After updating GRUB starts on emergency mode

After updating with the GUI package manager (pamac?) and getting the reboot prompt I rebooted and now after GRUB it starts on emergency mode, on the logs on journalctl -xb I only see two main errors

modules-load[445]: Failed to find module 'crypto_user'
modules-load[445]: Failed to find module 'i2c-dev'


mount: /boot/efi: unknown filesystem type 'vfat'

Any tips on how to proceed?

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This might help:

or perhaps even this:


Same issue here. Have you found any solutions?

Did you already try to start with “full” initramdisk ? :footprints: ( or with another kernel)

This looks similar to mount: unknown file system type "vfat" during boot - after update / Kernel & Hardware / Arch Linux Forums

You can also check the failing units with systemctl --failed

Second attempt to upgrade went fine. All good now.

Found my issue, some months ago I cloned the manjaro ssd to an nvme with higher capacity and left the original one untouched just in case, it seems that the UUID for the efi boot partition were the same in the original and the clone and when it updated it updated the EFI in the nvme as it should but it was loading the one on the ssd.

I deleted the partitions on the old disk and it booted perfectly at the first time.


r/ManjaroLinux - System update is out! - draconk • (Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 11:58:42 PM GMT)