Will LTS kernel upgrade Manjaro's version the same way the latest non-LTS kernel does

Hi. I am planning to move from linux mint to manjaro kde plasma 21. I heard there is a kernel gui to change kernel in linux manjaro. the default kernel is the latest and it is rolling release. I heard there is no need to reinstall the iso file in rolling release. But i prefer stability over bleeding edge. Assuming i changed the kernel from latest to lts kernel will i need to reinstall iso file every time there is a new version of manjaro or it will automatically refresh itself like rolling release ?
hope so you understand my question (my first forum account , first thread and first topic)

thanks in advance

Hi @justalinuxnormie, and welcome!

Manjaro doesn’t force you to always use the latest kernel, that’s part of the beauty of it. Oh sure, it’s recommended to use the latest one, but it’s not required. If you wish, you can keep on using a kernel that has reached end of life, providing it was installed before reaching end of life. It’s in no way recommended, but it is possible.

That goes for any kernel, normal as well as LTS. I, personally, have the latest two LTS kernels installed. When upgrading, security patches for you currently installed kernels are automatically applied. But the kernel is not replaced.

There is a GUI kernel installer installer, which I used when I just started using Manjaro. I’ve since moved on and now prefer that command-line mhwd-kernel utility. I might be wrong, but it just feels to me as if I’ve got more control with that method.

Hope this helps!

If using a rolling release is frightening or concerning and stability is your emphasis, I would say you are much better off in a debian/ubuntu based environment.

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Thanks @Mirdarthos for the quick response. But my question was slightly different.


“Manjaro is on a rolling release cycle, so you never have to download a new version of Manjaro or worry about your current install reaching its end of life.”

as you see above, the site says that manjaro is rolling release and i do not have to worry to download a new version of it.
lets assume i was using manjaro at the time of 20.2.1 . and at march 24th the latest version of manjaro ; 21 was released. If i were on the latest non-LTS kernel then all i have to do is run “sudo pacman -Syyu” and reboot and i am going to have the latest version of manjaro;
21 Ornara running. But will the same effect take place when I run “sudo pacman -Syyu” in a LTS kernel ?
according to my knowledge, LTS kernel is a bit behind the the latest bleeding edge kernel. And when i was in linux 19.3,
I was in a lts kernel and to upgrade it to linux mint 20, I had to manually download the iso file, make a timeshift and write “sudo apt install mintupgrade” ( a another bunch of commands before that ) to upgrade to 20. Will i need to download the manjaro 21 iso write a bunch of commands with LTS kernel ( the way i did to upgrade linux mint from 19.3 to 20 ) , or will the simple upgrade command is going to upgrade linux manjaro from 20.2.1 to 21 ?
PS - @manyroads thanks for recomendation, but debian’s default look is to old and ubuntu sells its data to amazon ( from what i have heard ). And linux mint is too heavy for my computer.
hope you understand my question

thanks in advance

Manjaro version doesn’t mean ANYTHING, at all. This is just a number in a file.
Manjaro receives continuous updates. That’s it. There is no ‘version’ like for Ubuntu or similar point release operating systems (//EDIT: see it as a reference in time, devs wrote this number at this point in time, then this other number at different time). Your discussion about LTS kernel doesn’t make any sense to me I don’t even think you understand the basic concepts about rolling release operating system, or what LTS means.

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i dont understand the basic concepts of rolling release i know ( i havent used rolling release distro before ) and i do know what LTS kernel means. ( basic stuff atleast ). I am not sure how LTS kernel acts to upgrade command in manjaro and that is what i am asking
PS - sorry @Mirdarthos i wrote the title wrong and hope you understand my question ( bad title i know )

The kernel updates to the latest version available. eg. you are now on 5.10.x so receive updates to 5.10.x until 5.10’s EOL.

welcome to the forum :wave:

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@Hanzel my question is in My second post after @manyroads . The massive paragraph. It is also there at the start of the forum. I hope i have explained my question. thanks for the first one

You already answered yourself.

You just receive updates. If you have kernel XX, then kernel XX receives updates as they come (unless kernel XX doesn’t exist anymore).

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you mean the same goes for the LTS kernel ? ( i was talking about rolling release kernel in the first one )

That is exactly as I said,.

there is

sudo mhwd-kernel -l
available kernels:
   * linux414
   * linux419 (LTS )
   * linux44 ( LTS)
   * linux49 (LTS)
   * linux510 ( LTS)
   * linux511
   * linux512 ( RC)
   * linux54 (LTS) 
   * linux59 ( EOF only for RT)
   * linux54-rt
   * linux59-rt

so for a recent pc , it can be version 5.10 LTS and version 511
version 5.12 is only for RC , not for production

when you update , you update for all version kernel installed

you have the choice on Grub Boot ( Esc → advanced section )
for choose boot kernel

if you see * then it’s version retained from last good boot kernel successful

when kernels 512 Stable will appears and 511 is EOF ,
then kernels 512 will be to add by yourself , and remove 5.11 ( always for EOF ) after

sry dude but i wasnt talking about security patches. I was talking from moving to one version of manjaro to another

There is no Manjaro version, already explained it is a label. Literally one number in a file, just a reference but there is no Manjaro version per say. The ‘version’ in Manjaro is just the state of packages at this point in time. As it is a rolling release operating system, it just receives package updates all the time.

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well, what do you call manjaro ornara
i call it manjaro version 21 for short

OK I’m done this thread is going nowhere.

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forget whatever i wrote above
just tell me one thing -
if i write “sudo pacman -Syyu” on konsole with a LTS kernel on manjaro 20.2.1, after a reboot will i have manjaro 21 ornara ?

my brain hurts actually…

Yes, the kernel version is irrelevant. As others have said you can install whichever kernel you want that is currently supported.

I have 5.11 and 5.10 installed.

Manjaro Settings Manager > Kernel

manjaro-settings-manager -m msm_kernel

If the update includes package manjaro-release that package will change the text in a system file to confirm system has the same package versions as the latest ISO release

cat etc/lsb-release
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