After installing [Stable Update] 2020-09-11" Seeing boot message "running early hook [udev]"

After installing the lastest update " [Stable Update] 2020-09-11 - Kernels, Gnome 3.36.6, MHWD, Pamac, VirtualBox I’m seeing the following in the boot messages:

::running early hok [udev]
Starting version 246.4-1-manjaro
:: running hook [udev]
:: Triggering uevents ...

Environment Details:
System: Host: hanna Kernel: 5.4.64-1-MANJARO x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 10.2.0
Desktop: GNOME 3.36.6 tk: GTK 3.24.23 wm: gnome-shell dm: GDM 3.36.3
Distro: Manjaro Linux

 sudo pacman-mirrors -G                                                           1 

Question, What does these messages mean? My second laptop does not show this message when it boots. Thank you.

It’s nothing to worry about. It’s just verbosity from the initramfs. udev is your device manager, and it has to create the device special files through which userspace can communicate with the hardware. These device special files live on a devtmpfs, a virtual-memory-based filesystem that gets mounted at /dev during the boot process.

The fact that you may not be seeing that on the other laptop could be due to a whole variety of reasons, such as…

  • having the quiet boot parameter in /etc/default/grub, which suppresses boot-time verbosity;
  • a different boot-time configuration; or
  • different hardware.

Thanks for the feedback. I was questioning because both laptops have verbose startups (quiet not set in Grub configuration file) so I can easily see if a service fails or something marked red. To be honest it is getting harder to see things (age) + I have an SSD in the machine :slight_smile:

Based on talking to other people in the forums it seems I should use the command "journalctl -b " to look for boot error messages. Should I be using a different command so I could research the messaging I mentioned?


You could try…

dmesg | less

… shortly after booting ─ you may need to do that with sudo ─ but what you are seeing is not an error message. It’s only verbosity of what the initramfs is doing. :wink:

It’s also kernel-dependent, by the way. Newer kernels might be more verbose. :slight_smile:

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