Alacritty warning message

Anybody know how to resolve this error?

$ sudo alacritty migrate

No configuration file found
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This is not a new issue - and it is not an error.

You can no longer import old alacritty config files - so it appears you must now start freshā€¦ the real issue now is that if you search, you will find many outdated solutions based on past iterations.

Alacritty starts with no config file, and does not create a template - for more information about creating your config, visit the Alacritty resource page

Iā€™ll be honest, I went for Kitty - itā€™s less technically challengingā€¦ but Konsole has me covered for 99% of my use case.

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Do you run alacritty as root or login into your DE as root? ā€“ very bad idea, stop immediately. Otherwise simply run this command without sudo.

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Iā€™ve just been playing with it - basically removing tons of outdated/bad keys.

I have a file that works somewhat (though specific to my fonts etc).

general.live_config_reload = true

program = "/usr/bin/fish"

startup_mode = "Windowed"
title = "Alacritty"
dynamic_title = true 
decorations_theme_variant = "None"
decorations = "Full"
opacity = 0.75
blur = true 

# This section documents the [scrolling] table of the configuration file.
# history = <integer>
# Maximum number of lines in the scrollback buffer.
# Specifying 0 will disable scrolling.
# Limited to 100000.
# Default: 10000

# multiplier = <integer>
# Number of line scrolled for every input scroll increment.
# Default: 3

history = 10000
multiplier = 2

# This section documents the [font] table of the configuration file.
# normal = { family = "<string>", style = "<string>" }

# Default:
# Linux/BSD: { family = "monospace", style = "Regular" }
# Windows: { family = "Consolas", style = "Regular" }
# macOS: { family = "Menlo", style = "Regular" }

# bold = { family = "<string>", style = "<string>" }
# If the family is not specified, it will fall back to the value specified for the normal font.
# Default: { style = "Bold" }

# italic = { family = "<string>", style = "<string>" }
# If the family is not specified, it will fall back to the value specified for the normal font.
# Default: { style = "Italic" }

# bold_italic = { family = "<string>", style = "<string>" }
# If the family is not specified, it will fall back to the value specified for the normal font.
# Default: { style = "Bold Italic" }

# size = <float>
# Font size in points.
# Default: 11.25

# offset = { x = <integer>, y = <integer> }
# Offset is the extra space around each character. The 'y' can be thought of as modifying the line spacing, and 'x' as modifying the letter spacing.
# Default: { x = 0, y = 0 }

# glyph_offset = { x = <integer>, y = <integer> }
# Glyph offset determines the locations of the glyphs within their cells with the default being at the bottom. Increasing x moves the glyph to the right, increasing y moves the glyph upward.

# builtin_box_drawing = true | false
# When true, Alacritty will use a custom built-in font for box drawing characters (Unicode points U+2500 - U+259F) and powerline symbols (Unicode points U+E0B0 - U+E0B3).
# Default: true

normal = { family = "FiraCode Nerd Font" }
size = 11.5
builtin_box_drawing = true

# This section documents the [colors] table of the configuration file.
# Colors are specified using their hexadecimal values with a # prefix: #RRGGBB.

# colors primary
# This section documents the [colors.primary] table of the configuration file.


cursor = { text = "#28351e", cursor = "#aaff7f" }

# colors search
# This section documents the [] table of the configuration.
# Allowed values are hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff, or CellForeground/CellBackground, which references the affected cell.

matches = { foreground = "#292929", background = "#ac4242" }
focused_match = { foreground = "#292929", background = "#f4bf75" }

# matches = { foreground = "<string>", background = "<string>" }
# Default: { foreground = "#181818", background = "#ac4242" }

# focused_match = { foreground = "<string>", background = "<string>" }
# Default: { foreground = "#181818", background = "#f4bf75" }

# indexed_colors = [{ index = <integer>, color = "<string>" },]
# The indexed colors include all colors from 16 to 256. When these are not set, they're filled with sensible defaults.
# Default: []

