After Display Changing My Laptop will not boot

Hello i have tried to install a differend Graphic Driver so i changed from the Nvidia Hybrid to the Nvidia 48xxx driver only to test one, so then came the big update now my Laptop will not boot it says only the follow command /dev/sda2: clean, followed by files and blocks and thats it it look like freezed, but it is the only command which i see.
I have tried to run the Game Anstoss 3 but when it starts i get an white Screen so i have tried the above one, but now it doesnt boot.

So anyone know what i can do?

How can i repair it? i have made an Bootstick and bootet up the Grub is detected but it doesn´t boot? After the Big update (3,5 GB) its still not boot.


If you have a hybrid GPU laptop, then you have to remove the vide-nvidia and install the hybrid drivers.

There is now such driver in MHWD … 470xx and 390xx exist, but still you have to install the hybrid one, even if is one fo the legacy drivers. video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-470xx-prime
I don’t think the 390xx has one …

Either do the proper driver switch from TTY or from chroot-ed system …

thanks, i have solved it, i have made a reinstall, now all good and booting.