Add category to i3 morc_menu

I’ve installed the xboard chess game which has several .desktop files in /user/share/applications, but there is no entry appearing in the categorized menu system. How does one add a category for Game?

There should be the config:


The categories listed in the xboard .desktop file are: “Game;BoardGame;”. So I inserted “Game” into the list of desired categories in $HOME/.config/morc_menu/morc_menu_v1.conf and now have a working menu item for xboard. However, I’m puzzled by the list of aliases. The format is [index]=value, where index is the category name taken from the desktop file. Does adding something like [Game]=Foo to the aliases list change the menu entry from Game to Foo? I’ve tried this and I still get Game in the menu.

I’ve done a bit more research and found three config files and one bash script on the file system, each with one occurrence of the aliases list. Changing the aliases list or even deleting the whole line from the config files has no effect on the menu. The only way to add a new alias or modify the alias list is to edit the bash script /usr/bin/morc_menu. However, the config files can be used to modify the desired categories list. This seems to be a bug and needs to be reported.