# transparent_background_colors = true | false
# Whether or not window.opacity applies to all cell backgrounds, or only to the default background. When set to true all cells will be transparent regardless of their background color.
# Default: false

# draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors = true | false
# When true, bold text is drawn using the bright color variants.
# Default: false

regex = "[^ ]+\\.rs:\\d+:\\d+"
command = { program = "code", args = [ "--goto" ] }
mouse = { enabled = true }

# colors hints
# This section documents the [colors.hints] table of the configuration.

# [colors.hints]
# start = { foreground = "#292929", background = "#8c6c43" }
# end = { foreground = "#292929", background = "#ac6767" }

# start = { foreground = "<string>", background = "<string>" }
# First character in the hint label.
# Allowed values are hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff, or CellForeground/CellBackground, which references the affected cell.
# Default: { foreground = "#181818", background = "#f4bf75" }

# end = { foreground = "<string>", background = "<string>" }
# All characters after the first one in the hint label.
# Allowed values are hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff, or CellForeground/CellBackground, which references the affected cell.
# Default: { foreground = "#181818", background = "#ac4242" }

# line_indicator = { foreground = "<string>", background = "<string>" }
# Color used for the indicator displaying the position in history during search and vi mode.
# Setting this to "None" will use the opposing primary color.
# Default: { foreground = "None", background = "None" }

# footer_bar = { foreground = "<string>", background = "<string>" }
# Color used for the footer bar on the bottom, used by search regex input, hyperlink URI preview, etc.
# Default: { foreground = "#181818", background = "#d8d8d8" }

# selection = { text = "<string>", background = "<string>" }
# Colors used for drawing selections.
# Allowed values are hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff, or CellForeground/CellBackground, which references the affected cell.
# Default: { text = "CellBackground", background = "CellForeground" }

# normal
# This section documents the [colors.normal] table of the configuration.
# Defaults from used.

black = "#292929"
red = "#ac4242"
green = "#90a959"
yellow = "#f4bf75"
blue = "#6a9fb5"
magenta = "#aa759f"
cyan = "#75b5aa"
white = "#d8d8d8"

# bright
# This section documents the [colors.bright] table of the configuration.
# Defaults from used.

black = "#6b6b6b"
red = "#c55555"
green = "#aac474"
yellow = "#feca88"
blue = "#82b8c8"
magenta = "#c28cb8"
cyan = "#93d3c3"
white = "#f8f8f8"

animation = "Linear"
duration = 0
#color = "#ffffff"
#command = "None"

hide_when_typing = false


You should keep Alacritty Window open alongside your editor - and as you save your file, youā€™ll see live updates (good when adjusting the font, also it gives feedback with details of any errors).

SUDO (my TwoPennyworth)

Across forums I have heard many advices (usually from folks who know what theyā€™re doing).

But as a noob, I learned not to use sudo. I mean - just donā€™t. You end up in ā€˜permissions hellā€™. (I do still slip up now and thenā€¦)

If you run pacman -Syu then you WILL get feedbackā€¦ then you can modify (Alt+S usually does the trick).

The same applies to pamac update.

Not using sudo is an excellent idea. Permission should be requested when required.


Try again without abusing sudo. :wink:

In the future, please copy and paste terminal output with proper formatting outlined below, not screenshots of text.

EDIT: Iā€™m told it may not be possible to copy and paste that warning.

Please see:

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Iā€™m not ā€œabusing sudoā€ā€¦

I ran it once and it said I didnā€™t have permissions, so I ran it again with sudoā€¦

No, Iā€™m not running it with sudo all the timeā€¦

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Thank You

Konsole does not work for one of my use cases where I need to launch a terminal with a specific name.

ā€œalacritty -Tā€ allows this. I could not find any Konsole option like this

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I ran as sudo once for this specific ā€œmigrateā€ command since running without sudo gave a permission error. I do not run anything with sudo by default.

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In any case, this was resolved by changing from ā€œimportā€ to ā€œgeneral.importā€ in the below lines from my config file:


import = [


general.import = [

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Why I am looking at alacrity!