is a response: “Failed to commit transaction”.

Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...
Checking keyring...
Checking integrity...
Loading packages files...
Checking file conflicts...

And the following list of conflicting files:

conflicting files:
- windscribe: /etc/systemd/system/windscribe-helper.service already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /etc/windscribe/cert.pem already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /etc/windscribe/dns-leak-protect already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /etc/windscribe/route already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /etc/windscribe/update-network-manager already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /etc/windscribe/update-resolv-conf already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /etc/windscribe/update-systemd-resolved already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/Windscribe already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/helper already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/lib/ already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/lib/ already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/lib/ already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/lib/ already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/open_source_licenses.txt already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/plugins/imageformats/ already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/plugins/imageformats/ already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/plugins/imageformats/ already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/plugins/imageformats/ already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/plugins/platforms/ already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/signatures/Windscribe.sig already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/signatures/windscribe-authhelper.sig already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/signatures/windscribeopenvpn.sig already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/signatures/windscribestunnel.sig already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/signatures/windscribewireguard.sig already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/signatures/windscribewstunnel.sig already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/windscribe-authhelper already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/windscribe-cli already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/windscribeopenvpn already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/windscribestunnel already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/windscribewireguard already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /opt/windscribe/windscribewstunnel already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /usr/polkit-1/actions/com.windscribe.authhelper.policy already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /usr/share/applications/windscribe.desktop already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/windscribe.png already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/windscribe.png already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/windscribe.png already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/windscribe.png already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/windscribe.png already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)
- windscribe: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/windscribe.png already exists in filesystem (owned by windscribe-bin)

Is there anyone who could help me with this issue?

Moderator edit: In the future, please use proper formatting: [HowTo] Post command output and file content as formatted text

You downloaded a prepackaged version for arch from their website then you should remove the one you build/installed from AUR, and by the look of it is the windscribe-bin. From terminal run:
pamac remove windscribe-bin

then from where you downloaded the package run:
sudo pacman -U windscribe_2.6.14_x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

Don’t mix installing the same software from different sources!

Dear Sir!
I had the same idea, but I needed a confirmation from a more experienced user.
I follow your instructions, and I shall report to you the results in just a few minutes. Big thanks from Japan.

I am back, after rebooting.
Everything worked perfectly.
Thousand thanks.
Full respect.

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