Accidentally delete /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.system.tray

I was setting up a panel and it started giving issues and in order to remove the widget that caused the issue in the side panel I removed system.tray . How can I restore system tray? I have somehow removed the side panel.

Your title and post content do not appear communicate the same situation.

For the title:

No such file is provided by any package in the repositories.

For the post content:

So you deleted the system tray widget?
And missed the ‘would you like to undo?’ prompt afterwards?
Just add it again.
Right Click on Panel → Add or Manage Widgets.
If you cant do that for some reason you can Right Click on Desktop → Edit Mode → Add Widgets.

From the “Add Widgets” interface search ‘tray’ and select “System Tray”.

What side panel? The ‘add widgets’ one?
Does it never appear again?
Even if you leave the ‘edit mode’, and re-enter it again?

System tray is not in add widgets. I deleted the folder /usr/share/plasma/plasmoid/system-tray

Is there any way I can download it again or restore the folder again?

pacman -Qo /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.systemtray/
/usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.systemtray/ is owned by plasma-workspace 6.2.2-1.0

So re-installing plasma-workspace should return the system tray plasmoid. You can do that via the Pamac GUI, or by running the command sudo pacman -Syu plasma-workspace.

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Thank you so much saviour. This solved the issue :smiley:

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