[Stable Update] 2024-03-06 - Kernels, Systemd, KDE Gear, Qt, GNOME, Firefox, Thunderbird

Replace glfw-wayland with extra/glfw?

Say yes.

I’m on Sway, so I can’t guarantee results with other WMs.

I don’t have qt6 installed, should I install it?

It will get installed as a dependency if something you use needs it.

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No issues at all.

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Successful update, no errors :grinning:

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: KDE Plasma 6 is coming out today. How/when do we update?

:: installing nvidia-utils (550.54.14-3) breaks dependency ‘nvidia-utils=545.29.06’ required by linux65-nvidia

You need to install a supported kernel. See:

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The new Remmina 1.4.35 fixed the authentication bug from previous 1.4.34.
At least for my use cases.

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As statet in the post:

IMPORTANT → Linux 6.5 is EOL

Linux 6.5 is EOL and will be removed from the repo.

If you use Linux 6.5 and Nvidia or as virtual machine, it is of great importance, that you install Linux 6.6 to avoid driver problems.

sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux66

I can’t seem to do this.

  sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux66
  :: Synchronizing package databases...
   core is up to date
   extra is up to date
   multilib is up to date
  The following packages are out of date, please update your system first: appstream btrfs-progs c-ares ca-certificates-mozilla confuse conky dav1d docker docker-compose dunst electron25 electron28 element-desktop element-web expat ffmpeg fftw foomatic-db foomatic-db-nonfree foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds foomatic-db-ppds gcr-4 giflib gimp git github-cli glib-networking glslang gnome-keyring gparted gptfdisk graphviz grpc highway hugo ijs imagemagick imath imlib2 jasper kate kdeconnect konsole lib32-expat lib32-libelf lib32-libffi lib32-libnghttp2 lib32-libnghttp3 lib32-mesa lib32-nvidia-utils lib32-xz libadwaita libaio libass libblockdev libbsd libdbusmenu-qt5 libelf libffi libfontenc libgpg-error libgtop libimagequant libjxl libksba libmupdf libnghttp2 libnghttp3 libngtcp2 libnm libnvme libopenmpt libplacebo libpng libreoffice-fresh libsecret libsrtp libunibreak libva-mesa-driver libvpl libwbclient libxcb libxcursor libxdmcp libxnvctrl linux-firmware linux-firmware-whence manjaro-hello mdadm mediainfo mesa mhwd mhwd-db mhwd-nvidia mhwd-nvidia-470xx mpg123 mupdf networkmanager nodejs noto-fonts npm npth nss nvidia-settings nvidia-utils oath-toolkit obs-studio opencl-nvidia openjpeg2 openmpi openssh orc ostree pam pango pciutils pcsclite picom pixman polkit-qt5 prrte pycharm-community-edition pyside6 python-dateutil python-google-auth python-grpcio python-inflect python-mako python-markdown python-numpy python-pillow python-pooch python-pydantic python-pydantic-core python-setuptools python-trove-classifiers python-typing_extensions python-wheel python-wrapt python-zope-interface qca-qt5 qpdf qt5-base qt5-declarative qt6-5compat qt6-base qt6-charts qt6-declarative qt6-imageformats qt6-multimedia qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg qt6-svg qt6-translations rasqal re2 semver shaderc shadow shiboken6 shotcut smbclient snapd spirv-tools squashfuse suitesparse syslog-ng systemd systemd-libs systemd-sysvcompat tailscale thin-provisioning-tools tslib udisks2 util-linux util-linux-libs webkit2gtk xf86-input-elographics xmlsec xorg-fonts-encodings xorg-mkfontscale xorg-xauth xterm xz yajl yay 
  Do you want to continue anyway? [y/N] y
  resolving dependencies...
  looking for conflicting packages...
  error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
  :: installing nvidia-utils (550.54.14-3) breaks dependency 'nvidia-utils=545.29.06' required by lib32-nvidia-utils
  :: installing nvidia-utils (550.54.14-3) breaks dependency 'nvidia-utils=545.29.06' required by linux65-nvidia

Moderator edit: In the future, please use proper formatting: [HowTo] Post command output and file content as formatted text

Remove anything linux65 related first.

thank you for the response.

I removed the ‘nvidia-utils’ and its dependencies, upgrading kernel now.

Do what? I can see two things you should have done. One I’ve done for you…

Read before posting:


A post was split to a new topic: Unison-gui crashes

Somehow, transparency for inactive windows on my Xfce desktop was activated with this update. Annoying because I usually have one reading-from window and one writing-to window open side-by-side. It should have been easy to fix, but I couldn’t remember where, among all the similarly named settings apps, compositing effects can be controlled.

The most promising Settings menu choices are titled: Appearance, Desktop, Display, Settings Manager, Window Manager, Window Manager Tweaks, and Workspaces. And then there are the less promising app titles, such as Manjaro Settings Manager, Kvantum, and Qt5 Settings.

All is fine now, but there should be a punishment for people-who-name-things-inadequately. I found the transparency effects are controlled under the Compositor tab of the Window Manager Tweaks app. Grr!

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After working for a while, my touchpad’s click does not work anymore. I’ve also tested with a mouse and faced the same issue. Disabling all the gnome shell extensions does not prevent this issue!

Thanks for the updates, previously Vivaldi won’t start now it’s fixed. But screen tearing after wakeup still persist.

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A post was split to a new topic: Unable to launch any gtk+ applications


Using aom (libaom-av1) in ffmpeg for generating avif images with film grain keeps failing for some images.