Accelerate pamac update speed

Hello everyone,

I’m wondering if any command option to allow pamac to update with faster multi thread download.

Why: I’ve use a Msys2 latest version, I saw the multi-thread update download likely the pacman has used some type of download acceleration modules to update the system. However with pamac I have been waiting for hours just to update my laptop.

I don’t know it should be a request for a feature of pamac in the future so just posted it here. Anyway I use linux just for fun.

Thanks for considering the issue

open add/remove software, select the 3 dots on the top right, select preferences> type passwd, adjust parallel downloads & select a mirror closer to you.

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Excellent! Thank you very much Kerry

forgot to mention it carries over to cli, cause i don’t use the gui much.
just use pamac in place of pacman.

man pamac for the commands