After kernel 5.10 my home PC with Quadro 600 have stopped to work

I won’t mind to update to noveau, but after kernel 5.10 my home PC with Quadro 600 have stopped to work.

I’ve done a lot of tries, and also I’ve switched to noveau, but it doesn’t work.

Finally, reinstalled Nvidia drivers, and 5.14 works! I couldn’t make previous versions to work (don’t remember which ones I’ve tried)

You’re not stuck, you’re simply using the latest LTS kernel and still have all the other benefits of rolling Manjaro.

Thanks; finally I get new version, now 5.14, working. I know 5.10 was LTS, but it also has a final date, so, it was a pity not being able to do an update. Now I have the 5.10 as a grub option.

According to The Linux Kernel Archives - Releases that final date is december 2026 - 5 years in the future…