Okay, in the screenshot below, there is a list of 7 updates that I can’t seem to get rid of. The tray icon is always red, indicating that I have updates, and it’s always this same 7. I have no idea what these updates are, if I even need these, or if it might be some quirky update artifact. I’m just not sure.
Clicking the ignore All Button does nothing. the check boxes turn into trash can icons, and the Apply button grays out, and I can’t do anything. Clicking the individual check boxes causes them to become trash can icons, and I still can’t do anything.
Bear in mind, this has been persistent through the last two major updates, one was just yesterday.
I’ve done command line updates with pacman, refreshed lists, cleared cache and the whole nine.
Here are some system details, if it matters. It’s running as a vm, inside proxmox. It’s been working great for two years now, and now this quirk.
The only thing I haven’t tried is to overtly remove these items. I didn’t want to do that, because I didn’t know if was related to something important. Should I try that, is it safe? What exactly is causing this? I believe it happened before, but after a major system update, it seemed to have corrected itself.
OH…MY…GOODNESS!!! that worked. Scotty65 is the G.O.A.T.!!!
I’ve been getting annoyed for the last few months by that persistent update notification, and it was that simple!
Okay, now that it’s resolved, what caused that, and why doesn’t a regular update, via the software manager update those flatpacks? I have it ticked to update flatpacks in the settings. Also, why does it only work as my user account and not root? Sorry, these questions are showing my ignorance.
I’m really not sure why it happens. I had a quick browse through the Latest Support/Snap/Flatpak topics - Manjaro Linux Forum section, and the persistent updates displaying in Pamac’s GUI seems to be a fairly common issue, but I couldn’t find any definitive answers as to why it happens. All I know is that flatpak update usually fixes it.
AH, okay, that does make sense. That completely resolves the mystery then, as far as I’m concerned. It must fall under the realm of being a bug, or a pseudo bug, of sorts.
I did a quick search myself, before I posted my initial question. I guess I didn’t use the correct phraseology to find the threads covering the issue!