After changing Soundcard from Creative Soundblaster X-Fi to AE-5, several issues/bugs with ALSA/Pulse Audio

Thanks for your help.
I’ am pretty new to Linux, how do i put this inside Autostart?
I create a .txt file in .config/autostart-scripts/ and use this code?

alsactl --file ~/.config/asound.state restore

Should this work?

And could i also create a second file? (sample): bsound.state
So i use asound.state then for Headphones
and bsound.state for Surround Sound if this is possible.

And is there a way to manually execute this restore command (alsactl --file ~/.config/bsound.state restore) maybe with just a mouseclick on a file just like on Windows .bat file?

I just need a fast and easy way to switch between 5.1 Speakers and Headphones, because Pavucontrol is buggy :space_invader: