After 09.02.21. stable update system is broken

Have you tried a fallback?

Im afraid not

What kernel are you using?

fallback on 5.10 or 5.4 results the same as on photo.

What did you update? (the system, a package, or something else)

todays big stable update.

systemd, mesa, kernel …

I think whats messing up your system is the updated kernel. I would try to do a fallback or a different kernel, but it seems to do the same.

Try to shell into manjaro and do a full system update.
Try these commands after you shell into manjaro:
pacman-mirrors -f5
pacman -Syyu

I have no net. only if i use usblivemanjaro. but still dunno what and how.

You have no Network or Wifi?

I am on my laptop. My desktop is the patient.
Alt+F2 tty is how I got all logs back.

No network, Gnome, startx wont work either.

Ok, you just need to follow these steps:

  1. download a ISO from
  2. flash your USB with the ISO
  3. boot into your USB you flashed on your computer
  4. connect to the internet (in live USB)
  5. update all the packages (in live USB)
  6. open terminal and type ‘lsblk’
  7. now mount your drive with ‘sudo mount /dev/sda /mount’ (in the /dev/sda, replace it with your manjaro filesystem partion/drive)
  8. get the manjaro-chroot package ‘sudo pacman -S manjaro-chroot’
  9. In terminal type ‘manjaro-chroot’
  10. chroot into your manjaro filesystem and update and delete the package that made your system break.

makes sense.
if I would have downgrade installed probably I would know which caused the issue.

I am going to try this now.

yea, what is the output of lsblk and cat /etc/fstab. In your manjaro tty shell

But to make sure downgrade and delete any broken packages, but I think it’s your kernel, maybe it didn’t fully update (if you powered off your computer in the middle of the update ) or maybe it had an error updating and you didn’t notice.

Because right there manjaro failed to load the kernel.

Here looks like Xorg didn’t find your display/monitor.

I need roughly half an hour…

Ok, reply when your done…