Access CTRL+C history from CTRL+ALT+F2 on startup

Yesterday I was having a terrible day.

Again, there was a large update. This time i saw a warning to remove something, or else i would break manjaro on restart.

Because I was having a terrible day, I forgot to remove that thing, and so i broke manjaro again.

However, before that happened, hours before, i did highlight what i was told to delete, and I copied it with CTRL+C.

This means that the broken thing that needs to be destroyed is in my copy-paste history.

I can access the command line with the standard CTRL+ALT+F2.

All i need is to find my copy-paste history. How can i find that file in the directory?

I do not know what specific clipboard manager I have. I thought it came default with Manjaro. Its logo is a paperclip, and it usually is pinned to the taskbar at the bottom of my screen.

OR, if you know what i need to delete anyway, and can just tell me the command to delete it, i will accept that too.

Thank you.

For KDE it’s in ~/.local/share/klipper/. I have no idea for GNOME or anything else.

I’m on Xfce. Mine is a different program.

I have a picture of the paperclip icon here, and that’s all i have to go on, but i can’t post pictures here.

According to the official docs, you can use the command xfce4-clipman-history to see the contents of the clipboard history.

Well, in theory, if you have internet in the tty, you can sudo pacman -S xsel xclip and play with them like shown here and here for example.
But in reality, the clippboard does not survive reboot so it is lost.

Unless you have enabled history file, then you can cat ~/.cache/xfce4/clipman/textscr
I cannot remember if it was enabled by default but you can try.

If memory serves, i have rebooted in the past, and CTRL+V did paste something I’d copied before said reboot. So I think that feature is turned on.

If you issued a single command
whether you copy/pasted it or whether you just typed it
it will be in the shell’s history file

I’m not familiar with zsh - but it seems you are using Xfce4
in which case the shell is Bash (unless you explicitly changed it)

If the shell is Bash, you can recall your command history with the command:

The file where this information is stored is:
and you can just as well just look at the contents of that file by opening it in an editor or, for example like this:
less ~/.bash_history
and then just scroll through down to the most recent entries.

With zsh, the command should be the same, just the file name is different:
I believe - but I don’t know.

Except that he is not looking for a command but a text he copied.

Anyways, if the clipman cache is empty or it does not help it will be a good idea to start a new topic to try to solve the actuall boot issue, because this here is kind of XY Problem.

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Warning might be in /var/log/pacman.log

Or there might be something in there that helps you recall what you intended to delete


I’m in pacman.log now. Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of lines here.

Any way i can find a warning, faster than scanning every line from the bottom?

… right - my bad

What has actually taken place is in
as @nikgnomic said

If the clipboard history is somehow lost
only memory / human text pattern recognition might help :person_shrugging:

tac /var/log/pacman.log | less

will list the contents of that file, most recent first - and you can scroll back in time …

There won’t be any warnings in there - it’s just a log of what has actually happened.

The warning was a pop-up in the Add/Remove Software program. Would that fall outside of pacman? Would that instead be Pamac?

What you used would have been pamac - but the log would still be the pacman log.

I think i found something.


That’s in my textsrc file, just like i hoped it would be.

How do i double check if that needs to be removed, and if so, how to I remove it?

Is it installed?

Did it get installed?

Why would you think it should not have been?

what @Teo just said

You do not need to check, it is EOL. Everything linux65-* has to go. Install linux66*

The warbing in pamac specifically warned me to remove 65 myself. I think the new driver is already installed, and it’s clashing with the old one.

How do i kill and remove the old driver?

sudo pacman -Rdd linux65-nvidia

and make sure you kernel 6.6

mhwd-kernel -li

and if 66 is there add the nvidia module (if not you have to install first with sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux66)

sudo pacman -Syu linux66-nvidia
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Target not found.

I may have just given my computer an embolism and now there’s no fixing it. I don’t know.

I’m just back to square one. The thing that i knew would save it didn’t do anything.

When rebooting, and not using tty2, my boot process gets locked at a screen that only says

[ OK ] Started Accounts Service
[ OK ] Finished TLP system startup/shutdown

I can still go into tty2, and access my files, but my graphics are completely borked. That’s all I know.

Any way to completely reset my graphics drivers?