Where is the cnrdrvcups-lb package?

When I installed my system I used the cnrdrvcups-lb package for my printer as a driver. Maybe it was in the AUR, not sure.
Now, I reinstalled my system and I found that package is disappeared.
What can I do?


I found in another topic when I want to use the AUR I need to install git and base-devel.
As I do that that solved the issue, now I can see that package.

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Hi @ZaeNae,

It is in the AUR:

@ pamac search cnrdrvcups
cnrdrvcups-lb                                                                                                                                                                                                                                AUR
CUPS Canon UFR II LIPSLX CARPS2 printer driver for LBP iR MF ImageCLASS ImageRUNNER Laser Shot i-SENSYS ImagePRESS ADVANCE printers and copiers

…which I’m guessing is still disabled. So it can be easily installed with:

pamac build cnrdrvcups-lb

Hope this helps!

Thank for all replies. Please read my second post in this topic.

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