What should I consider before updating Kernel 5.10 - 5.13?

My simplistic interpretation
Anything new to learn will have sometimes points that can seem confusing at first,
I’m learning to use the kernels to better suit my newish hardware,
This is how it worked for this machine,
I felt I had too much built up rubbish on here so reinstalled Manjaro after a few years of trying out a lot of apps, installing and uninstall apps.

New install had kernel 5.10 I had read some reports where it was a bit of not the best, before the Manjaro team sorted a lot of problems out,
So installed 5.4 LTS I knew it worked and if needed it was installed,
Then I’ve got 5.4 LTS and 5.10 just had gone to LTS for the new install
5.10 LTS was often freezing up my machine and journald log was overworking.

added 5.12 ugh improved journald overworking at random a reboot or three sorted that and only freezing up the machine every few days.

As soon as was released added 5.13 it really sorted journald nice and behaved again, only one freeze since installing, ocassionally trying to replicate that has is it two weeks ? checked Pamac history 12 days.
I did remove 5.10 and 5.12 both 3 days ago no rush let everything settle in first
Kept 5.4 and 5.13 both work when the next kernel comes (5.14) along I’ll go to that again like ben81 mentioned it’s what works best with your hardware.

Until another LTS becomes available I’ll sit with what worked on this machine.

With the freezing up ( my main pain ) my way to do that is what I’ve used for round about ten years involves in the system settings change the function of the power button,

This article is a refreshed version and a good read,

Enjoy your Linux/Manjaro drive
Manjaro HUH works