Why there is no app for arch based linuxs?

hello, I’m sure you guys already face the reality that you cant find lots of apps created for the arch, verse than .deb files. I mean there are lots of examples that you can find in the app for fedora and ubuntu but there is no arch one. just want to ask what’s the technical mind behind this ? and what’s the reason?

Talk to the developers of the application(s) in question as it is a developer/distributor decision which platforms to support.

Some applications are build for static distributions and can be a pain for the developers to maintain if they want to support a rolling release.

There is literally thousands of packages for Arch Linux and by inheritance also Manjaro.

Moved to non-technical questions.

The topic is not directly Manjaro related and subject to be closed for the same reason.


so it’s because of the rolling release.
I was wondering why companies don’t develop apps like vscode, nordvpn, brave browser, and a lot more for arch-based operating systems. rolling release make it hard to develop then :thinking:

They available either using build scripts from AUR or from the repo