I just updated via pacman and I had to confirm that about 20 KDE packages would get replaced by their git versions. Now the Dolphin locale is in English, although the correct locale is set in the settings. I think it might have something to do with those packages.
Can anyone tell me why the git versions have suddenly become the default?
You must have either installed something that has the -git packages as dependencies, or else you’ve set your mirrors to the Stable-Staging branch. The KDE packages that came with the recent update of the Stable branch are not the -git versions.
Easier way is to check the /var/log/pacman.log
Any replacement of plasma-desktop with plasma-desktop-git, or something like that would have been done with a question and confirmation for replacement.
Unstable just got the KDE Application update to version 20.08.3 from 20.08.2 and Dolphin was among those, but there is no git version of them.
@anon89812132 I confirmed them all because else pacman would not let me update. I am just playing around with expat and pacman -Si. Haven’t found the one that started it yet. Some package must have changed it’s dependency to all the -git packages. This is an excerpt of the log
I don’t mind some bugs. Else I would not be on the Arch branch (or unstable as it is called here). But using git versions for system packages is not a good idea.
I am also having problems with git versions installed as default on a Fresh Manjaro installation, for example ki18n is installed by default as ki18n-git and it conflicts with Digikam and several other apps, there’s no “ki18n” non git in the repositories, I have installed Manjaro version as "stable"repository, and still does not seem to be much difference. As affirmed here, GIT version for default package does not seem to be a good idea no matter if its’ Ark/Manjaro bleeding edge…
There’s tons, the problem is, it’s a fresh Manjaro install, made with latest iso from the oficial manjaro web site, even kde desktop was compiled with the ki18n-git, also until yesterday night ki18n didi not appear on the repository, the only way is to force unninstall ki18n-git and that breaks lot of apps and even the kde desktop enviroment, then install ki18n and “force” reinstall all the affected packages, this should not happen out of the box on a fresh install! I used Manjaro Architect for instalation if it’s specific of Manjaro Architect instalation script I don’t know, but even way it should not happen!