Hi, I recently installed Manjaro and have lots of questions regarding Software and Installation…
*Is it possible to play rocket league online with my friends. I’ve installed Luturis, Proton and wine, and have tried to install it on my own but kept on getting confused. I want to run it off Epic but every time I go to download it I have to download more dependencies that I already should have.
Every time I boot it says No IRQ Handler for Vector (Image of Code) Is this normal?
is there a task manager for Manjaro and is there a way to have it on your desktop (I use the KDE Version)?
When I put Icons on the desktop they don’t work, do I have to download an AUR Package?
Do you have any good suggestions on how to learn to use the konsole better and to learn basic commands (I plan on using Manjaro for awhile)
My Xbox Wireless Controller does not work even with XPAD, I’ve checked and Bluetooth works fine on everything else.
Thanks for any replies, as it will help me a lot over the next few days of getting everything set up!
This problem is often caused by bad APIC tables, it won’t cause serious problems most of the time. If your computer works well, just ignoring them.
There might be many task managers, however, I would like to suggest that to use the top command, for it’s easy to use and commonly existed in almost all Linux distributions.
I’m not well understanding this question. If you want to run a GUI program from the shortcut, you should create it (with an extension name of .desktop) and put such file into the ~/.local/share/applications folder, if the author doesn’t provide one, not just put the icon on the desktop.
I think the advanced bash-scripting guide is a very good book for learning and reference.
Best wishes.
I agree with @realasking. The top command would be best. It’s standard on most systems. From there you can look at things like htop or gtop or some such. However, the closest I’ve found to Windoze’s Task mamager is KSysGuard so you are welcome to give that a go too.
An icon is just that, a picture. So putting an icon on your desktop, well…is putting a picture on your desktop. If you want to have a shortcut to something, that’s quite a different matter. That can be done as @realasking mentioned.
I’ll make a suggestion from personal experience: don’t give yourself an easy way out. Seriously. The human mind will always fall back to the familiar. Don’t give yourself this option.
BTW.: If you ever have to post terminal output here, on the forum, wrap the text in tripple backticks (```). This will change the display formatting to monospace, improving legibility, and thus making it easier to read.
In KDE, ctrl+esc brings up the System Activity Monitor (ksysguard).
How do you put “icons” on the desktop…
If you open the KDE Application Menu/Launcher and right click an application, you are given the option to “Add to Desktop”. When you do that you’ll notice a file was added to $HOME/Deskop/PGM.desktop, where PGM is the application you right clicked.
You can also right click the desktop, there is a menu item “Create New” > “Link to Application”.
You can also drag an application from Dolphin or a folder onto your Desktop. This animated gif is for kde4, but it is similar.
*.desktop is a XDG standard that desktops use. There are specific locations where these files reside. You can read more about them at archlinux.
Assuming you are using the bash shell, this is an excellent online book, The Line Command Line.
Every command has a man page. For example if you want to know more about the options for the ls command, type man ls. You can search the short description of the man system by typing man -k <STRING> (ex: man -k 'list directory').
KDE has some good documentation. You can view it online or go to the KDE Application Menu/Launcher and type “help” in the search text box. In the KDE Help Center type, “konsole”. You can also view this help from Konsole itself by clicking the menu Help > Konsole Handbook. Konsole also provides help via an option, kconsole --help, but it does not have a man page, which is the common way most applications document their options and functionality.
XFCE comes with xfce4-taskmanager I’m sure KDE has something similar ksysguard apparently. If you want some constant overview you can use conky or there is bpytop and glances for extra flash.