Xdg-open gives network unreachable error (can't open links in KDE)

I installed Manjaro via architect with unconfigured plasma-desktop (very minimal, not the full plasma package).

$ xdg-open https://google.com
kf.kio.widgets: KRun(0x55e7e95e4900) ERROR (stat): 123   "Could not connect to host google.com:      Network unreachable."
kf.notifications: Audio notification requested, but sound file from notifyrc file was not found, aborting    audio notification

I am unable to open https links outside of my browser, in a libreoffice document, mumble client, etc. I have tried xdg-open and get a network unreachable error at the URL (I am able to open the URL in the browser via copy-paste).

If it is relevant, I have a system wide HTTPS_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY set in /etc/environment which is obeyed by other software without problems.

I have already set firefox as the default web browser in the system settings. What am I missing?

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You might have mixed some thing there. Run this first:
sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Syyu xdg-utils

I’ve given that a go and have the same issue.

I have to set default-url-scheme-handler to firefox with:

xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler http firefox.desktop

KDE/Manjaro does not seem to do this by default when changing default web browser, for whatever reason. Potentially a bug, but not gonna file unless someone else has experienced this on the full plasma install.

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