Konsole commands

how to learn konsole commands ? is there is documentations or some source ? i searched and searched and didn’t find anything
in windows there is “help” command which tells you all the commands
i need a source or something to learn the commands from

Here you go: Konsole.pdf

Additionally, please find the handbook for the zsh shell here in case that’s useful.


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Additionally, please note that Konsole is just a front-end to a shell. By default zsh in Manjaro, but can also bee set to fish, bash, or any number of other shells.

Hence it would be better to learn the shell language. I suggest bash:


this pdf is not what i wanted because it doesn’t teach commands (i mean the built in commands)
but i found it when i searched for zsh shell as you said and i found a pdf talks about the built in commands
thank you

First you need to laarn how to search - phrase your query - input it into a search engine

linux shell for beginners

built-in commands does not exist like you have with Windows - some commands on Windows are built into the shell - but on Linux there is different shells all with different capabilities - and many commands are in fact utilities provided by different packages.

The package util-linux contains a set of utilities but if you search for a specific utilitiy use the package manager to search for the file e.g.

 pamac search traceroute
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Welcome to the forum! :vulcan_salute:

Please bear in mind that there is no such thing as “konsole commands”. konsole is a (pseudo-)terminal, and the command prompt you see inside the konsole window is put there by the shell. This shell is your command and script interpreter, just like COMMAND.COM or CMD.EXE in Microsoft Windows.

GNU/Linux is a UNIX-family operating system, and UNIX systems have multiple shells. Most of them share a subset of their commands and syntax, but they may differ in many respects.

The default shell within the GUI environment of each of the official Manjaro editions — i.e. Plasma, GNOME and Xfce — is zsh. However, at the system level, Manjaro still uses the tried and trusted GNU bash, which is a POSIX shell.

POSIX is itself a superset of the Single UNIX Specification, which is a set of standards in operation and system design for UNIX. However, UNIX® is also a registered trademark, while POSIX is just an internationally agreed-upon standard, and is a bit broader.

As I wrote above, bash is a fully POSIX-compatible shell, while zsh is not. But zsh is compatible with the original Bourne Shell (sh), upon which bash is based.

You can find online tutorials about zsh, but I would personally advise you to familiarize yourself with bash first, and to take it from there. After all, if you ever have to access your system from a character-mode tty instead of via a terminal window in your graphical environment — and there are many reasons as to why you may need to do this — then the shell you will be using is bash, not zsh.

On the other hand, it also deserves mention that an on-disk executable file can be started from within every shell, because just as with Microsoft Windows, there are commands that are internal to the shell, and external commands, which are simply executable files on your drive. The Windows shells actually go back to MS-DOS and OS/2, and MS-DOS was based off of CP/M, which in turn took some of its inspiration from UNIX. UNIX has been around since 1969 and was initially used only on mainframes and minicomputers — unlike what their name suggests, these were machines that filled up an entire wall — albeit that UNIX has evolved immensely over the years.

Either way, here’s some light reading for you… :stuck_out_tongue:

Also note that there is a special command called man, which will invoke the manual page for every command. The syntax is as follows… :point_down:

man name-of-command

If an external command — i.e. an executable file on your drive — does not have a man page, then you can commonly still get information about its usage via a help function within the command itself, which you can typically invoke with… :point_down:

name-of-command --help

… or… :point_down:

name-of-command -h

man itself also has its own man page, which will teach you how to use it… :point_down:

man man

This is not so different from Windows, compadre, and in fact Windows — or more correctly, MS-DOS — took some of its ideas from UNIX. UNIX shells also have their own built-in commands, and some of those are common to most shells — e.g. ls, echo, et al — while other commands and variables differ between shells. :wink:


In Linux, you can usually find information using the man command (which is short for manual). Think of it as help for linux commands :wink:

Try these, for example:

# Install man if it isn't already installed
sudo pacman -S man
# Ask for the manual of pacman commands
man pacman

And for individual commands, there is likely something useful found using something like:

ls --help

Glad I could help. Cheers.


thank you , this explains alot

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Indeed the topic is way too broad and comments can pass on a lot of info

Just give you some additional grey hairs

 $ which ls

 $ file /usr/bin/ls
/usr/bin/ls: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=7aa8f52223e371fb77314d9a363129574096093b, for GNU/Linux 4.4.0, stripped
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Yes, some commands are available both as shell builtins and as executables on the drive, because the internal commands may not always be available, depending on what shell one uses, and POSIX dictates that they must be present either way.

[aragorn] >  whereis [
[: /usr/bin/[

[aragorn] >  which [

[aragorn] >  type [
[ is a shell builtin

[aragorn] >

Just in case anyone wonders, [ is synonymous to the test command. :wink:

[aragorn] >  test -d ~/Documents && echo "This directory exists"
This directory exists

[aragorn] >  [ -d ~/Documents ] && echo "This directory exists"
This directory exists

[aragorn] >  

For the benefit of Terminal users:

Newbies, beware…

There be dragons here...

:dragon: that obey every command you give them.


Yes, this also needs to be emphasized. UNIX does not interpret your commands in order to ascertain what you want it to do. It literally does whatever you tell it to do.

It’s not like in “The Bold and the Beautiful”, where it asks you “Are you sure about that, Ridge?” and then waits 20 seconds for your reply. :stuck_out_tongue:


Linux knows you shouldn’t hold a gun to your head. It emphasises exactly that. Asks you if you’re sure. And then if you insist, and if you confirm it lets you blow your brains out.

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I think ure looking for the “apropos” command… without the quotes ofc.
if you want to do something about something but not aware of the commands related to it, just type
apropos <the issue/topic> i.e. apropos zip (itll show all the commands regarding zip)
hope it helps :slight_smile:


I must have missed that one…

…but then, I seem to miss all the good ones…

Jenny Starpepper and the Skyfarm Trilogy, Flux In Uranus, Night of the Moths, Prison Hulk 451, The Robot’s Mistress, The Jenny Starpepper Mysteries

But I did see the movie Paul… and that makes up for everything.

My late grandmother used to watch it every day. :wink:

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For a guide to basic navigation and interactivity with a linux terminal or console I have always found the following link to be a decent introduction.

Its an interactive tutorial where you will learn basic commands like ls and cd safely in an emulated terminal on the webpage. It uses zoo animals for the objects/files.

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thank you , this will be usefull

Another free online resource that I recommend for when the OP has become comfortable with basic terminal usage & wants to start writing their own scripts:

Something important to also note is that most (all?) new installations of Manjaro default to zsh instead of bash. This may not impact running basic, one-line, commands from the terminal, but there are some differences between the 2 shells when it comes to running/writing scripts, so a bash script should always begin with #!/bin/bash to ensure it uses the correct shell to run. (A zsh script starts with #!/bin/zsh).

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