Fresh install, gui is very small

Hello everyone!

Sorry to bother you all but I’d really appreciate some help. I’ve installed Manjaro with Budgie desktop right now and everything seems really small. In System Settings > Display > Scale I can only see the option to go from 100% to 200% (which is too big). Is there any way to custom scale the GUI? I can manage to increase separately font and icon sizes, but that’s not the issue.

Have you already experimented with the screen resolution?

Thank you for your answer! Actually I did, screen resolution is correctly set to 2160x1440 (3:2). If I try to set something lower the screen gets cropped. I see that there is the option to increase the scale of everything, but only from 100% to 200%. I’d need 125%. Is there a configuration file that I could edit to achieve this?

In the mean time, however, I’ve managed to increase almost everything else but the windows icon.

Budgie uses mutter as window manager - no support for fractional scaling.

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Thank you, I didn’t know. Have a nice day!

linux-aarhus is right. Only GNOME supports fractional scaling
(( org.gnome.mutter experimental-features ))
Btw: screen resolution: may be modes (16:9) or (16:10) or (4:3)
the modes with the same (xx:yy) should not be displayed distorted.

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