What's the best ide i can install in manjaro for java programing, python web development and so ...?

i want to use a suitable IDE in manjaro for my programing codes what’s the best i can use or should i use various of them like pycharm and so???

Depends on needs, tastes, etc.

The archwiki has a list


I would highly recommend

pacman -Si code
Repository      : extra
Name            : code

It’s one thing Microsoft actually did right. (aka vscode! Which is really what the package name should be.) I haven’t used it for Java, but I’m sure you can.

Commercial routes would be via Jetbrains, for one of the best, even without considering it has decent Linux support.

Old schoolers use Eclipse (which is also written in Java). I would rather do the above myself, I lived that life enough. it was the best for like a decade, decades ago.

It should not - there are vscode- (and vscodium etc) packages in the AUR.
And visual-studio-code-bin which is what you are describing.

code is

The Open Source build of Visual Studio Code (vscode) editor

as it states right in the description.

Most of what you might want to know can be seen here:

I haven’t worn my developer hat in a few years. Yes, I meant his vscode.

It is a generalized question as there is no one IDE which can do everything and do it well.

It is a lot about preference but also of availability.

JetBrains tools - the community versions - will likely do the job.

  • PyCharm Community
  • IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
  • Android Studio

Visual Studio Code does have a reputation of being extremely modular - but JetBrains has been doing the specialized IDE for a longer time.

JetBrains product is often highly recommended.

However, something oldschool and simpler might better suit someone using terminology like:

As to what is best – that is usually something learnt from some experience with the software generally available. Try everything, until you find something you’re comfortable to work with.

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There is no best IDE, I’ve used nearly all of them at one time or another and it comes down to user preference and requirements.

If you’re a beginner then use whatever your teacher or book recommends.

Many people like the JetBrains products. The free community editions of IntelliJ (Java) and PyCharm (Python) are in the Manjaro repositories and I’d have no problem recommending those to a beginner. Eclipse and Netbeans are two other decent IDEs for Java (and other programming languages).

I do like Code - OSS and use it a lot but there are complications around Microsoft’s licensing of certain extensions (notably the Python one).

It’s hard to believe NetBeans is still kicking. I think that was my first IDE that actually was a GUI. It was a recent purchase by Sun Microsystems then. Of course it’s Apache now, and changed a lot since.

Of course it’s a preference. I know a full time C++ programmer for almost 3 decades, that only uses vim! And I even love vi! But yikes.

And when you look at a list, like in Arch’s list of IDEs. You don’t actually know what you want, and it’s overwhelming. (And the majority are actually a glorified text editor in that list.)

I can’t speak for the accuracy of the infograph, but it’s Java specifically, and seems about right. (Where vscode has only been going up in recent years.)

Three times, I have converted a Java & web development company from Eclipse (or a mix-mash) to one of Jetbrains products. 98+% of the time, developers don’t even know what they are missing out on. And after some pulling teeth, most come around.

At least with all these ones we’re speaking of, they do all the languages you seek. Even the ones advertised as Java (For example, IntelliJ IDEA also does JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, and 250 others. Same with vscode and Eclipse. I haven’t touched NetBeans in a long time, but probably there too.)

I know am in a minority that loves all the advanced features only found in the suite of commercial Jetbrains products. You can even debug/step through JavaScript code, in your browser, using your Java app (if it’s web based, just as one example.) I have fixed problems that have held development teams of over a hundred, for weeks or months, with that alone. (And I was just a consultant not even familiar with their code base.)


  1. Are you just learning Java for the first time?
  2. And do you have experience with other languages?
  3. What are you trying to create. (Short-term, long-term?)

For Python I’ve been using Kate and it has become quite good. After the latest update (20241001) it seems the rendering of doc strings are better. They used to be rendered as Python code, which was, well, tricky to read. Need to work with it a bit more after the recent update to make sure it wasn’t a fluke.
I don’t do Java. I once programmed in <hark-ptui!> C#, similar lingo, but that was years ago.

@cscs (or others)

This thread appears to be a zombie.

It’s not starving for brains, but the OP hasn’t posted since their initial query on August 26.

Perhaps some closure is needed.
