Additional ARM Packages

I reply to myself but unusually they have released a .3 version to fix these 4 issues

Version = 1.62.3
commit = ccbaa2d27e38e5afa3e5c21c1c7bef4657064247
sha256sum = a64f29af422079ece78d61a84ad093b731a84956519a953d17a6826c6cd6cf51
Date = Wed Nov 17 08:57:44 CET 2021

found recently build can not login sddm/wayland session, maybe switch to wlroots-git?

A recent build of what?

This is a thread about addition ARM packages.

sorry, its kwinft-git.

That sounds like an AUR package. Not the focus here.

NO, in unstable → kde-unstable.

That package has not been updated in ages.

You should switch to regular kwinft (also from kde-unstable).

NO, its follow git build,
kwin-5.23.3.r20408.gdc3d0444e-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst 26-Nov-2021 12:45

You said kwinft.

The version you just posted is for regular kwin.

sorry, wrong file name.
/kwinft-5.23.3.r19783.gf9cb2de61-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst 26-Nov-2021 21:09

Yes. That’s kwinft, not kwinft-git. And your first mention was kwinft-git.

I don’t think kwinft needs wlroots-git.

The latest kodi-rpi packages has been pushed to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

kodi-rpi 19.3-2
kodi-rpi-dev 19.3-2
kodi-rpi-eventclients 19.3-2
kodi-rpi-tools-texturepacker 19.3-2

A new vscode version is out ! 1.63.0 and yes it’s called November 2021 even we’re in December.
Version = 1.63.0
commit = 7db1a2b88f7557e0a43fec75b6ba7e50b3e9f77e
sha256sum = 3ac8a069be5157af8b8ccfbf6eb12e6da7c91be910601d35d2a201e6ff24dbf3
Date = Tue Dec 7 06:14:13 CET 2021
releases notes = Visual Studio Code November 2021

Here is the new version = 1.63.2
commit = 899d46d82c4c95423fb7e10e68eba52050e30ba3
sha256sum = 6f5c26de2b41b961dcea1db9d8d3a80ac7b0a9e229d85a14a0a9ab5bfac84657
Date = Wed Dec 15 10:36:22 CET 2021

Update 1.63.1: The update addresses these security issues.

Update 1.63.2: The update addresses these issues.

I understand rpi4 support was added, how about the gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell?
It seems that it used to exist in the repo but I can not find it.

If I attempt to build the pop shell from the AUR, I hit the build error reported here. Anyone ever get it to run on aarch64?

I was curious since I use pop-shell on X86 and tried a while back to get it to run on my pbp with no success. Building the gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell package using the instructions fails with the same error. However the gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell-git package builds correctly and when activated seems to function correctly at first glance.

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We never had pop-shell in our repositories.

Probably me confusing the x86_64 with the aarch64 repos, yet again.

This is good news, I will try the -git package this evening. Thanks

Indeed, the -git does build and I have it running now. And it runs fairly well.