KDE Plasma 6 is coming out today. How/when do we update?

I don’t see anything “lucky” about this, I have always used the unstable branch in manjaro and if you look at the composition of this repository you will realize that there are mainly kde, libreoffice and haskell packages. So there are no package conflicts, again I did not suggest using this for those who do not understand what they are doing.
Yes, I saw this topic, oddly enough it didn’t work for me, so I did it differently

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After the kde-unstable this was the next step

I do something similiar - it is a great way of testing Plasma 6

And with my system - completely compatible …

It’s lucky that nothing in extra-testing depends on something from core-testing, which should also be enabled, FYI.

Maybe, but, there just aren’t any packages out there that could depend on core-testing. If I had included core-testing it would have been a complete hybrid system. In any case, I suggest not to pay so much attention to this “disagreement”.

After disabling the floating taskbar, it looks 99.1% the same, without the Wayland bugs.

Everything works well! No Plasma 6 yet though? Hopefully we’ll be seeing that in the next one.

Plasma 6 is not even stable on Arch yet. But it’s good idea to wait for couple rounds of fixes.


Oh, if there are stability issues that’s good then. Plasma 6 was just officially released: I was under the impression a final release that’s no longer RC / Beta should always be stable with all major issues having been found.

Stability (=won’t crash essentially) and stable (=development goals reached) release are not same thing. Stable here points to repository. 6.0.1 is currently in Arch testing repo. It won’t be in Manjaro Stable repo until it reaches Arch Stable repo. While Plasma 6 was released as stable release by KDE, it won’t get adapted to various Linux distro repositories automatically. Distro has to maintain configurations and other relevant settings and compatibility with other packages, fit to release cycle and update policies etc. So it’s much bigger release in that sense than just KDE pushing it out.


Suppose it will take a while to get everything working as it should.

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Maybe we’ll see it soon(ish) in unstable as arch just pushed 6.0.1 to extra.
Btw: 5.27.11 is out as well:


Well kde 6 in the Arch repository has been updated to version 6.0.1 and moved from the extra-testing repository to extra.
@freggel.doe I can’t view this link, is there something important there ?

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I did not realize it was leading to a post in Member Hub (not available for all users).
I’ve edited my post to repost the content.


Yes indeed. That’s why I installed Timeshift on my main home desktop PC. I have a 1TB SSD taped to the side of my computer and plugged into a rear USB jack, and Timeshift set to backup the OS and all hidden contents of “/home/mainuser” (but not the visible contents, which would bloat backup size from about 10GB to about 2TB), once every 2 weeks.

Why 2 weeks? Because it sometimes takes deeply-embedded Plasma bugs that long to manifest. So if I do a Plasma update, and 10 days later I find that that Plasma version is broken, I can time-shift back to a few days before the update.

That being said, I love Plasma, in spite of the occasional insects.

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Wooh, 6.0.1 has just arrived for me! Now for some serious testing…

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Yup, wasnt even paying attention.
Suppose I should turn everything to breeze first. :sweat_smile:

(PS: for qt6-multimedia I went for ffmpeg. Kuz I know someone will ask)


  • As expected some themes and extensions/plasmoids arent compatible 100%, or at all.
  • Also as expected it defaults to wayland, which I wont be testing for now. X11 still selectable and seems to work.
  • And as was mentioned kglobalaccel is discontinued. So if you set shortcuts using that then you must set them again.
  • Seems some icon canonical names have been moved around. So, for example, if you set ‘plasma-symbolic’ as the icon for your application menu, it may be a different icon now.
  • Scaling seems … different. Panel set to 44 pixels on plasma 5, looks a lot larger now, as do icons etc.
  • Lots of menu layout changes and extra options in places … maybe most notably is the floating panel, which can be disabled.
  • X11 session seems to have a slight regression in that windows, when dragged, ‘stutter’ in rendering. This seems an entirely visual glitch that ceases when you stop dragging.
  • Panel has a visual glitch on ~half the sizes that results in a small line on the far right side.
    (I had to find a size that was roughly desirable, didnt produce the glitch, and resulted in ‘smoothly’ rendered icons … which took a little fiddling)

Extra notes … I did switch to breeze Global theme and also did for good measure

rm ~/.config/Trolltech.conf && kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental

Before rebooting.

Then started reapplying things like color.

It seems mostly fine.

[old image]


The qqc2-breeze-style package remains old and is trying to rollback to 5.27.9-1 otherwise no change from arch-testing.

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Test with new user.

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I tested Plasma 6 Wayland on my other device and fixed some issues manually.

  • A white cursor is invisible because its official “Breeze_Snow” cursor theme was removed by Plasma 6. No, but it has been changed to the new name “Breeze_Light”.
    :white_check_mark: [Fixed] You can reset a selected official cursor theme in KDE Setting.

  • GTK cursor does not take this QT6 cursor design
    :white_check_mark: [Fixed] For example I want the theme Breeze_Light:

$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme Breeze_Light
  • GTK cursor size does not respect HiDPI scaling (display resolution: 2880 x 1800, scaling: 150%) when touching some GTK apps.
    :white_check_mark: [Fixed] Move two folders ~/.config/gtk-3.0 and ~/.config/gtk-4.0 including wrong configs to backup

  • Some Electron apps don’t respect QT6 Wayland HiDPI scaling
    :white_check_mark: [Fixed] When using version 27 of electron, edit ~/.config/electron27-flags.conf to add:

  • Some appimages, for example Joplin, do not respect HiDPI scaling again.
    :white_check_mark: [Fixed] Edit ~/.local/share/applications/appimagekit-joplin.desktop to change
Exec=/$HOME/.joplin/Joplin.AppImage %u


  • Some GTK apps in Flatpak do not respect your theme.
    :white_check_mark: [Fixed]
  • All SDDM icons (Login, Shutdown, Reboot) are invisible
    :white_check_mark: [Fixed] Go SDDM setting → Apply Plasma Settings → Reset to Default Settings

  • Konsole breaks nerd-fonts-symbols, but other terminals have no issue.
    The known issue: 478549 – Nerd fonts are not rendered on plasma 6 when using detached font
    :white_check_mark: [Trick] : Install some nerds-fonts packages for example: ttf-hack-nerd, then make Hack Nerd Font" as default font in your profile of Konsole

  • Some icons are missing in the KDE pane
    :white_check_mark: [Fixed] Use default icons “Breeze” instead of custom icons

  • QT5 apps for example octopi does not respect QT6 theme.
    :white_check_mark: [Fixed] [Unstable Update] March 2024 Edition - #84 by medmedin

  • I use dual monitors, but the display setting only shows one monitor (Maybe bug)
    :white_check_mark: [Fixed] Go Display setting → Set Replica to “None” then change any resolution to fix this issue.

  • The SDDM screen does not scale by a factor 1,5 and does not follow KDE display setting
    :white_check_mark: [Fixed] You need to manually edit /etc/sddm.conf.d/kde_settings.conf to add

  • SDDM’s cursor does not respect the SDDM setting /etc/sddm.conf.d/kde_settings.conf with CursorTheme=Breeze_Light
    :white_check_mark: [Fixed] Edit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme to change your cursor theme
[Icon Theme]

If you want to change the cursor size for SDDM, edit /etc/sddm.conf.d/kde_settings.conf


Everything else is fine.

PS: I noticed that some bugs of Plasma 5 have been fixed by Plasma 6 :+1:


These settings may be irrelevant for a number of things.



In whatever case you should make sure to have xdg-desktop-portal-gtk installed.

Along with that you might want to set your portal preference.


# Use xdg-desktop-portal-kde for every portal interface; fallback to gtk; then any