After Testing update I have some weird bling sounds when my monitor loses connection

after this update (first one moving from palsma 6.1 series to 6.2) i have some weird bling sounds coming when my monitor loses connection and when it powers up again, much like when you add or remove usb device on windows. Even though i have system sounds turned off.

Is there some new sound thingy introduced that is separate from system sound theme?

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Yes, I noticed - these are notifications which now work for the monitor (or, in my case, the TV).

So yes, there is ‘some new sound thingy’.

It’s actually quite logical that plugged monitors count as hardware - I haven’t worked out if you can disable it.

I had notification sounds muted in the sound settings, but by going to the global theme sound settings and unchecking the “enable notification sounds” box i was able to get rid of it.

So it seems there is some problem that the device connection sound is not classified as “notification sound” in the volume control settings.

Whatever… i guess the proper way to remove notification sounds is to actually disable them, instead of how i had done it by just muting them.

But i actually found some very limited configuration options here. It does not seem like there is a way to choose what notification sounds you want to hear, you get them all, or none. Weird that there is no options about what notification sounds from a theme to use.

PC speaker - ArchWiki

KDE Plasma

Bell notification settings can be modified in System Settings > Accessibility Options > Bell.

Problem is, the volume sliders won’t appear unless the sound is actually playing (at least in Plasma sound settings). I had this issue when trying to adjust the Skype ringtone. Had to do a “test call” and adjust it that way.

notification sounds slider is always visible. And it works for all notification sounds except thiws new monitor connect/disconnect sound.

In this case it would be helpful to know a little more about your system.

inxi -zv8

would be a good start; and knowing if you have more than one monitor — if it’s a single display that will explain why you don’t see an extra slider appear briefly.

System sounds not-muted, even though I have them set to muted

Disable pcspkr kernel module that creates error beep alerts

sudo rmmod pcspkr

And create a blacklist entry to prevent udev loading it at boot

sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/nobeep.conf <<< 'blacklist pcspkr'

Archwiki also now suggests disabling another kernel module that might be needed for KDE

sudo rmmod snd_pcsp
sudo tee --append /etc/modprobe.d/nobeep.conf <<< 'blacklist snd_pcsp'

Disable PC speaker - ArchWiki

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it’s not coming from pc speaker

And as i said, i got the sound turned off already so my problem is fixed.

Only thing that remains is why plasma does not consider it a notification sound like all other notification sounds that can be controlled by the notification sound volume slider.

Further information might be available in Archwiki:
Desktop notifications - ArchWiki
Libcanberra - ArchWiki
KDE - phonon - ArchWiki

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I perhaps should have pointed out more clearly that sounds which aren’t actually pre-defined “system notifications” i.e. triggered by another program, usually trigger a temporary slider (when active) in the Playback Streams section at the bottom of the window in System Settings → Sound.

For example, Skype, where the volume slider for the ringer only shows when it’s ringing.

Just in case this is useful for someone. :wink:

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