Add/Remove Software: Remote peer disconnected


I just installed Manjaro Linux KDE Plasma 24.0.8 on my desktop.
The app “Install / Remove Software” cannot be started : comment given : “Remote peer disconnected” !

What to do to solve this problem ?

Thanks in advance for your reply.
Best regards.

I dont really know about this error … but …

What happens if you launch it from the terminal?


Furthermore we could make sure you are fully synced/updated;

sudo pacman-mirrors --continent && sudo pacman -Syu
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That sounds strange - the only thing that comes to mind is the mirrorlist.

To remedy that - see the comment by @cscs

Unless you know what you are doing - I recommend you do not enable AUR in the Add/Remove Software app.

For AUR in general see → [Need-To-Know] About Manjaro and AUR

@lukvdl I’ve edited your topic title to be more clear and concise.

Notice in your menu the application is called Add/Remove Software (aka Pamac). :wink:

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