Add to mirror list even if not syncronized

I’m on unstable, and when updating mirrors, I specify the countries I want to use.
But if I run sudo pacman-mirrors --country country1,country2,country3,etc only the synchronized servers gets added to the list, witch means you have to catch it when most of the servers up are synchronized to have a list of a lot of servers. And since unstable branch is VERY rarely synchronized at the same time, this list is pretty hard to automate this way.

Is there a way to do this or do I manually have to edit the list with url’s?
Or do I have to suffice with the very limited servers that it adds each time and then continuously have to run pacman-mirrors?

On a side note, if you set the country in the pamac gui.
1, you can only set one country.
2. if you do and update the mirror, even if multiple mirrors exist in that country, lets say Sweden, you can easily end up with a single mirror, that goes out of sync, and we all know what that can cause if you run certain update commands.

You do realize that pacman uses only the first mirror on the list, right? And then you perhaps add 2 more just in case first is offline. I don’t think I changed mine in years.

I’m guessing you are not running unstable, the situation is VASTLY different if on stable or even testing branch.

How so? Do mirrors in Manjaro get added and removed on a daily basis? Also all 3 branches are on same mirrors, so that makes no sense two-fold.

I only get the green ones if I update, and I only use 6 EU countries (and global), right now it would add 5 mirros out of 22 possible servers.

Why not just add the global CDN manually? Example with core:

Server =$branch/$repo/$arch
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist


This is basically set and forget setting. Just add 3 reliable mirrors around you and you are done until all 3 are taken down. So let’s say 5, 10 years?

They change sometimes, servers gets added and removed. Pacman even informed me about it yesterday, that is why I’m focusing on it right now.
And no, if on unstable, having only 3 mirrors would limit you extremely to when you can update your system, unstable mirrors basically goes out of sync each hour, and doesn’t resync for longer time than that, 2-3 hours to resync.

Yes, how many and how often? If mirrorlist changes that doesn’t mean you have to set your mirrors again. As I said, I have same few mirrors for years.

Search what CDN is. (If it really is.)

And I ask again, are you on unstable?

I repeat “And no, if on unstable, having only 3 mirrors would limit you extremely to when you can update your system, unstable mirrors basically goes out of sync each hour, and doesn’t resync for longer time than that, 2-3 hours to resync.”

Click the link, maybe you will understand.

I’m on Arch and I have the same mirror(s) for 3 years. (even longer on a Manjaro laptop)

Limit you how?

Out of sync from what? Do you think there is 500 packages pushed on arch every hour?

The only one in a need of understanding is you, but you just don’t want to. :man_shrugging:

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The mirrors are constantly out of sync.

Pretty much yeah, idk about 500 but a package every 10-15 mins or so is not particularly unusual.
CLICK :clap: THE :clap: LINK!

If you don’t want to learn, it’s fine, I think I figured it out.

Are you sitting behind PC 24/7, pressing update button every 5 min? If not, it’s not hard to wait couple of HOURS until next sync.

I am using unstable - only one mirror … in the mirror pool … to ensure my mirrorlist is never rewritten by pamac

As pacman-mirrors is a core package - in some cases - like enterprise - you want to prevent your systems from changing mirrors every week e.g. the pamac-mirrorlist.timer or the user exploring what pacman-mirrors is doing.

With and pacman-mirrors v5 there will be an option to set a static mirror in your configuration file.

While it may look like the option described by @Yochanan it is different and is intended for use with enterprise or corporate environments which may choose to distribute the updates using a local mirror server.

But anyone can use it to have more control over the flow by running their own mirror server.

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Have you tried using the option to ignore up-to-date status

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Thank you for responding even though I picked the sollution.

I eeeh… I just disabled that timer and hardcoded the adresses in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist and then decided to never update the mirrors with pacman-mirrors except for report the status for the servers, and it kinda works. The servers are reported EXCEPT 3 of them, 2 of the French ftp servers and the last German on the the manjaro mirrors page.
Oddly the other ftp adresses that work, Norway f ex starts with http (not https) as well.
I got the url:s from

Mirror #1   OK  01:04   Belgium
Mirror #2   --  12:01   Belgium
Mirror #3   --  04:22   Denmark
Mirror #4   OK  00:05   Finland
 Mirror # 5 does not exist
 Mirror # 6 does not exist
Mirror #7   OK  00:12   France
Mirror #8   OK  00:02   Germany
Mirror #9   --  09:32   Germany
Mirror #10  OK  00:25   Germany
Mirror #11  --  01:35   Germany
Mirror #12  --  03:32   Germany
Mirror #13  --  08:32   Germany
Mirror #14  --  03:55   Germany
Mirror #15  --  08:25   Germany
 Mirror #16 does not exist
Mirror #17  OK  00:22   Global
Mirror #18  --  02:33   Netherlands
Mirror #19  OK  01:03   Netherlands
Mirror #20  --  02:03   Netherlands
Mirror #21  --  03:33   Netherlands
Mirror #22  --  01:56   Netherlands
Mirror #23  --  09:56   Norway
Mirror #24  --  01:54   Sweden
Mirror #25  --  01:54   Sweden
Mirror #26  --  02:04   Sweden

But I’m ok with it, unless someone can explain why?
Edit I just realized, I did not try using the ftp:// protocol, I just copy pasted the link from the webpage.

How do I use that? Or are you hinting of what is to come? :smiley:
I eagerly made an account at least. :slight_smile:
Because this is all I have in my /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf
(I did not changed anything in it this time, and there is a strange space after Protocols =, I was going to add in https, but realized some are “normal unencrypted” http url:s and noticed the space there, but never edited the file.)

## /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf

## Branch Pacman should use (stable, testing, unstable)
Branch = unstable

## Generation method
## 1) rank   - rank mirrors depending on their access time
## 2) random - randomly generate the output mirrorlist
# Method = rank

## Filename to use when ranking mirrors
## The file must be present in core repo
# TestFile = core.db.tar.gz

## Define protocols and priority
##   separated by comma 'https,http' or 'http,https'
## ATM available protocols are: http, https, ftp
## Not specifying a protocol will ban the protocol from being used
## If a mirror has more than one protocol defined only the first is written to the mirrorlist
## Empty means all in reversed alphabetic order
# Protocols = 

## When set to False - all certificates are accepted.
## Use only if you fully trust all ssl-enabled mirrors.
# SSLVerify = True

I did not, but def will now. :smiley:

No account needed - only if you want to run a public mirror.

The mirror-manager is a path to simplify mirror maintance for the team.

It is also the tool from which pacman-mirrors will get the future datafile - which is why pacman-mirrors v5 is mentioned.

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