TortoiseHg package is broken

I have both Mercurial and TortoiseHg installed via Pamac.

TortoiseHg used to work until recently.
Now, after some recent updates, it aborts with this error when I try to start it:

No module named 'tortoisehg'
abort: couldn't find tortoisehg libraries in [/usr/bin:/usr/lib/]
(check your install and PYTHONPATH)

The version from TortoiseHg’s official repository works.

Have you tried to rebuild it?

Maybe it’s because of this.

DejaVu - I think … TortoiseHg is not compatible with Mercurial 6.4

history is repeating itself - on mercurial changes - the tortoise hits an obstacle …

 $ sudo pacman -Si mercurial
Repository      : extra
Name            : mercurial
Version         : 6.5-1
Description     : A scalable distributed SCM tool
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : python
Optional Deps   : tk: for the hgk GUI
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 5,78 MiB
Installed Size  : 35,23 MiB
Packager        : Caleb Maclennan <>
Build Date      : fre 07 jul 2023 09:33:32 CEST
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature

mercurial as a tool is available but there is no tortoise in Manjaro official repo - so you will need to rebuild your custom package.

To me, the whole point to using a package manager is that I shouldn’t have to figure out what version of what package has compatibility issues with what other version of what other package.

If you installed python311 from the AUR,

I don’t think I did.

$ pamac info python                                                                                                                                                 Name                  : python
Version               : 3.11.3-2
Description           : Next generation of the python high-level scripting language
URL                   :
Licenses              : custom
Repository            : core <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (*)

(*) That means it’s not from the AUR, right?

Custom packages always comes with a unsupported badge.

Due to the differences between Arch and Manjaro stable - if you rely on custom packages - always run with Manjaro unstable branch.

Yup - python 3.11 is the current system version.

I’d say - you are not supposed to use any of them as they are custom packages - and apparently you keep having issues with custom packages - perhaps because you are using stable branch.

BTW which one of these am I supposed to use?


None, both are unsupported.

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It’s up to you to decide which if any to use.