[Add mirror] New mirror in Armenia

I want to add a mirror I manage to the official mirror list. The mirror is located in the DC of one of the leading DC in Armenia, with excellent connectivity (2GBit channel).
I completed the initial sync and the server is reachable at http_://manjaro.ucom.am/.
The repo is reachable via http_://manjaro.ucom.am, ftp_://manjaro.ucom.am/manjaro/, and rsync://manjaro.ucom.am/manjaro/. It is also possible to enable the push of the packages over RSYNC if there is such an option.
Please let me know what I can do to add it to the official list.
Currently, the mirror is synced from rsync_://mirrorservice.org/repo.manjaro.org/repos/, but I would like to enable direct sync from rsync://repo.manjaro.org/repos
so @philm please allow me to rsync directly.

IPs are:

Creating an issue on GitLab is enough. :wink:

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So the mirror is added to the list, thanks for that.
The only thing left is whitelisting the IPs so the packages are synced directly from manjaro repo.
@philm can you please allocate some time for this?


Any hope to have this mirror whitelisted in rsync://repo.manjaro.org/repos/ ?

@solevi your mirror seems to be down for a few days already. Any info?

For some reason, I did not get a notification about the message.
The server is quite old, so sometimes needs some maintenance.
I already lost hope for a whitelist, so was not logged in for a while.

Any hope for the mirror to be working again? Its down most of the time.
Its actually very useful to have a mirror in Armenia, thanks for your contribution in advance.

The server on which the mirror is running is ancient and started to fail. Right now I am waiting for Ucom to provide another machine to configure. Unfortunately, no ETA.