After 09.02.21. stable update system is broken

Here looks like Xorg didn’t find your display/monitor.

I need roughly half an hour…

Ok, reply when your done…

I have read the pacman.log and there was no issue. I restarted the system when pacman asked me. and also there was no warning.

for some reason todays pacman log gone. :smiley: this is not my day.

something worrying that I remember to see is xorg server wayland has been replaced or sg.

@rkk, So there is no error? Can you boot into your manjaro?

atm I need to create a new usb manjaro live stick as the one I use is full so I cant update packages. I need bigger partition.

sorry, I am talking about the pacman log before I reboot then got the first error screen. I havent done chroot and all that yet. I am trying to make a damn livestick.

@rkk Sorry, I haven’t responded but oh

@rkk Ig you need to reinstall manjaro

I updated to the latest and I haven’t had any problems. (Im using KDE)