After screen lock, audio doesn't seem to work until I connect and disconnect physical headset

Hello I’m on Manjaro-Sway edition.

I’m experiencing a weird bug. It started occurring recently after a system upgrade.

After a screen lock, audio is gone and my waybar thinks that a headset is connected (aux) even though nothing is connected. The temporary fix is to actually connect a headset and then disconnect it, so that it* switches back the sink?

*it = the predefined manjaro-sway config

When I check pavucontrol → output devices I could not notice anything strange…

I would like to debug this further… How would I go about this? Any recommendations what to check when this happens again?

How would I reset the audio service?

To reset PulseAudio card database in ~/.config/pulse/ change the card Profile(s) to Off in PulseAudio Volume Control > Configuration tab - pavucontrol --tab=5
and then change the Profile(s) back to original setting

To reset PulseAudio configuration and restart pulseaudio.service:

rm -r ~/.config/pulse/ && systemctl --user restart pulseaudio

If the Aux connection continues to show as connected, install alsa-tools that includes

  • hdajacksensetest to check audio jack detection
  • hdajackretask to retask or disable jack connections

both tools require root privileges (sudo)
No Sound after Installation Front Detection? - #3 by nikgnomic

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thanks. now that I checked pavucontrol → configuration: yes, the profile seems to be stuck. I’ll check this out further and report how it went.